
解夢佬 0

1. 英語翻譯1.請你說說你的優點和缺點

1 Could you please tell me your advantage and disadvantage?2 what's the most difficult thing in your career?3 could you please give me an example about how you succeed in solving a problem at work?4 why do you choose to leave the company you are currently working for?5why do you want to join our company?不是很明白你的意思,既然有了這些比較正式的說法?還要怎麼翻譯呢?.。

2. 用英語說自己的缺點英語作文

Everybody has strenghth and weakness. I am a friendly, warm-hearted, generous and easy going girl. I am always ready to help others. I work hard every day and I am good at nearly all the subjects except PE. I often help my classmates with their lessons and I can get on well with them. Besides, I am polite to others and I never fight with others. At home I often help my parents with the housework. But I don't like doing sports. So I think I am not strong enough。

3. 我的優點和缺點英語作文加中文翻譯

My Strengths and Weaknesses我的優缺點 It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we are.對于我們來說,正確地認識自身的優缺點是很重要的,因為這個認識有助于我們自身的提高。

我們應該檢查自己并學著(認識)我們是誰。 Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. I'm also optimistic, humble and polite. These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, I'm stubborn and a little impatient. I'm sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.首先,我們應該認識自己的優點和缺點。





4. 英語介紹自己的優點和缺點

你有何特長? What are your strengths? 答案:所謂特長一般指的是我有的而別人沒有的優點,或者是大家都有的但是我必被人強的優點。

我這個人呢特長談不上,但還是有一些優點。 Answer: the so-called specialty generally refers to the others I have no advantage, or is everyone some advantages but I will be strong. I this person special not, but still has some merit. 1、我的性格較強偏向文靜,待人熱情彬彬有禮,,辦事穩重認真,有事業心。

我覺得這個性格比較適合辦公室的工作。 1, my character is stronger to quiet, to be warm and polite, and a stable work earnestly, has the dedication to work. I think this personality is fit for the work in the office. 2、我的計算機操作能力較強,通過了二級計算機等級考試,平時能幫助單位科室做一些文字工作。

另外我喜歡編程,曾經在網上發布過一些自己編的小程序,了解計算機網絡的管理。 2, my computer operation ability strong, through the secondary computer grade examination, at ordinary times can help unit department to do some paperwork. In addition I like programming, has been released on the Internet some of small procedures, understanding of computer network management. 3、我比較注重專業能力的培養和提高,在日常工作中都在不斷鉆研業務。


3, I compare pay attention to the development of professional ability and improve, in daily work have been working on business. In the practical work also achieved good practical effect. Such as elevation of road paving improper handling, engineering supervision of papers published. 4、我有很強的團隊精神,而且在工作中這種精神得到了提高和完善。從事的工作對團隊的要求很高,細化管理,我想科室工作依然要求很強的團隊精神。


4, I have a very strong team spirit, and work in this spirit is improved and perfected. The work has a high requirement on the team, fine management, I request to department work is still very strong team spirit. I'm so understanding: about team spirit can contract to build a relationship of mutual trust, good listening skills and communication skills, can interact with others, sharing information and honor. Treat serious and hard work, can be completed in time, and would be happy to help colleagues, willing to assume the labor of duty outside of work. 5、我的學習能力比較強,容易接受新知識,喜歡擺弄一些新東西,新思路。 5, my learning ability is strong, easy to accept new knowledge, like playing with some new things, new ideas. 你認為你自己有哪些優點,你認為你比較適合做哪些工作? What advantage do you think you, what do you think you are suitable for work? 答:我從不認為自己有特別突出的優點,我認為自己大學5年最重要的收獲是學到了一些分析問題和看待事物的方法。



總的來說,我覺得自己分析和解決問題的能力較強,口頭語言和文字表達能力還不錯,我覺得我能夠勝任秘書或其他崗位的工作。 A: I never thought I had particular advantages, I think is the most important to harvest your university 5 years learned some methods to analyze and look at things. I major in architectural design, in the design, especially in the public building design function of large and complex, often involving some complex problems of simplification, often need to from the overall to local, from local to whole again, to be able to seize the main contradiction problem, find out the suitable solution. I think it is good for me. In the study of the building, it is important to human factors, building, because people often need to consider the feelings of people and feeling, so respect people has become a habit I think. The above two points, I think is very important, and both have expanded to I treat all aspects of life. Overall, I think I have a better ability to analyze and solve problems, spoken language and written expression ability is good, I think I can be competent the job of the secretary or other jobs. 能談談你的優點和缺點嗎? Can talk about 。

5. 英語作文我的優缺點







