
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語說網絡的好處和壞處

Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it.But every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages. The details are as follows.On one hand,INTERNET has many advantages.We usually search information or send E-mails for study for it can rise the working efficient.Online-shopping is a new and convenient way to buy things so that it is also popular among the young people.So we can inferm that the INTERNER has a lot of advantages.On the other hand,INTERNET also has many poor sides.Spending so many time on online games is almost the worst.The result is that people may find they have less interest in the work and study and than getting in a poor circle.Another aspect is that lacking the face-to-face communication,the chatting and trade on the INTERNET become less and less believeable.So we can inferm that INTERNET has many disadvantages.As the reasons concluded above, the INTERNET has both advantages and disadvantages.Only when we accept the postive aspects and get rid of the poor ones,the INTERNET will be our true and reliable friend. Nowadays many people have their own computers and can surf online happily.We all know that internet can give us many benifits.However,we can also see that it bring some bad things to our world,too.There are many video games online that make the young crazy about them.And a lot of students spend too much time chatting online in front of the computer.They often leave the homework there and play video game all the time.Therefore,we should use the internet properly and study hard in life.。

2. 用英語說網絡的好處和壞處

Nowadays,INTERNET is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it.But every coin has 2 sides,INTERNET also has many disadvantages. The details are as follows.

On one hand,INTERNET has many advantages.We usually search information or send E-mails for study for it can rise the working efficient.Online-shopping is a new and convenient way to buy things so that it is also popular among the young people.So we can inferm that the INTERNER has a lot of advantages.

On the other hand,INTERNET also has many poor sides.Spending so many time on online games is almost the worst.The result is that people may find they have less interest in the work and study and than getting in a poor circle.Another aspect is that lacking the face-to-face communication,the chatting and trade on the INTERNET become less and less believeable.So we can inferm that INTERNET has many disadvantages.

As the reasons concluded above, the INTERNET has both advantages and disadvantages.Only when we accept the postive aspects and get rid of the poor ones,the INTERNET will be our true and reliable friend.

Nowadays many people have their own computers and can surf online happily.We all know that internet can give us many benifits.However,we can also see that it bring some bad things to our world,too.

There are many video games online that make the young crazy about them.And a lot of students spend too much time chatting online in front of the computer.They often leave the homework there and play video game all the time.

Therefore,we should use the internet properly and study hard in life.

3. 用英語寫網絡的壞處和好處

With the development of the science and technology,the computer has been becoing the necessity for people in the 21st Century.Following,network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work.

Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current events.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability.

However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on.Duo to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.

In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together.

4. 網絡的好處和壞處(英文作文)

The computer plays the vital role in ours life, the computer may help us to handle very many matters: The data computation, the study entertainment, the office automation, the control production, draws money automatically, long-distance correspondence 。

The computer news fast development promoted its popularization. Now besides the personal computing which finds at everywhere, each kind of portable portable computer also arises at the historic moment. The computer is playing the very major role in ours life. Cannot have in us when question, we may access the net the consult material, some quite big data may use the computer to calculate 。

We may learn very many knowledge in the computer The computer also has many is bad, if to the elementary student, I wants to say plays the computer the question. Now the family economical level enhanced, the elementary student vision dropped actually, this is plays the computer the fault. The advantage very are also many, for example chats, said the topic and so on some beneficial games can cause elementary student's after school life to be more interesting. But cannot sink confuses in the computer games. Some real matter meant, a child,For computer games in hypothesized duty battle, own jumped from an upper story. Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the advantage. The high tech product increases day by day,Computer these high tech product,Has brought many conveniently to the people,Might also bring the misfortune to the people.Today I want to schoolmates said,That is regarding yours vision.Many children just were giving birth to,Eye all well,May perhaps be because watches the television,Plays the computer,Each one has all taken to bring with the eyeglasses.On our class,Some 70% schoolmate are almost the nearsightedness,My eye also very is originally good,May march into the higher grades,Also starts to drop.This police has shown us,Plays the computer,May,Watches the television,No reason why not.However,If you want to have a pair of beautiful health eye,Anything must have a limit.If your eye for a long time in television and under computer accompanying,I believed,That cannot have the good result. 電腦在我們的生活中起著重要的作用,電腦可以幫我們做很多事情:數據計算,學習娛樂,辦公自動化,控制生產,自動取款,遠程通信…… 電腦的訊速發展促進了它的普及。

