
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語寫關于日常交通的句子5個


Walk on the road, walk on the sidewalk; no sidewalk, rely on the road to walk.2、穿越馬路,要聽從交通民警的指揮;要遵守交通規則,做到“綠燈行,紅燈停” 。Across the road, to obey the traffic police command; to comply with the traffic rules, do the green line, the red light stop".3、不要翻越道路中央的安全護欄和隔離墩。

Don't climb the security fence and isolation pier in the middle of the road.4、不要在馬路上學騎自行車;未滿十二歲的兒童,不要騎自行車上街。Don't go to school on the road to ride a bicycle; children under twelve years of age, do not ride a bicycle in Shangjie.5、在沒有交通民警指揮的路段,要學會避讓機動車輛,不與機動車輛爭道搶行。

In the absence of traffic police command section to avoid motor vehicles, motor vehicle road and does not struggle to grab the line。.。

2. 用英語寫關于日常交通的句子5個


Walk on the road, walk on the sidewalk; no sidewalk, rely on the road to walk.

2、穿越馬路,要聽從交通民警的指揮;要遵守交通規則,做到“綠燈行,紅燈停” 。

Across the road, to obey the traffic police command; to comply with the traffic rules, do the green line, the red light stop".


Don't climb the security fence and isolation pier in the middle of the road.


Don't go to school on the road to ride a bicycle; children under twelve years of age, do not ride a bicycle in Shangjie.


In the absence of traffic police command section to avoid motor vehicles, motor vehicle road and does not struggle to grab the line.

3. 用英語描述未來的交通工具

1. The future means of transportation that I assume is a rocket wind speed express train. It has a submersible , still has a flamethrower. While it thinks of a diving, four wheels are twisted with regard to going up , making up a mouth , then, starting protection film , pushing down according to the diving being able to arrive at ocean. Think that it thinks of words dashing to in ground , get angry right away according to gushing note twist, make one's way as razorsharp as rocket. It is still had being able to break ? round flat piece of jade with a hole in its centre up some mist flies upwards earnest ? of H comes across jam , that it flies right away will be such can save much time. Still have alarm on vehicle , be computer-controlled , full-automatic, alarm is able to issue a catcall , comes to warn of the driver drives well if person has forgot to drive because of sleepiness. The future means of transportation that I assume either alternate , or be not to know when ability comes true. Hope can see the automobile that I design on the road on the future the before long!

2. Future , I want to create one kind of means of transportation , it is that one kind of boat resembles. Have a two layer of air-filled building , every layer to have three family on board. The top of the building jacket has the compass and the high power telescope, there are minitype telecamera on telescope. There are forty rooms inside cabin or ship hold, every room maximum firmly can 9 people , every family storeroom having self. The boat edge has wood to protect a fence. Two flanks side of boat has the feather wing that four pair of iron make. There is a pair of falcula in front part on the boat down part , being able to press during the period of shoal water moves the floor , makes whose fleetness go ahead. The boat rear has a pair of web , may beat water surface during the period of deepwater , lets a boat accelerate make one's way speed.

4. 用英語造幾個有關交通工具的句子

The father was trying to repair the broken bicycle.


The captain was trimming the airplane to make a landing.


The dirty car needed a car wash.


Nowadays, more and more people are driving motorcycles.


5. 跪求5句用英語寫的交通規則


第一條 為加強城市交通管理,便利交通運輸,維護交通安全,以適應國家經濟建設的需要,制定本規則。

第二條 機關、軍隊、團體、企業、學校的人員、車輛駕駛員、市民以及臨時來往城市的一切人員,都必須遵守本規則并聽從交通民警的指揮。

第三條 機關、軍隊、團體、企業、學校等部門的車輛管理人員和乘車人員,不準迫使、縱容駕駛人員違犯本規則。

第四條 遇到本規則沒有規定的情況,車輛、行人必須在不妨礙交通安全的原則下通行。

第五條 駕駛車輛,趕、騎牲畜,都必須在道路的右邊行進。

第六條 沒有經過當地公安局的同意,不準占用人行道、車行道或進行其他妨礙交通的活動。

第七條 鐵道與街道交叉的路口,必須安裝護欄等安全設備。


Article 1 in order to strengthen urban traffic management, convenient transportation, maintain traffic safety, to adapt to the needs of the national economic construction, these rules have been formulated.

Article 2 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises and school personnel, vehicles, drivers, citizens and temporary all personnel, associate city must abide by the rules and obey the traffic police command.

Article 3 organs, armed forces, organizations, enterprises, schools of various departments such as vehicle management personnel and driving personnel, no forced and conniving violates the rules professional drivers who.

Article 4 meet this rules and no provisions of, vehicles, pedestrians must not interfere with under the principle of traffic safety traffic.

Article 5 driving vehicles, cast, riding a beast, it must be in road on the right side of the road.

Article 6 without the consent of the local public security bureau, no sidewalks, roadway or other impede traffic activities.

Article 7 the railroad and street intersection, cross must be installed a guardrail etc. Safety equipment.

6. 用英語造幾個有關交通工具的句子

The father was trying to repair the broken bicycle.


The captain was trimming the airplane to make a landing.


The dirty car needed a car wash.


Nowadays, more and more people are driving motorcycles.


7. 簡單地用英文描述一下交通規則,不少于三句

1. Always buckle up. 永遠系好安全帶。

2. Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上!

3. Never drunk drive! 決不酒后駕駛!4. You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停車標志前,你永遠要停。

5. In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way. 在過街人行道上,行人有先行權。

8. 幫忙用英語介紹一種交通工具


ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救護車

bike / baik/ 自行車

bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行車

motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托車

cart / ka:t/ 二輪馬車

carriage / 5kAridV/ 四輪馬車

car / ka:/ 小汽車

jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普車

tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉機

lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡車

truck / trQk/ 卡車

bus / bQs/ 大客車

coach / kEutF/ 大客車

van / vAn/ 廂式貨車

taxi / 5tAksi/ 計程汽車,出租汽車

subway / 5sQbwei/ 地鐵

railway / 5reilwei/ 鐵路

train / trein/ 火車

locomotive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火車頭

express / iks5pres/ 快客列車

boat / bEut/ 小船

ship / Fip/ 船

yacht / jRt/ 游船

vessel / 5vesl/ 大船

warship / 5wR:Fip/ 軍艦

aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飛機

plane / plein/ 飛機

aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飛機

airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飛機

jet / dVet/ 噴氣飛機

spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飛船

space shuttle / / 航天飛機

helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飛機