=in sign of [Source。
Please sign the back of this check and give it to Mary. 麻煩您過來,evidence) 跡象 The sky is clear and there's no sign of rain. 天空晴朗. 標志牌上寫著,狗和其它動物均不得進入兒童區,機會就在你面前. 及物動詞 [+TV programme] (for deaf people) 用手語演播 9. 及物動詞 [足球] [+player] 與…簽約 10. 不及物動詞 (use sign language) 使用手語 11. 不及物動詞 [足球] [player+] 簽約 make a sign 做手勢 a plus/minus sign 正/負號 there'. 名詞 [c] (also. 名詞 [c] (notice) 指示牌 a sign saying ": road sign) 路標 3,上面寫著時速不允許超過60公里,都會要求對方簽署一份婚前協議。
Please, come along, sign this paper and show your support for the campaign. Thank you;. 英鎊的符號是一個手寫體的大寫字母L,然后有一個杠橫穿過來. 簽了那份合同吧. 名詞 [數] [ 音] (symbol) 符號 an equals sign 一個等于號 5. 名詞 [c] (gesture) (with hand etc) 手勢 the V-for-victory sign 代表勝利的V字手勢 4:£壞兆頭 sign one's name 簽名as a sign of? 你注意路標了么,絲毫沒有要下雨的跡象。
6. 請在支票背面簽字,然后把它交給瑪麗,這樣就成了符號. 名詞 [c] [占星術] 星座 7;$" is the international sign for money,在這張紙上簽個名,以示您對運動的支持。
謝謝;No Exit" 一塊寫著“禁止入內”的指示牌 2. 美元符號 “$”是國際通用的貨幣符號。
Have you noticed the road sign saying you should not drive above 60 miles an hour, the sign says that the next one is a S-bend. 路標顯示下一路段是S形彎道。
Many Hollywood stars ask their partner to sign a prenuptial agreement when they get engaged;s no sign of her changing her mind 她沒有任何要改變主意的表示 he was showing signs of improvement 他的身體有好轉的跡象 a sign of the times 時代的特征 it'。
Sign that contract;。
The dollar symbol ". 及物動詞 [+document] 簽署 8..;s a good/bad sign 這是個好/, is a script capital letter L pierced horizontally with an end dash or an equal sign: £。
Be careful。
The symbol for the pound. 很多好萊塢明星在訂婚時, you have the ball at your feet now: nciku_tw ] 作為的表示 The sign says that dogs and other animals are not allowed in the children's area. 名詞 [c/u] (indicationsign 1
sign 1. 名詞 [c] (notice) 指示牌 a sign saying "No Exit" 一塊寫著“禁止入內”的指示牌 2. 名詞 [c] (also: road sign) 路標 3. 名詞 [c] (gesture) (with hand etc) 手勢 the V-for-victory sign 代表勝利的V字手勢 4. 名詞 [數] [ 音] (symbol) 符號 an equals sign 一個等于號 5. 名詞 [c/u] (indication,evidence) 跡象 The sky is clear and there's no sign of rain. 天空晴朗,絲毫沒有要下雨的跡象。
6. 名詞 [c] [占星術] 星座 7. 及物動詞 [+document] 簽署 8. 及物動詞 [+TV programme] (for deaf people) 用手語演播 9. 及物動詞 [足球] [+player] 與…簽約 10. 不及物動詞 (use sign language) 使用手語 11. 不及物動詞 [足球] [player+] 簽約 make a sign 做手勢 a plus/minus sign 正/負號 there's no sign of her changing her mind 她沒有任何要改變主意的表示 he was showing signs of improvement 他的身體有好轉的跡象 a sign of the times 時代的特征 it's a good/bad sign 這是個好/壞兆頭 sign one's name 簽名 as a sign of...=in sign of [Source: nciku_tw ] 作為的表示 The sign says that dogs and other animals are not allowed in the children's area. 標志牌上寫著,狗和其它動物均不得進入兒童區。
Be careful, the sign says that the next one is a S-bend. 路標顯示下一路段是S形彎道。
Many Hollywood stars ask their partner to sign a prenuptial agreement when they get engaged. 很多好萊塢明星在訂婚時,都會要求對方簽署一份婚前協議。
Please, come along, sign this paper and show your support for the campaign. Thank you. 麻煩您過來,在這張紙上簽個名,以示您對運動的支持。
Please sign the back of this check and give it to Mary. 請在支票背面簽字,然后把它交給瑪麗。
Sign that contract, you have the ball at your feet now. 簽了那份合同吧,機會就在你面前。
The symbol for the pound, is a script capital letter L pierced horizontally with an end dash or an equal sign: £. 英鎊的符號是一個手寫體的大寫字母L,然后有一個杠橫穿過來,這樣就成了符號:£。
The dollar symbol "$" is the international sign for money. 美元符號 “$”是國際通用的貨幣符號。
Have you noticed the road sign saying you should not drive above 60 miles an hour? 你注意路標了么,上面寫著時速不允許超過60公里。
string"string",也可以看做字符串常量,亦可以使用char * a接收其首地址,寫作:char a[7] = "";直接書寫char a則是指單個字符a,并非數組;;//以上兩種寫法都是正確的。
char a string" 這個是什么語言的? 在C語言中;;char a[7] = string",數組的定義應該寫為: char * a = "s'"。
雙引號引起來的字符串;a = ;//這種寫法只能存儲單個字符;= '; char * ...
開n次方手寫體和印刷體用√ ̄表示,被開方的數或代數式寫在符號左方v形部分的右邊和符號上方一橫部分的下方共同包圍的區域中,而且能出界;開n次方的n寫在符號√ ̄的左邊,n=2時n可以忽略不寫;若被開方的數或代數式過長,則上方一橫必須延長確保覆蓋下方的被開方數或代數式