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1. 寫六個形容班級的英語句子

1.I'm the best English learner in my class. 2.I do best at learning English in my class. 3.I master English best in my class. 4.I learn English better than others in my class. 5.I learn English better than any other students in my class. 6.I do better than others in my class in English.。

2. 寫六個形容班級的英語句子

1.I'm the best English learner in my class. 2.I do best at learning English in my class. 3.I master English best in my class. 4.I learn English better than others in my class. 5.I learn English better than any other students in my class. 6.I do better than others in my class in English.。

3. 我的班級 英語作文 帶翻譯







但是過后過錯一方知道錯后馬上會道歉,又成了并肩作戰的好朋友,我們班是團結的,因為團結力量大。 在這個溫暖的大家庭中,同學們快樂地成長著不僅學到了知識,明白了道理,還結交了朋友,是多麼令人開心。

這就是我的班級,我愛班級里的每一個成員!!!翻譯: My class is a competitive, trust, friendly class. It's a united family, there has ?? lovely children in the family. someone is naughty, another is quiet,maybe intelligent,maybe active,therefore everyone has a lovely face. Everyone has a fairy tale beautiful dream. Our dreams can be ambitious, some want to be a doctor, a plane, a scientist, a headmaster, or run a plant 。 In our class ,we have competitions,in our study we race each other, no one wants to be failing, as long as there is a man behind, there will be someone to help him make up.We are also trust between schoolmates. For example: " if a student forgot to bring a pen, another classmate will lend him. " Trust is like a wisp of spring breeze, warms our whole class. Help each other, march forward courageously. Although classmates sometimes will occur frictions,for example sometimes fights, and intense discussions and arguments. But after the innocent party who knows wrong will immediately apologizes, and then will be side by side good friends, our class is united, because the strength of unity. In this warm big family, the students are happy to grow with not only knowledge, also understanding the truth, and still making friends, how to be happy with my family. This is my class, I love every member of the class members!!! 您咋不早說是個句子呢!~~~~暈。


翻譯:My class has naughty students, but also has lovely classmates, and considerate teachers. I really want to be in this class all the time.。