
解夢佬 0

1. 英語在線改錯希望你們能幫我,51

51.A small thief entered into my room and my room was stolen last night.into去掉52.I would like a single room to live and study.live后加in53.I am sorry for my abrupt departure that day,for I received a telephone that day asking me to return back home immediately.return改成go 54.I and my sister like pets very much.Therefore we strongly against the ban on pet-raising.we后面加are55.They maybe very busy so that they can not spare some time for their aged parents.maybe改成may be56.The curve rose upward sharply in the past few days.rose改成raised57.After three days' meeting,we drew a final conclusion that Tom is a dishonest man.is改成was58.In present-day society,cultures were becoming very similar.were改成are59.This incident reflected the decline of team sports in today's universities.60.The problem that are created by environmental pollution is very hard to resolve.are改成is61.Rasing standards of literacy are the government's priority.are改成is62.Parenting,which are a stressful job,has been increasingly valued by society.are改成is63.A marked character of cooperative learning is that personal success only springs from.from后加it64.Those who overweight are potential patients for heart attacks.for改成of65.In China has more than 100 million suscribers to cable television.has改成there are66.The main role of a teacher is teaching the students the knowledge.the去掉67.people wit same experience should be paid same.第一個same前加the68.The purpose of this reform is to increas living standards.increase改成improve69.Tourism has instead of agriculture as the main industry in many places.instead 改成taken part 70.Many problems are certain to rise if children are given unlimited internet access.rise改成be rose71.Employee can benefit more from telecommuting thah employer.can后面加be72.Tv play a role in education in our daily.play改成plays daily后加life73.Playing games don't need people's creativity.don't改成doesn't74.TV can educating us in our daily lives.educating改成educate75.It can avoid children from the pollution of unhealthy affection.avoid改成keep76.More and more young people studying abroad.studying改成study77.More and more students continues their studies go abroad.continues改成continue78.There are more and more students go abroad to continue their studies.go改成going79.Nowadays the quality of students who is studying abroad is becoming more and more.第一個is改成are80.Nowadays the number of young people going abroad for further study is increasing.沒錯81.The young people who studies abroad nowadays is getting more and more.studies改成study is改成are82.To learn English well,much practice is necessary.much改成more83.Heated,we can make water into stream.heated改成heating84.After reading the letter,my heart was beating fast.沒錯85.Afraid to eat any more seafood,the waiter removed it from his dish.。

2. 在線英語改錯每一行有一個錯誤

1 are 改為 is (exchanging動名詞作主語 視為單數)2 they改為it(理由同上)3 way改為ways(one of……什麼什麼之一 所接名詞都要復數)4 spend改為cost(spend只能人作主語.該句主語為presents 故用cost)5 made much之間加入is(you have made可以看作插入語 只是修飾作用 is才是真正的謂語)6 make改為 in making或 on (spend的固定用法:spend + time+ on/in doing sth.)7 似乎沒錯……8 yours 改為your(名詞所有格)9 恩 lx正解 good 改為well(你同學一定會很了解你)10 you后加to (expect sb to do sth.)一般改錯題都是有一行沒錯的 你對答案吧~~。