八字精批 紫微鬥數 八字合婚 終生運勢


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暴風雪Snowstorm它從昨天一直下到現在,現在外面的地上被一層厚厚的 一望無際的雪覆蓋著。路上有些人正在清理路面。From yesterday until now, now outside of the earth is covered with a thick layer of stretch as far as eye can see snow. The way some people are cleaning up the road.昨天晚上,正在寫作業的時候老師進來叫我們早點回家,我透過窗戶看見外面飄著鵝大雪,我撐著傘沖進了這茫茫的大雪中。Last night, when we are writing homework teacher came in and told us to go home early, I see through the window outside wng large snowflakes, I hold the umbrella into the vast expanse of snow.好不容易回到了家,全身上下都濕透了,冷得我直打顫。Finally returned home, was drenched to the skin, cold I chatter.好大的暴風雪啊!A big storm2008年抗擊暴風雪作文。



This year the snow is really surprising, even under such a long period. I look forward to a first from the arrival of snow, and this snow has become obnoxious.

Now the snow has not as happy as a child. Fear of travel inconvenient, fear Caijie will rise. Never romantic mood to enjoy the dance of winter flying the Wizard.

Yesterday, we Sa Mandaijie braved the storm to turn, at the gates of formation of snowman, the snow feelings Different customs. That afternoon, we walk the thick snow and walk to parks Taxuexinmei Linghu. Park scenery is very beautiful, clean. A land of purity, both static Molai to escape all the troubles missing……抗擊疫情。

We walked all the way, see the roadside shops erected many Snowman, Snowman different demeanor, different expressions,buildsits delight of the owner and Jiangxinduju.

See on the TV news from the snowstorm are: stranded in railway stations, bus stops to beat the migrant workers to return home in the crowded waiting room, plant Kuimei, stranded on the highway in the world of ice and snow in the queue like automobiles, Dongpei vegetables……

The poets are there Jiaqing that the good snow, easing the poets winter with no snow Jiaohe , and they have to be quiet in the snow. Oh, seeking quiet, can rely on nature?

These days, Mandaijie people stumble in the snow walking to work, and the scene was spectacular Wei.


Despite the exotic Xuetian Xuetian there, but I was very keen this sunny spring will come early!抗擊非洲疫情攻堅濺。




我們一路走來,看到路邊的店家搭起了許多雪人,這些雪人態 各異,表情不同,卻都盛滿了主人的情趣和匠心獨具。




盡管雪天有雪天的情調,但我此時卻十分渴望陽光明媚的春天能早些來臨!關于 流感 的作文。