現在除了隨處可見的個人電腦外,各種便攜式的手提電腦也應運而生。 電腦在我們的生活中起著很大的作用。

在我們有不懂的問題時,我們可以上網查閱資料,一些比較大的數據可以用電腦計算……在電腦中我們可以學到很多知識。 電腦也有許多壞出,如果對小學生呢,我想說玩電腦的問題。



所以,玩電腦不能陷進去,陷進去后對哪一方面都沒有好處。 高科技產品日益增多,電腦這些高科技產品,給人們帶來了許多方便,可也給人們帶來了不幸.今天我就想對同學們說說其中的一點,那就是對于你的視力.許多小孩在剛生下的時候,眼睛都好好的,可也許是因為看電視,玩電腦,個個都帶上了眼鏡.就我們班,差不多有70%的同學是近視,我的眼睛原來也很好,可步入高年級,也開始下降.這警示了我們,玩電腦,可以,看電視,未嘗不可.然而,如果你想有一雙美麗健康的眼睛,什麼都要有個限制.如果你的眼睛長期在電視和電腦的陪伴下,我相信,那不會有好結果. 希望對你有幫助 如有疑問請在線交談 望采納 謝謝。

5. 英語句子,寫網絡利與弊,各五句,有中文翻譯,求了

當然,上網很明顯有很多好處, so that we can maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages.



就我個人而言, but we often hear news of students who met dangerous people online or who even got cheated, when surfing the Internet, we should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages: online shopping, online movies and even online chats with friends.

Like anything else. It is also a great use of spare time【話題】最近你所在的班級就中學生上網的利與弊進行了討論。請介紹討論情況,并談談你自己的看法。


Recently our class discussed the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the Internet. Here are our conclusions.

Of course, surfing the Internet clearly has some advantages. There is no doubt that the Internet makes communication easier and helps us keep up with the latest information。其同時還是有效利用業余時間的方式:如網上購物,網上看電影甚至可以網上和朋友聊天。

像其他別的事物一樣, the Internet is not perfect. Being addicted to it can waste a lot of time, especially for us students; not only can our studies be harmed by our spending too much time online,在上網時,我們應注意上網既有利也有弊,這樣我們就可以剔除其糟粕而吸取其精華。毫無懷疑問,因特網也并非是十全十美的。對上網成癮會浪費大量的時間,尤其是對我們學生(來說更是這樣).

In my opinion

6. 用英語說出上網的好處和壞處(各5條)

Nowadays, more and more people tend to surf the Internet for information or just for fun. Whatever one may use the Internet for , things always have its advantages and disadvantages.


1.The Internet provides wide knowledges and information. We don't have to go to the library or take time to look for the books which might containing the knowledge we want.

2.The Internet makes purchasing more convinient. You don't even have to go the the department store. The only thing you have is a bank card.

3.The Internet makes communication easier and faster.

We don't have to write letters or stick stamps on the envelop. Just type in and send will do. It helps to save money and time.

4. We can download movis, books and music freely, which saves space as well as money.

5. We get to know more friends who can chat with and get help from through the Internet.


1.Sitting in front of the computer may bad for our eyes, our back, our neck and our wrist. It may even results in lacking sleep.

2. Once you buy something throught the Internet, you hardly change or return it.

3. There are some adult movies which may exert a bad influence on teenagers.

4. Young people will spend quite a long time in Internet games which affect their studying.

5. The Internet is quite different from a real life.

People may lie to others. Some may cheat to swindle other's emotion as well as money.

So do becareful with your net friend.

