
解夢佬 0

1. 興奮喜悅激動心情句子


喜出望外 喜上眉梢 喜形于色、喜不自勝、喜不自禁、喜眉笑眼、喜氣洋洋、喜笑顏開、笑逐顏開、心曠神怡、心滿意足、心情舒暢、心醉神迷、心花怒放、樂樂陶陶、其樂融融、樂以忘憂、樂不可支、欣喜若狂 歡欣鼓舞、興高采烈、歡天喜地、欣喜若狂、歡欣踴躍、春風得意、眉飛色舞、眉開眼笑、俊不禁、喜出望外、喜氣洋洋、喜笑顏開、喜形于色、手舞足蹈、心花怒放、喜不自勝、樂不可支、興高采烈.喜出望外.喜笑顏開.欣喜若狂.心花怒放.笑逐顏開.眉開眼笑.手舞足蹈.眉飛色舞.喜上眉梢.捧腹大笑. 笑容可掬.大喜過望.歡天喜地.喜從天降 神采奕奕 神采飛揚 洋洋得意


欣喜 得意

2. 關于情緒英語句子

關于情緒英語句子情緒是emotion句子是:Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn 雷諾茲已經不知道什麼是快樂。

Her voice trembled with emotion. 她的聲音因情緒激動而顫抖。Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason. 如何將理智和情感分開幾乎可以說是他們所上的第一課。

3. 求表達心情興奮的排比句200字的求表達心情興奮的排比句200字

興奮是海洋,是可以讓魚兒們歡騰的海洋;興奮是游樂場,是可以讓孩子們盡情放松的地方.興奮是大家最渴望的;興奮是孩子們最開心的;興奮是世界上所有生命的,放松的,開心的自由世界.有了興奮,傷心消失;有了興奮,世界將更會永遠美好!興奮是什麼?興奮是什麼?興奮是什麼?興奮是在幫助他人之后的喜悅;興奮是在成功后的自豪;興奮是是在取得好成績后的激動;興奮是.興奮是孩子們臉上的笑容,興奮是孩子們幫助別人后喜悅,興奮還是交啦好朋友時的愉悅 因為幫助別人,我興奮;因為自覺保護環境,我興奮;因為我做了有意義的事,所以我興奮. 我興奮,因為豐衣足食;我興奮,因為有愛我的家人;我興奮,因為生活給與我很多.感謝生活吧。

4. 求表達各種感覺的英語好句,高中英語,比如說很高興、很難過、很興


I'm glad/happy to see you again.

I'm delighted at your success/to hear of your success/that you succeeded.


難過又好多好多表達,程度深的就可以稱為沮喪了 最簡單的如 i feel upset (更多用于沮喪的時候)/miserable (痛苦,但是也有傷心的意思,程度較深)/sad/uphappy。 或者 I am sorry you feel sad. 抱歉,讓你傷心了。

He became so excited that he almost burst a blood vessel.


Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience.


We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach.



I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.


I realized they wanted to be alone together so I felt very awkward.


I appreciate his poetic utterances.


We enjoyed the beauty of nature.


I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.


you are bloody mean/niggardly/ parsimonious,coz you only offer 5 reward points on this tough question。

5. 感到興奮寫6句英語短文

Next week an English speaking contest will be held in the city. A classmate of mine and I will take part in it on behalf of my school. I am excited but also mervous, because it is a good chance to improve my English. But I have no experience. Although I have been preparing for the contest, I am still not confident. As an expert in English, what would you advise me to prepare for the contest?

I plan to pay a visit to you this Saturday morning. I wonder whether you will be free then. If not, could you tell me the time that is convenient for you? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help.