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1. 心情不好 用英語怎麼說 好像是什麼什麼mood 什麼的

He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to make her laugh out of it.他看出她心情不好,想逗她笑好讓她不再想煩惱的事情。2。You had better not talk to your father about this matter, as he is upset now.你最好不要跟你父親談這件事,因為他現在心情不好。3。 Since she was feeling low, we invited her out for dinner.由于她心情不好,我們邀她一起出去吃晚飯。4。Sometimes i have a blue day ;but I always change this situation by going for a walk. 我常常會心情不好,但我會通過散散步來緩解這樣的心情。5。Please don't make fun of me when I am not feeling well.我心情不好時請不要跟我開玩笑。6。You've put me in a bad temper.你使我心情不好。


2. 如何用英語安慰心情不好的人

1. Pull yourself together.


2. Keep your chin up.


3. Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon.


4. Don't be so miserable!


5. Cheer up! things will work out for the best.


6. Take heart- we'll find a way out.


3. 我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁悶用英語怎麼說

我心情很低落,心情不好,很郁悶。英語是:My mood is very low, the mood is bad, very depressed.


low 英[ləʊ] 美[loʊ]

adj. 低的,矮小的; 樓下的,低洼的; 沮喪的; 下賤的;

adv. 低聲地; 謙卑地; 底下地;

n. 低點; 低水平; 牛的叫聲;

[例句]She put it down on the low table


mood 英[mu:d] 美[mud]

n. 心情; 語氣; 氣氛; 壞心境;

[例句]He is clearly in a good mood today.


depress 英[dɪˈpres] 美[dɪˈprɛs]

vt. 壓下,壓低; 使沮喪; 使蕭條; 使跌價;

[例句]I must admit the state of the country depresses me


4. 表示心情不好的英語句子有哪些

1.心事重重 some thing weighs heavily on one s mindThe boss is quite down these days. He seems to havesomething weighingheavily on his mind。

老板這幾天沉默寡言,看起來好像是心事重重的2.苦苦哀求 press one s suitShe pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her anotherchance。她苦苦哀求丈夫再給她一次機會3.心涼了半截 cool one s ardorLily was head over heels in love with their company s boss and was thinkingof marrying him, butthe news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooledher ardor。

莉莉深深愛上了公司的老板并打算嫁給他,但是當她聽說他玩弄過幾個女孩子之后,她的心都涼了半截。4.受冷落feel left outWho would like to feel left out at such a situation?在這樣的場合上,誰愿意受到冷落那?5.心里特別難受 be sick at heartI felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt。

看到她受到那般傷害我心里特別難受6.為難 be in a pickleI m really in a pickle. I m supposed to buy him a fur coat, but I don thave enough money for suchan item。我真的很為難,我本應該給他買件皮衣,可我沒有那麼多的錢7.心煩意亂 nerves on edgeI don t know what has set my nerves on edge these days。

這幾天不知是什麼事把我搞得心煩意亂的8.頭痛得快炸了a splitting headacheI have a splitting headache。我的頭痛得快炸了。