
解夢佬 0

1. 【病句修改人生就是一場旅行,不知道終點在哪里,但起點就在我們腳

添加“中的美麗浪花”是這個題吧,我這是標答哦.人生就是一場旅行,不知道終點在哪里,但起點就在我們腳下.不要駐足,不要停留,①與其站在起點遙望遠眺風景,②不如邁步啟程,去激起生命長河,去涂抹人生畫板上的靈動色彩.并且,不去畏懼路途的艱險,不去感嘆生活的困難,③讓生命的樂章奏響我們,④讓我們踏上未知的一頁,去領略人生的極致. (1)第①處詞語贅余,應刪去的詞語是_______________________________. (2)第②處成分殘缺,應在句末添加_________________________________. (3)第③處語序不當,應調整為_____________________________________. (4)第④處搭配不當,應將____________________改為_________________.。

2. 人生就是一場旅行英語二分鐘演講

Life is like a trip, in the journey, we have had the joy and pain, have had

success and failure, had the fame and shame. No matter whether you are willing

to accept, met should be open to face, don't evade, don't complain about the

unfair fate, don't scold the cruel reality, all difficulties is to rely on the

courage and perseverance to overcome. We should put aside ideological baggage,

in the face of the winding mountain road, learn to face the reality The path

winds along mountain ridges., better life. In the journey of life be so

generous, open-minded, a correct attitude toward life.

Life is a journey,

travel along the way, we saw the beautiful scenery, met a memorable people and

things of the past, have left a beautiful moment, we can not stop the footsteps

stopped to watch. The long journey, we keep away from No footsteps, nor keep

away people. We cannot predict the next intersection scenery will be how a

scene, does not allow enough time to think and imagine, only in the passage of

time, the pace of progress in high school would choose life, learn to appreciate

the world.

3. 1:人生是一場旅行,精彩的是它的過程

1:life is a journey, the most brilliant thing is the process

2:life is a journey one after another the things you should care is the scenery along the way and the mood while you watch the scenery oitside the train window .

4. 人生就是一場旅行英語二分鐘演講

Life is like a trip, in the journey, we have had the joy and pain, have had

success and failure, had the fame and shame. No matter whether you are willing

to accept, met should be open to face, don't evade, don't complain about the

unfair fate, don't scold the cruel reality, all difficulties is to rely on the

courage and perseverance to overcome. We should put aside ideological baggage,

in the face of the winding mountain road, learn to face the reality The path

winds along mountain ridges., better life. In the journey of life be so

generous, open-minded, a correct attitude toward life.

Life is a journey,

travel along the way, we saw the beautiful scenery, met a memorable people and

things of the past, have left a beautiful moment, we can not stop the footsteps

stopped to watch. The long journey, we keep away from No footsteps, nor keep

away people. We cannot predict the next intersection scenery will be how a

scene, does not allow enough time to think and imagine, only in the passage of

time, the pace of progress in high school would choose life, learn to appreciate

the world.