
解夢佬 0

1. 英語中的肯定(否定)句怎樣改

肯定句變否定句的基本方法 1. 動詞be的否定式 動詞be根據不同的人稱和時態可以有am, is, are, was, were等不同形式,可用作連系動詞(表示“是”、“在”等)和助動詞(用于構成進行時態和被動語態等),但不管何種情況,構成否定式時,一律在其后加not:I'm old, but you're young. 我老了,但你還年輕。

→I'm not old, but you're not young. 我還不老,但你不年輕了。He was reading and I was writing. 他在讀,我在寫。

→He was not reading and I was not writing. 他沒有在讀,我沒有在寫。 2. 動詞have的否定式 動詞have根據不同的人稱和時態可以有have, has, had等形式,可以用作實意動詞和助動詞,分以下情況討論:1.用作實意動詞表示狀態,如表示擁有、患病或用于have to表示“必須”等,在構成否定式時可以直接在其后加not,也可根據情況在其前使用don't, doesn't, didn't:He has a car. 他有輛小汽車。

→He hasn't a car. / He doesn't have a car. 他沒有小汽車。He had some dictionaries. 他有一些詞典。

→He hadn't any dictionaries. / He didn't have any dictionaries. 他沒有詞典。You have to go with him. 你必須同他一起去。

→You haven't to go with him. / You don't have to go with him. 你不必同他一起去。【注】have to構成否定式時以在其前加don't等較為常見。

2.用作實意動詞表示動作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“拿(=take)”、“收到(=receive)”、“度過(=spend)”等,構成否定式時不能直接在其后加not,而應根據情況在其前使用don't, doesn't, didn't:He had some cake for breakfast. 他早餐吃了些蛋糕。→He didn't have any cake for breakfast. 他早餐沒有吃蛋糕。

(不能用had not) We had a good holiday. 我們的假期過得很愉快。→We didn't have a good holiday. 我們的假期過得不愉快。

(不能用had not)3.用作助動詞構成完成時態,其否定式只能在其后加not:I have read the book. 我讀這本書。→I have not read the book. 我還沒讀這本書。

He had left when I arrived. 我到達時他已離開了。→He hadn't left when I arrived. 我到達時他還沒有離開。

三、情態動詞的否定式 情態動詞的否定式一般在其后加not構成:I can finish the work in an hour. 我能在1小時內完成這工作。→I can't finish the work in an hour. 我不能在1小時內完成這工作。

You must go with us. 你必須同我們一起去。→You mustn't go with us. 你不能同我們一起去。

We should help them. 我們應該幫助他們。→We shouldn't help them. 我們不必幫助他們。

四、實意動詞的否定式 一般實意動詞的否定式,通常應根據不同時態和人稱在實意動詞之前加don't, doesn't, didn't等:He works in a bank. 他在一家銀行工作。→He doesn't work in a bank. 他不是在銀行工作。

We often hear from her. 我們經常收到她的來信。→We don't often hear from her. 我們不經常收到她的來信。

I met her at the station. 我在車站見到了她。→I didn't meet her at the station. 我在車站沒見到她。

2. 英語中表示否定的詞有哪些

一、顯形否定常用否定詞no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither, nor,neither。

nor,but,without,unless,but for,but that,in the absence of,regardless of, instead of,exclusive of,short of,rather than,anything but,any more than,out of the question,would no more。than由a-,dis-,il-,im-,ir-,un-,non-,anti-,mal-,under-等前綴及-less,-free,-proof等后綴合成的否定詞hardly,scarcely,barely,little,few,seldom等半否定詞avoid,ban,call off,cancel,deny,deprive,exclude,escape,evade,forbid,free。

from,free from/of,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,naught,neglect, prohibit,quit, refuse,rid,rule out,stop以及above,against,beneath,beyond,far from,off,out of,past和absent,bad,bare, empty, last, poor,vaccant等可用于表達否定概念的詞.1) 這類否定句要注意如下三個問題:否定程度的強弱,說話者的態度以及否定句式表肯定概念但有些否定詞的位置不同,含義也不同.這類詞還有 advise,tell,ask,require,request,pretend 等.3)部分否定(或不完全否定)除了上述c)類詞以外,當all,both,every,everything,everybody,everywhere,always,often,completely, wholly,entirely,necessarily 與not 連用時,也表示部分否定:另外,d)類詞屬多義詞,必須多加小心,尤其是beyond等介詞,要注意其搭配關系.beyond: ~ expectation(出乎意料), ~ debate / controversy(無可爭議,無疑的), ~ dispute(無可辯駁),~ description(無法描述),~ cure(不可救藥),~ one誷 grasp or conception(不可理解), ~ control (無法控制), ~ belief(難以置信),~ all comparison(不能相提并論,不能相比)out of: ~ sight(看不見),~ humour(不高興),~ breath (喘不過氣來), ~ cash(沒有錢),~ mind(不去想),~ bounds(不準進入), ~ date / style / fashion(過時,不時髦),~ work(失業),~ danger(脫離危險)beneath criticism(不值得批評);past repair(無法修補),past all belief(不可思議);off one誷 mind (不放在心上),off colour(精神不好,身體不舒服)常用否定句型1)too。to。


2)stop (prevent,keep,hinder,protect,save,prohibit,dissuade。)。


3. 英語中 如果有肯定也有否定 怎麼表示 也是

當句子中出現肯定和否定, 或者有不同的動詞出現在同一句中,第二句想要表達“某人也一樣”時,用句型:so it is with sb.如:

Tom likes sports, but he doesn't like music. So it is with Tim.

Tim missed the bus and was late for school, and so it was with Tom.

歡迎提問,樂意解答;愿你滿意, 望你采納。

4. 【關于一個英語的雙重否定變肯定的.Neither用法.如果想表達“他沒有

neither of是指“兩者都不”,表示否定,所以第一個句子的表達不是雙重否定變肯定,而是一個不正確的句子.應該改為“He could answer neither of the questions which(that)I asked ".后面不用of,這是定語從句,又是另外一個知識點了.而either of 是指”兩個中的任何一個”,表示肯定,所以后面的句子可以寫成“He could not answer either of the questions which(that) I asked.希望你已經明白了.。