
解夢佬 0

1. 英語作文:假如穿梭到未來會發生什麼不可思議的事情

If I had a time machine,I will do it with so many things,to let everyone in the world to me greatly!

If I had a time machine,I will go back to Huang Di and the demon emperor ghost over before the great war,have a look at the science and technology is what kind of,Huang Di is it right?A four headed monster,now found Chi Youling and Lei Zu Ling are so spectacular,and that,in 100 years,have built finish,so that is the science and technology must be developed.

If I had a time machine,I will go back to Qu Yuan jumped to the nearby river,hid in a stone,until Qu Yuan jumped in the river,I went to pull him in,don't let him jump.

If I had a time machine,I will go back to a long time ago the Mayan tribes there,have a look what they predicted the end of the world,2012 what is it right?.

If I had a time machine,I will go back to before World War I,go to the place where Hitler lives,use the dagger to kill him,does not lead to destruction of world war.

If I had a time machine.

I will work,but time machine hasn't made,so I must work hard,make efforts,later invented the time machine.








2. 用英文寫5個關于中國未來的句子

In future, China will be stronger and stronger.

The people in China will be happier and happier.

The life in China will be better and better.

Everyone will get a good and relaxing job.

The robot will do difficult work.

.People will work three days a week.

3. 用英文說說自己的未來(五句話)

My future


What do I want to do when I'm older ? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a writer and to make the writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because they like teaching children.i want to be a teacher. because i like children


4. 關于未來的英語作文

太長要前兩段 或者第一段即可

An Outlook on Future

What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people's beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress.

5. 帶有好處和壞處的一天英語作文

您好:Whenever one person is asked,"What are you going to do this

summer?" The most probable answer might be "I am going to have a

travel." It sounds that many people are fond of travelling.Why?Because

travel has numerous advantages.

First of all,travel can widen our

knowledge of geography,the knowledge of customs,cultures and lifestyles

of different places and countries.Secondly,we can make friends and

practise a foreign language through travelling.Finally,travel is the

best way of pastime.We can enjoy eating various food and seeing

beautiful sceneries.

In a word,we can benefit from travel in more than one way.It is worth spending the time.





6. 寫10個關于未來預測的英語句子

1.Looking forward to the future,we will find our life will be better and better . 2.We can receive better education even online at home. 3.Intelligent robots can do what is required for us at home. 5.Yet there's also something bad, we'll have to store more rubbish onto other stars. We can do shopping ,see doctors without leaving home Before we reach home, we can ask intelligent robots to get everything ready for us.


7. 把古代優美的句子用英文說出來~

There are some people in life that you can't get over.人生總有些人,忘不了,戒不掉.It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.長大,成為你自己,是件需要很大勇氣的事情。

It's okay to have flaws, which make you real.有點缺點沒關系,這樣才真實。If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.如果沒有相等的愛,那就讓我愛多一些吧。

Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back.人生很簡單,做了決定就不要后悔What other people think of you is none of your business.別人愛怎麼想那是他們的事,你就是你。Couldn't hold back my tears, still strong smile.忍不住流下眼淚,還堅強的笑著。

Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.不要放棄任何人,奇跡每天都會發生。I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.我裝作一切都無所謂,雖然我已心力交瘁。

The past is all gone.Being happy is the top priority.過去了就過去了,重要的是自己要快樂。I`m a slow walker, but I never walk back.我走得不快,但決不走回頭路。

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.愛情就像沙漏,心滿了,腦子就空了。If in the heart will feel sad, then please smile to let go.如果放在心里會覺得難過,那麼就請微笑著放手吧。

When you find the best, the past really means nothing.當你找到了最好的那個,以往的真的都不重要了。Love, is own complete, I do not lack of what.愛情,是自身的圓滿,我不再缺少些符號甚麼了。

Respect from others come from self-respect.別人的尊重來自于自重。The past and butter. In the future, not to.過去的過不去。

未來的未曾來。Being nice to someone you hate isn&39;s called growing up。

友善地對待你討厭的人,并不是兩面三刀,而是成熟的表現。I didn't miss only tube would I want to TianYa want to cape.我沒有留戀,盡管我會想去天崖想去海角。

Life without a friend is wasted.沒有友誼的滋潤灌溉,生命只是一種浪費。Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.從沒犯過錯誤的人,你別指望他有任何創造。

It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.世界這麼大,能遇見,不容易。A person, be good to yourself; Two person, treat each other.一個人時,善待自己;兩個人時,善待對方。

How much can we wait for in life?You don&39;t wait for you.人生能有幾多可等,你不挽回我,我等不了你Any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple.任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,總是能夠變得簡單。Don't try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to。

無須強求,最美好的總會在不經意間出現Life is like a one way street, none of them leads back.人生就像一條單行道,一去不復返。The past thing we can unforget,but we should put down.過去的事可以不忘記,但我們應把它放下。

If you can get happiness in this lifetime, who may displaced.此生若能得幸福安穩,誰又愿顛沛流離。Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination.你對我的一點點好,都會動搖我的決心。

We are so busy watching out for www.fuhao.la take time.我們是如此的擔心著未來可能會發生的事情.Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round.你那麼平凡的名字卻影響我那麼多的情緒……And I can\'t put down, is because I have not.凡我放不下的,必是因為我擁有不了的。Too many people have good acting, but do not know in acting.太多人有太好的演技,卻不知道在演戲。