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1. 含比喻的英語句子

1、月面上到處是細小的顆粒,有點象地球的海灘 此句不是比喻,是同類事物相比。

2、樹起了宇宙事業的一塊新的里程碑 此句是比喻,本體省略了,不詳,喻體是里程碑。 比喻的修辭方法: 比喻句的結構一般由本體、喻體和比喻詞構成。

比喻的本體和喻體必須是不同的事物,但相互之間有相似點。 例:那又濃又翠的景色,簡直就是一幅青綠山水畫。

(本體:景色;喻體:青綠山水畫;比喻詞:是。) 比喻句一般帶有“像、好像、仿佛”等比喻詞,但下列情況的句子不是比喻句: ① 同類相比。

例:老師就好像我的媽媽。 ② 表推測、揣度。

例:他好像摸透了我的心思。 ③ 表想像。

例:想到明天的軍訓,我仿佛一下子成了一名威武的戰士。 ④ 表列舉。


2. 怎麼寫英語作文比喻句

給你舉兩個例子:1、這只離群的小鳥孤單地飛翔在天空中,仿佛汪洋中的小舟.The seperated bird is flying in the sky,like a canoe on the vast of ocean2、荒漠化象饑餓的野狼無情的吞噬著森林,草地和我們的生存空間.Desertification,as a hungry wild wolf,is ruthlessly engulfing forests,lawns and our living space.其實英語中的比喻句,主要是用as。


3. 誰會寫英語的關于朋友的排比,比喻,擬人的句子 幫忙寫幾句 謝謝

排比:Afriend is someone who changes your life just by being part of it,is

someone who makes you laugh until you can\'t stop ,is

someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world,is

someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.


他會把你逗得開懷大笑; 他會讓你相信人間有真情.



Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight. 朋友像琴弦,不能太擰緊。



4. 英語句子怎麼寫

If you don't study hard, you will not realize your dream.

If you study hard, you will do well in your exams.

If you don't study hard, you will fail your exams.

If you study hard, you will always pass the exams.

If you get up early, you will be healthy.

If you don't get up early, you will not be healthy.

If you get up early, you'll be able to do some morning exercise.

If you don't hurry up, you will miss the bus.

If you hurry up, you will catch the bus.

If you don't hurry up, you'll be late for school.

If you hurry up, you will get to school on time.