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1. 【英語中的否定句怎麼改1、hecanspeakbothChineseandEngland(改

否定句的常見形式和用法 中學英語表達否定含義的句式形式多樣,用法靈活.準確地掌握與否定相關的語句形式和用法,有助于提高英語閱讀理解的準確性.本文就中學英語中否定句的常見形式和用法總結如下: 一、常見否定句:否定副詞not, seldom, never, hardly, rarely, nowhere等與謂語動詞連用.例如: I'm afraid that I can not attend your party this weekend. 恐怕這個周末我不能參加你們的聚會.I can hardly understand what he said just now. 我不能理解他剛才所說的話. 注意:這些否定副詞用于句首時,主句要使用倒裝語序.例如: Seldom does he go to work late. 他很少上班遲到. Nowhere else can you find such a beautiful sunset. 你在別的地方不能見到如此美麗的日落. Never in my life have I heard such nonsense! 我這輩子從來沒有聽過這種廢話! 二、否定祈使句:由“Don't 或Never+ 動詞原形”所構成.例如: Don't give up trying even though it is difficult to learn English! 英語雖然難學,但千萬別放棄嘗試! Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 切勿忘恩負義. Never judge people by their appearance. 不可以貌取人. 三、全部否定:由“否定主語(否定代詞或no+名詞)+ 肯定謂語”所構成.例如: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人. None of us can speak French. 我們都不會講法語. No man is born wise. 人非生而知之. 注意:常用“neither/nor + 助動詞/情態動詞 + 主語”來表達“某人也不……”.例如: Jim didn't know her secret, neither/nor did Jack. 吉姆不知道她的秘密,杰克也不知道. If you don't accept his invitation, neither shall I. 如果你不接受他的邀請,我也不接受. 四、否定轉移:常見的否定轉移有兩種情況.1. 含有原因狀語從句的主從復合句,形式上雖然否定主句的謂語,然而意義上則是否定該原因狀語,譯為“并不因為……而……”. 例如:Galileo was not ready to accept it just because Aristotle had said so.伽利略并不只是因為亞里斯多德說過某事如何如何,就輕易相信它.The mountain is not valuable because it is high. 山不在高.2. 當think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine等動詞引導否定意義的賓語從句時,通常把從句中的not提前,把主句變成否定句,從句用肯定形式.例如:We don't believe that the news is true. 我們相信這個消息不是真的.I don't think that he is honest. 我認為他不誠實.注意:(1)把這些發生否定轉移的句子變為反意疑問句時,疑問部分應與賓語從句主謂部分構成反意疑問句.例如:I don't think that he is honest, is he? 我認為他不誠實.(2)not 常用在I think, I believe, I expect, I suppose, I guess, I'm afraid之后,構成省略句.例如:---Do you think it will be a fine day tomorrow? ---I'm afraid not. ---你認為明天天氣會好嗎?---恐怕不是.---Do you believe that Rocket will win the game? ---I believe not. (=I don't believe so.)---你相信火箭隊會贏嗎?---我看不會.五、否定疑問句:常用來表示反問、驚訝、建議、贊嘆等語氣.例如:Don't you know these traffic rules? 難道你不知道這些交通規則嗎?Aren't you supposed to be working? 你不是應該正在干活嗎?You look pale. Why don't you have a rest? 你看起來臉色蒼白,為什麼不休息一會兒?Isn't it a lovely day? 天氣多好啊!注意:在回答否定疑問句時,要根據具體事實作答.例如:---Didn't you see the film Titanic yesterday? --- . I would like to have seen it. A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn't C. Yes, I didn't D. No, I did由于yes與肯定句連用,no與否定句連用,首先可排除C, D 兩項.A, B 形式都正確,但從題目語境中最后一句話“我倒希望自己看了那部電影.”可知事實上我昨天沒有看電影,故答案選B.如果把題干最后一句話改為“It's very moving.”,則說明我昨天看過電影,正確答案就應該選A.這種“根據事實作答”在運用中很不容易掌握,大家應該仔細體會其用法;同時,這種應答方法也適合于對“前否后肯型”反意疑問句和否定祈使句的回答.例如:---You haven't been to Beijing, have you?--- . And I visited the Summer Palace. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven't C. No, I have D. No, I haven't 從答語提示可知事實上我去過北京,故答案選A.全句譯為:“——你沒有去過北京,是嗎?——不,我去過.我還去參觀過頤和園.”六、非謂語動詞的否定式:通常把not或never放在非謂語動詞to do, doing, p.p的前面.例如:I advised him not to smoke but he wouldn't listen. 我勸他別抽煙,可他不愿意聽.Not having received a reply, she wrote him another letter. 由于沒有收到他的回信,她又給他寫了一封信.Not allowed to take part in the game, they felt very disappointed. 因為不讓他們參加比賽,他們感到非常失望.七、雙重否定句:由兩個否定詞搭配構成,表示一個較強的肯定語氣.例如:Without air or water, man can not live on the earth. 沒有空氣和水,人類是無法在地球上生存的.Don't try to operate this machine unless you know the rules for safety. 如果不懂安全規則,千萬別動這臺機器。