
解夢佬 0

1. 贊美春wu的句子















2. 描寫雪的英語的優美句子

Description snow good sentence: 1) snow, the snow like Xu general, as general Luhua snow, the snow like dandelion general dance in the air, blown by the wind. 2) the air, the glistening snow-like lightweight butterfly in Dance. 3) overnight snow, the roof of city plot has a thickness of snow, stood on the flat-topped tower Wangchuqu, like rolling snow-capped mountains. 4) along highways, sidewalks snow has melted, only the roofs of back-also left Canxue, like wearing a small white top hat. 5) Air was showing a fluttering snowflakes, small white feathers, like the pear Chuila petals, in-yo. 6) Small snowflakes fluttering in the gentle sounds of the long left behind. Gradually, the small snowflakes changed in a big way, thickening, and crowded. 7) a round, a fall Chuochuo the Xuefei, like countless Chesui a cotton ball rolling down from the sky. 8) window with snowflakes dancing in the sky, just like hundreds of butterflies like toward the window panes, glass and hit some mischievous, Pianpian flying toward the side. 9) glistening snow Whispering in my Shouzhangxin, appears to be transparent, and gradually, it melted. 10) snow, the first on the small Duo Duo snowflakes, as gently fluttering Xu then the heavier, a while Jinshi a while. 11) snow finally stopped, a vast field of white, buildings, mountains covered by snow. Paragraph: "Snow!" Children of the snow as good news to report. The people will lay down their hands could not live, come to the front of the windows, ornamental nature of the gift - snow. Especially in the South, Snow difficult intake, many families regardless of cold, snow seize the opportunity to shoot in the snow-Carnival, in a Snow Memorial. Children are busy with formation of snowman, pinch snowball, Daxuezhang. Clearly, many people like snow. Compared to people encountered heavy rain killed that day, a succession of squally rang out under the scorching sun at the heart of the suffering, Snow is a joy. Snow early, often雪片little too dense, such as wind Qingpiao Xu, with the wind blowing the fierceness of the attack, under the snow of the more, snow is also growing, such as woven into a white net, the height of the far What is invisible on the [/ b]. Like continuous Curtain,直落onto the ground, a return to the light. Fisher, Gaiman the roof, road, breaking the branches, Subduction various objects appearance, blocked roads and transport, the雪片filled fly to the white world dissolved into one. If you are walking on the streets, and soon, it will become a living snowman. Mountain snow has been blown in, as to encapsulate this Bengshan buried the small rooms like. Xiaojiao trees, snow cover kept to the small rooms down. Chawai a hillside in the trees, inverted folded down. Hanru fear all broken voice flutter like, to retreat to the horizon! Wind increasingly larger. Naduo Xiaoyun become a white Nongyun gradually rise up, expanding, and gradually cover over the sky. Coming from under the snow. Suddenly, down from the large pieces of雪片came. Wu Wu and roar of the wind, the storm came. An instant, the Diablo sky became a fight with Xuehai, the all invisible. Increasingly fierce snowstorm, the cold days, the nose and cheek Dongde more powerful, more frequent cold air bottles to skin jacket, the clothes need to wrap a tighter more. Sled sometimes Guangliuliu Lulu scrolled off the ice surface because the ground snow have been blown away. …… I seem to feel that there is a strong light shining on the white wilderness greatly broaden the horizon, low and black roof suddenly disappeared, only to see in all directions Luoxue Formation of a slash of white. …… In the wilderness, and the wind obdurate to all blowing in one direction. …… Right, left, everywhere failed, the ambiguous gray. I would like to find the eyes of the same things fresh, but no: no signs, not a pile of hay, not一堵fence, and nothing can not be everywhere is a snow. …… Seems to be a change in wind direction; while blowing head, going live from the eyes of snowflakes paste; next moment from the coat collar hate to turn heads, and make a mockery of拿它Fumo of my face; while from behind by What holes whirring and yelling. …… When I wanted to stand up and bodies wrapped some more closely, landed on the collar and hat from the snow on the neck, sliding into the Lengde I tremble. Snow has been charged for a couple of days, just to stop the morning, a strong sense of the infinite frozen solidification of the snow surface. …… In the snow underneath, 240 Village Yan Wozhao mine, it seems has disappeared. …… No fire house, and the stones on the same cold, not melting tiles on the thick layer of snow。

