
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語介紹你身邊的一個物品或一只動物,不少于五句話

different people hava different sports goods,but i have some .

the first is my baskball,i often play it when after school,it can make me strong;the second is rope ,i often jump rope before i goto ben,it can let me hava a good sleep;third。..(自己想想喜歡那些運動)i like my sports things very much,i can get many benefits from them.


2. 用英語描述日常物品的詞組和句子


There be:有

There are many books on the shelf.


This equipment includes three parts.


The car I bought yesterday took me 300,000yuan.


It costed me 200yuan to come here by taxi.

Be used for:用來做什麼

This machine is used for cutting trees.

Be made from:用什麼制造的

My bed is made from wood.


Here is the introduction of this air-conditioning.


3. 用表示顏色的詞寫八到十個十個英語句子描述身邊的事物和物品

1. The red rose is so beautiful. 這只紅玫瑰真漂亮2. I like your white shirt. 我喜歡你的白襯衫3. I want to buy a purple sweater. 我想買件紫色毛衣4. The sky is so blue. 天空好藍5. She does't like black coat. 她不喜歡黑色外套6. They spotted the wall with green paint. 他們用綠色涂料裝飾墻壁7. The blue curtains clash against the brown furniture.藍色窗簾與褐色家具很不協調8. Then your flaxen hair in my memory would never fade.而你亞麻色的頭發不曾在記憶中褪色9. Where I grew up they were all grey.在我長大的地方,它們都是灰色的10. The orange blanket is so lovely. 這橘色的毯子真好看。

4. 描述一件物品的英語作文

One possible student version: When it comes to the thing that I treasure most, jumping into my mind is a book, Three days to see. It was a gift from my mother, who is always willing to help me. There was a time when I was addicted to online games. Because of that, my study suffered a lot. Instead of scolding me, Mother gave me a book and asked me to read it. Hardly had I finished a few pages when I was greatly attracted by Helen Keller. Despite her disability, she didn't abandon hope and achieved a lot. It was her determination and courage that made her a huge success. When I finished reading the book, Mother had a talk with me. “e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333361316665You can also accomplish what Helen Keller did.” Mother's words ring in my ears whenever I see the book, inspiring me to face the challenge in life。