
解夢佬 0

1. 英語句式

There is no need for sb to do sth。

\ for sth。(某人沒有必要做……);主語 + do one's best to do…。

(盡全力去……);It is universally acknowledged that +從句(全世界都知道……);There is no denying that + S + V…。 (不可否認的……);It is obvious/clear that + 從句 (…是明顯的);主語+ get into the habit of + V-ing = make it a rule to + V (養成……的習慣);主語 + do good/ harm to sth。

。(對……有益/有害);nothing can prevent us from doing…。

(沒有事情能夠阻擋我們做……);… enable + sb。+ to + do… (……使……能夠……);On no account can we + do…(我們絕對不能……);There is no denying that + S + V…(不可否認的……);。

2. 【大學英語1語句分析求助1

1、成為作家的想法總在我在Belleville的童年生活中浮現,但直到我高三時它才成為了可能.主語the idea of becoming a writer,謂語 come,賓語me,off and on作狀語,since my childhood in Belleville作時間狀語,but引導讓步狀語從句.3、我把列表帶回家,然后直到論文被定下來那晚之前什麼也沒做.and引導并列句,until引導時間狀語,before the essay was due是the night的后置定語.。

3. 用英語句子描述未來大學生活

My college life

It is four years since I came into my college. I have to say that my college life was so wonderful, although in some aspects I failed.

I love the campus, in which the lanscape was so beautiful and the study atomasphere was so good, we always studyed there along with relaxation. I majored in Marketing, it was a good speciality for its feature of operating and exercise. I knowed if I wanted to do something and become some one, I have to take my theory knowledge into every practice and summerize in time.

So I joined in some parties inner the campus to excercise myself much, in fact we had to do more practice to apply our knowledge to the work which was similar to that in our future.

Some people said that four- year study could not bring us much, but could bring us a mind for thinking and operating. I agreed it. We could not get everything in our college, what possible was that we were albe to learn how to think about an issue, how to find a way for it, the next step needs us to go by ourselves.

That'7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333361313964s Ok, even we can only get this, it is enough for us. So prcticing more with a good mind will make my future possible.

4. 英語句子表達形式的轉換

被動語態的謂語動詞要用“助動詞be + 過去分詞 prompted”,把原來的賓語 such bloody protests 改為主語,原來主語 what 用介詞短語 by 引入,即:By what were such bloody protests prompted?口語中往往要把 by 后置,說成What were such bloody protests prompted by?Were … prompted by 已經是表示過去的被動語態,不能用 did … be prompted by.。

5. 表達感受的英語句子

我們與你打水仗好嗎?只是玩玩游戲. Let's have a water fight,would you like to join us? just playing. 在中國你是以什麼為生呢? What do(did) you do for living in China? 你的伙伴他們已經朝那邊走了. Your companions have already gone toward that way. 你男朋友的衣服丟失了嗎? Did your boyfriend lose his clothes? 今天的活動你有什麼感受? What do you think about this activity tonight?。

6. 求用6句話以上的英語句子描述下面話題提示:今天上英語課的時候,

I wanna talk about my classmates。

one of my classmates is tom, who likes to be late for school。 Of course he was late again today and unfortunately he was found by our head teacher Mr。

Brown。 The reason he gave for being late was that his bicycle has broken。

But I know he told a lie。 Another interesting guy is Li Ping。

On the English class of today, the teacher taught us how to use a dictionary and Li Ping said to the teacher that he left his dictionary at home, so he borrowed a dictionary form Wang Fang and he thanked her and told her that he like this dictionary very much。 In fact, what he like is not the dictionary but the person who owns it。