3. 寫小動物的句子


這匹高頭大馬,渾身的每個部分都搭配得那麼得當,每塊肌肉都顯示出力量,讓人一看就覺得那麼柔和,那麼健美。 剎那間,“千里雪”平穩地騰到空中,簡直像滑翔一般地飛過了深溝,輕輕地落在對岸,繼續前奔 兔子的耳朵又大又長,只要聽見一點輕微的聲音,就會“唰”地一下豎起來,靈巧地四面轉動,尋找聲音發出的地方,直到聲音沒有了,才恢復常態。

小白兔吃飽了的時候,就仨一群倆一伙地在沙地上跑來跑去,像一個個小雪球在滾動。 小花貓的腦袋圓圓的,頂著一對尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的綠眼睛瞪得像兩盞小綠燈。

小貓“咪咪”的那一雙大耳朵,一天到晚都直豎著,哪個地方有聲音,馬上往那邊轉,活像一架有特殊性能的雷達。 這只花貓的全身是白底黑斑,遠看上去,像一團雪白的棉花點上了幾滴墨汁。


小黑貓長長的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右搖擺。 小貓有一對透亮靈活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁還會變:早晨,像棗核;中午,就成了細線;夜里,卻變成兩只綠燈泡,圓溜溜的,閃閃發光。

小花貓早上起來先伸一下懶腰,然后再坐起來,用兩只前爪在舌尖上舔一點唾沫,像人一樣地洗著臉,再用舌頭不停地舔著自己的毛皮,直到有一點光亮為止。 那條小狗一身金黃色的毛,閃閃發亮,像剛剛擦過油似的。

這只天真可愛的卷毛獅子狗,小黑尾巴一擺動起來,像個滾動的小絨球。 那條小黑狗,一身烏黑發亮的皮毛,就像黑緞子一般油亮光滑;雪白的小爪兒,像4朵梅花;那條撅著的小尾巴,總是悠閑不停地搖擺著。

那黑狗不吼不叫,像一個很有身分的武士,威嚴、老練,一動不動蹲在那里,雄糾糾張開胸脯上絨樣的長毛。 狗的叫聲不像貓的咪咪聲那樣有氣無力,也不像老虎的叫聲那樣恐怖,而是中氣十足,使人聽起來有雄壯干脆的感覺。

這頭大肥豬,屁股溜圓,肚子蠻大,由于脂肪過度豐富,它只得慢慢走著,好像架子很大的老爺。 這只豬吃東西的時候,兩個耳朵像大扇子一樣一扇一扇的,腦袋一顛一顛的,眼睛緊緊地盯著食物。


這匹棗紅馬,長長的鬃毛披散著,跑起來,四只蹄子像不沾地似的。 這匹高頭大馬,渾身的每個部分都搭配得那麼得當,每塊肌肉都顯示出力量,讓人一看就覺得那麼柔和,那麼健美。

剎那間,“千里雪”平穩地騰到空中,簡直像滑翔一般地飛過了深溝,輕輕地落在對岸,繼續前奔。 小毛驢是那樣惹人喜愛,黑眼珠滴滴溜溜亂轉,撒起歡兒來像一只小鹿。


這些奶牛,身上白一塊黑一塊的,好像穿著花棉襖。 這條牛的兩只眼睛像銅鈴一樣大,兩只彎角青里透亮,特別是那一身黃毛,像綢子一樣光亮。

那黑牛性子暴烈、兇惡,兩眼大如乒乓球,紅如火焰,頭上兩只尖角,利如鋒刃。 雪白的羊群撒在碧綠的草原上,像花、像云、像圣潔的哈達。

草原上游蕩的羊群像是一堆堆滾動的白銀。 暴風雪越來越猛,刮得羊群像棉花團似的滾動著。


太陽鳥的嘴巴生得十分奇特,很像一把錐子,又尖又長,略微有點彎曲。 太陽出來了,照在小鳥黃澄澄的羽毛上,全身變得金燦燦的,簡直像神話中的金翅鳥一樣。

到了林中,百鳥的喧鳴,仿佛奏起一曲永不休止的樂章,連微微顫動的樹葉都好像在歌唱著。 金翅雀唱著、跳躍著,有時也撲打著,像一群不知疲倦的孩子,給這幽靜的山莊更增添了情趣。


