
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語表達關于運動好處的句子

Playing sports is good for our health. When you are playing sports, your heart will beating fast and force it to pump more blood to your whole body. This could improve your cardiorespiratory function. It's also a good way for people to comunicate with each other. When you play basket ball with your friends, you will feel happier than staying home alone. 望采納 謝謝。

2. 關于運動的英語句子

1.play table with me tonight.

2.I like skiing.

3.I can't play basketball.

4.I'm running fast.

5.I play football is very well.

6.I'm gonging swimming tonight.

7.I was surfing exercise

8.I can hight jump.

9.I don't like tennis.


3. 運動英語句子

英文中運動這個單詞是 sport 或 exercise以下是各種運動的單詞:play basketball 打籃球play volleyball 打排球play football 打橄欖球play soccer 踢足球play tennis 打網球play badmiton 打羽毛球play ping-pong 打乒乓球rope skipping 跳繩各種運動商品廣告詞:All things are not impossible.Just do it.其他英文句子:Let's do some sports! 讓我們來做一些運動吧! 太多了,和其他單詞可以組成無數個句子。

4. 5個關于運動的英語句子

1. I love swimming, but I don't like to go swimming today.我喜歡游泳, 但今天不想游。

2. My favorate sport is golf. 我最愛的運動是高爾夫。

3. My brother is absolutely a football lover. 我哥哥是個十足的足球愛好者。

4. I prefer basketball to football. 我喜歡籃球勝過足球。

5. How I wish to be a wonderful basketball player like Yao Ming! 我很想成為像姚明那樣了不起的籃球運動員!

5. 書面表達.寫出五句與運動有關的句子(英語)(速度

1、Basketball is a popular sport in China.

2、"Football is the ultimate in team sport, " says Pele.

3、These are highly competitive athletes, at the top of their sport, coming here to Princeton when they were recruited.

4、Those handsets sport basic security features like device encryption, remote wipe and remote lock.

5、He said rock climbing is a high risk sport in which many people overestimate their abilities and underestimate the rock

6. 【求做運動有好處的英語好詞好句7句★現在人很少運動的原因★是什

1.Life lies in movement.生命在于運動 2.Sport is the source of all life.運動是生命的源泉.3.To keep on,day after day practice go down,and only activities to keep the enthusiasm of adequate training and improve motor skills.日復一日地堅持練下去吧,只有活動適量才能保持訓練的熱情和提高運動的技能.——塞涅卡 4.Activity is the basis of life!活動是生活的基礎!——歌德 5.People's sound,not only by foods,especially to rely on motion.人的健全,不但靠飲食,尤靠運動.6.The Olympic motto is "Higher,Faster,Stronger." 奧林匹克的格言是“更高,更快,更強”.7.The health of the body for motionless and destruction,for sports practice and keep for a long time.--Socrates 身體的健康因靜止不動而破壞,因運動練習而長期保持.——蘇格拉底。

7. 運動的好處英文句子

