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1. 用seem造句,比如seem to do sth,to be 加形容詞,名詞和介詞還有

seem to do sth:

He cannot seem to do any of these things. 他似乎做不了任何一件其中的事。

seem to be:

The old man seems to be asleep. 那老人看起來像是睡著了。

seem + 名詞:

Pigeons seem such an unnecessary bird now. 鴿子現在看起來有點多余了。

seem + 介詞:

He seems in high spirit. 他看起來精神很好。

seem that:

It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.看起來,光能將成為未來科研的一個重要課題。