孔雀那小巧的頭上像插著幾朵翡翠花,展開的彩屏像一把巨大的羽毛扇,一個個黑環,黑、綠、黃相間,像是無數只大眼睛。 只見一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得嘩嘩響,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散開,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美麗。

孔雀飛起來就如同一朵綺麗的綠色彩云,從山頂上飄過。 只見花孔雀拖在尾后的長長的羽毛都挺直起來,圍成一個圓圈,像一把五顏六色的大花傘,又像一塊圓形的彩緞。

孔雀開屏時,猶如一把碧紗宮扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射著光彩,好像無數面小鏡子。 那兒的孔雀多得出奇,路邊上,野地里,三個一群,五個一伙,好像美人兒拖著翠色的長裙子,四處轉游,根本也不避人。

那些天鵝用粉紅色的腳掌劃著湖水向前游,湖面上蕩起一圈圈粼粼的波紋,遠遠望去好像一只只白色的帆船在水中蕩來蕩去,又像天上的朵朵白云映在水面上。 白天鵝。

4. 描寫海南風景的優美英語句子




Coastal landscape: in hainan for the coastline, 1528 kilometers sand bank accounts for about 50-60, hundreds of meters wide beach to thousands of meters, to the sea for 5 degrees slope general, slowly extensions, In most places, such as water is clear, soft, clean flocculants was, The air is fresh, green, Seawater temperature is usually between 18-30 Celsius, sunny, most of the time in a year on the sea, sun, sand bath and shower bath. Today's international tourists like the sun, sea, beach, green, the air, the five key elements of hainan island coast are both. From haikou to three dongya shoreline has more than 60 can monarch seaside resort. There are different types of island coastal scenic seaside scenery features, on the east coast line, there is a special kind of tropical coast - mangrove forest landscape with a tropical peculiar coast landscape, has high - coral reefs of ornamental value. At present, has set up a file in the QiongShanShi fangcheng port and east village lanshi port and clear established four mangrove reserve.山岳、熱帶原始森林:海南島有海拔1000米以上的山峰81座,綿延起伏,山形奇特,氣勢雄偉。頗負盛名有的山頂部成鋸齒狀、形如五指的五指山,氣勢磅礴的鸚歌嶺,奇石疊峰的東山嶺,瀑布飛瀉的太平山,以及七仙嶺、類鋒嶺、吊羅山、霸王嶺等,均是登山旅游和避暑勝地。

海南的山岳最具有特色的是密布著熱帶原始森林,最著名的有樂東縣尖峰嶺、昌江縣霸王嶺、陵水縣吊羅山和瓊中縣五指山等4個熱帶原始森林區,其中以尖峰嶺最為典型。 Tropical forests, mountains, hainan is 1,000 meters above the mountain at an altitude of 81, roll, its unusual shape, momentum majestic. Some of the great part into dentate, shaped like a wuzhishan, majestic stone fold, delighted song ling feng, "the DongShanLing FeiXie waterfalls, and QiXian ling ling feng, DiaoLuoShan, BaWangLing, etc, are mountaineering tourism and summer resort. Hainan island is the most distinctive mountains of tropical forests densely covered, the most famous LeDong county has BaWangLing, LingShuiXian jianfengling, DiaoLuoShan and conunty participates in wuzhishan 4 pristine tropical area, which is the most typical jianfengling.珍禽異獸:為了保護物種,海南已建立若干個野生動物自然保護區和馴養場,其中有昌江縣霸王嶺黑冠長臂猿保護區、東方縣大田坡鹿保護區、萬寧市大洲島(金絲燕)保護區、陵水縣南灣半島獼猴保護區等。

Exotics: in order to protect the species, hainan has established several wildlife reserves and domesticated, there has been BaWangLing black crowned gibbon reserves, Oriental county area, WanNingShi field slope deer JinSiYan island (continents LingShuiXian south bay area), the monkey reserve etc. Peninsula,大河、瀑布、水庫風光:南渡江、昌化江、萬泉河等河流,灘潭相間,蜿蜒有致,河水清澈,是旅游觀景的好地方,尤以聞名全國的“萬泉河風光”最佳。大山深處的小河或山間小溪,洄于深山密林之中,中間大石迭置,瀑布眾多,尤其通什市的太平山瀑布、瓊中縣的百花嶺瀑布、五指山瀑布等久負盛名。

