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1. 英語中兩個句子用逗號連接


72題沒有兩個謂語,the building project 是主語,而后面的的謂語是并列謂語,就是說如果建筑工程在月底完工和延遲了,建筑公司就會罰款。

如果在month 和is之間加個and 就清楚。


2. 英語中兩個句子之間什麼時候用逗號隔開,什麼時候用分號呢

除了兩位親講的, 再補充其他知識:

當你看見有but, and, also, as well as, because, so 等等的字眼時. 例句:

I didn't wake up on time this morning so I was late for school. (逗號在 so 前面是可有可無, 一般不會寫因為第二個句子自己不能獨立, 不能算完整所以可有可無, 只是為原本的句子做注解而已)

當兩個句子都是獨立時, 逗號就一定得在but, and, also, as well as, because, so

等等詞后面用上, 如:

I didn't wake up on time this morning.

I had a very bad headache. 兩句都是獨立句. 加在一起時, 逗號必須出現:

I didn't wake up on time this morning, because I had a very bad headache.

如果是用however, therefore, thus, on the other hand諸如此類的, 其實是要用 ; <<;分號

例句: I didn't wake up on time this morning; therefore, I was late for school.

2. I didn't wake up on time this morning; however, I didn't have to anyway as it is a public holiday.


I didn't wake up on time this morning, I even ran into traffic, and my bike was broken; therefore, I was very late when I finally got here.


3. 英語中兩個完整的句子然后用逗號隔開對嗎


如果要把兩個完整的句子合并要加連詞,比如:and, but, or, so, therefore, yet, however, for, hence, as …。 之類的。

如:1) I scored 60% in the exams this year.

2) Anita scored 7% more than me this year.


- I scored 60% in the exams but Anita scored 7% more than me this year.

4. 幫我找一些句子帶兩個或兩個以上逗號的那種英語句子,這種句子比


It bore him up, flattered him and gave him more money than he had dreamed of, simply for telling people that he felt as they did, that something had to be done with all the nervous energy stored up and unexpended in the War.