7. 網絡的利與弊 英語

隨著第三次科技革命的結束,人類社會進入了信息時代,電腦網絡成了這一時代的標志,然而人心的險惡使電腦從萬能轉變到雙刃劍,網絡也隨之蒙上了一層神秘的面紗,但是我還是堅信,網絡利大于弊, 首先,網絡的弊處也無非是網絡游戲、網絡色情、網絡暴力等一些使人迷失自我的文化垃圾,可是這些人為事物為什麼要強加到電腦之上,說它是一個傷風敗俗之物呢?又因為什麼這些文化垃圾出現后,不是大力宣傳這些垃圾的危害性,以使他人提高自我保護意識和嚴厲制裁文化垃圾制造者,而去打擊那些網吧和無辜的網絡呢?治標不治本,又怎麼會使網絡百利而無一害呢? 如果說網絡弊大于利,美國又怎麼會投巨資建設信息高速公路,那不成了助紂為虐了嗎?如果弊大于利,電腦怎麼會人手一臺,怎麼會在1994年到2004年短短的10年時間,中國內地上網總數會達到9400萬呢?如果網絡弊大于利,那網絡不如過街老鼠一般人人喊打了嗎? 其次,網絡利處也有很多。

比如,它可以使兩地之間的通訊更為便捷、及時、有效,我們可以在網上發布文字、圖片、聲音等,可以使兩地的人進行面對面的視頻對話,可以在網上下載學習資料等多種信息,還能模擬三維動畫,十分具有娛樂性;我們在網上還可以購物,尋醫問藥等,所以網絡的利大于弊。 網絡的普及是必然的,它是人類社會發展的里程碑,網絡的利一定大于弊,而且不僅僅是這些。



網絡對我們來說實在有太多的益處了!網絡為我們提供了無限的創造空間,豐富了我們生活的內容,改變了我們生活的方式,加快了我們邁向進步的速度。 但是,在網絡技術還未完善的情況下,不少不法分子乘機找空子鉆,網上詐騙花樣百出,使人們不禁頭暈目眩。


這本書上有許多活生生的例子在向我們闡述著一個觀點——網絡就像一個無形的大黑洞,向我們伸出邪惡的大手。 看到這些,我們都覺得網絡是那麼的深不可測,它在帶給我們方便的同時又使我們防不勝防,一不小心就落入大網——陷阱,弄得我們一時不知道該如何是好。

其實這本書上介紹了許多防止網上詐騙和網上侵權行為的方法,比如說:拿起法律武器維護自己的合法權益;裝上效果優良的防火墻;網上帳號密碼要多多修改等等。 我們這些祖國未來的接班人,更應該好好使用電腦,讓電腦成為我們的良師益友,堅決抵制不良誘惑,學習一些上網的基本守則和方法,了解一定有關電腦方面的知識,絕不做任何違反道德的行為,從我做起,從現在做起——凈化網絡。

用“雙刃劍”這個詞語來形容網絡可以說是恰倒好處,但我相信通過讀《安全與道德》這本書和對網絡知識的一定了解,在加上我們堅決抵制不良誘惑的決心,我們一定能讓這把“雙刃劍”變成造福于我們的“單刃劍”。讓我們攜手走向更美好的未來! 要說網絡的利與弊,應該說是同時存在的,任何一個新生事物的出現,必然要對社會有一些沖擊,既有利于社會發展的因素,也有一些弊端存在。

但是不是因為有弊端我們就遠離網絡、拒絕網絡呢?當然不是,因為網絡對社會的影響是利大于弊的。 網絡的產生,由最初的小范圍的局域網,發展到現在的全世界范圍內的互聯網,在其發展的過程中,如果是弊端多于利處的話,也許現在就沒有網絡的存在了,它早已在弊端中滅亡了。

網絡的利是隨處可見的,如:加快信息查詢,便捷現代通訊,縮小世界范圍等,二十一世紀是e時代,未來的社會一定是網絡的社會。 網絡的弊端,嚴格說是人的弊端,有些人正是利用了網絡的“利”來進行網絡上的欺詐犯罪、不良信息傳播等,這是網絡弊端的體現之一。


這就象刀,最初的產生一定是為了解決生活中的一些問題,但有人卻利用刀鋒利的這一特性來殺人,而刀本身并沒有錯。 網絡的弊端其實是完全可以避免的。


另外, 魯迅有篇文章叫《拿來主義》,里面說到窗子打開的時候,進來的不只是新鮮的空氣,也會有蒼蠅和蚊子,我們要“去除糟粕,取其精髓”。對于網絡,也應該采取同樣的態度和做法。