海南島上還有不少水庫,特別是松濤、南扶、長茅、石碌等水庫具湖光山色之美,不是湖泊勝似湖泊。 The river, the waterfall, reservoir NaDuJiang: ChangHuaJiang, scenery, WanQuanHe etc, beach tam, river, water is clear, winding is a good place, junketing to WanQuanHe nationally famous for "best scenery. Deep in the mountains and rivers or mountain stream in the mountains, Hui dense, stone, falls among many stack, especially TongShenShi "falls, the conunty participates flowers ridge waterfalls, wuzhi-shan waterfalls, etc. There are many reservoirs in hainan island, south and, especially, the pines, stone etc with favorable reservoir lake Geneva, beauty is not lakes lakes.火山、溶洞、溫泉:歷史上的火山噴發,在海南島留下了許多死火山口。


5. 描寫外貌的句子的哥哥

1. 他膚色白皙,五官清秀中帶著一抹俊俏,帥氣中又帶著一抹溫柔!他身上散發出來的氣質好復雜,像是各種氣質的混合,但在那些溫柔與帥氣中,又有著他自己獨特的空靈與俊秀!

2. 哥哥心驚肉跳,無處躲藏,臉上一會兒白,一會兒紅,一會兒紫,好像一條變色龍。

3. 哥哥心里像灌了蜜,眉角含笑,連那四方的紫臉膛上隱隱約約的麻瘢也泛著紅光。

4. 哥哥羞愧地紅著臉,眼皮也不敢抬,仿佛一個沒準備好功課的學生,遇到老師抽查的情景。

5. 看到那個大風箏又飛起來了,哥哥心里那個高興勁兒就甭提了,全身每一根汗毛都活躍得跳了起來。

6. 你永遠忘不了他迷離的眼神,你永遠也不懂這眼神中的迷離.這迷離中注定有驛馬欲動的流浪,有風月無邊的情欲,有獨孤求敗的滄桑.這迷離中有太多讓人醉生夢死的凄涼,隱隱約約映著故鄉山莊的花香,這迷離完全背叛了妖艷的盛裝.所謂迷離或許不過是夕陽中影子的舞蹈,不過是戛然而止的傳奇。

7. 他的個頭少說也在一米八以上,一襲略微緊身的黑衣將完美的身材展露無遺,亞麻色的頭發漂亮得讓人咋舌,長著一雙清澈明亮,透著些許孩子氣的眼睛、挺直的鼻梁、光滑的皮膚、薄薄的嘴唇呈現可愛的粉紅色,精致絕美的五官……

8. 他是我的哥哥,一張蘋果似的圓臉,兩邊的臉頰胖乎乎的,細皮嫩肉,摸上去滑滑的,上面長著幾縷烏黑的頭發,前面留了幾條卷發,眉毛粗粗的呈“八字”。一雙水汪汪而又明亮的眼睛鑲嵌在上面,上下兩排眼睫毛向上翹。上面長著挺拔的鼻子。他還有一張大嘴,兩邊嘴唇紅撲撲的,里邊透出兩排潔白的牙齒。臉的兩邊是對招風耳。從遠處看,覺得他挺有活力的,其實他并不愛運動。

9. 我的哥哥,叫蘇鵬程,是我大爺家的孩子。他屬牛,所以脾氣很倔。他長得瘦瘦的,單眼皮,笑的時候就會瞇成一條縫,大大的招風耳,特別討人喜愛。

10. 一到暑假,他就到我家玩。他很淘氣,每天帶著我去公園的假山玩,我們東跑跑,西跑跑,經常弄得褲子到處都是灰。他還經常帶我去抓蜻蜓、蜘蛛、毛毛蟲和蝴蝶,我們用網抓蜻蜓和蝴蝶,用瓶子抓蜘蛛和毛毛蟲。有一次,抓毛毛蟲的時候,他不小心把腿磕破了,讓奶奶用云南白藥抹了抹,又去玩了。