
解夢佬 0

1. 哈利波特與魔法石里的英語句子

This boy will be famous. There won"t be a child in our world who doesn"t know his name.

You come here to study the potion is made precise scientific and strict process. There are no silly to wave a magic wand, and so many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you can truly understand the simmer about cauldron braved the white smoke out bursts of fragrance, beautiful place, you never really know the influx of people vascular fluid, wild, will the miraculous magic blurred.

I can teach you how to enhance the prestige, brew glory, and even prevent death -- but there must be a way, that is you are not I often meet the idiot fool."

There is no good and evil, there is only power……and those too weak to seek it.

Together……we'll do extraodinary things.

2. 哈利波特與魔法石的英文好詞好句(要中英對照) 速度

Harry:You? No it can't be; Snape he was he was the one--- 哈利:你?不!怎麼會?應該是斯內普! Quirrell:Yes he does seem the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor st-st-stuttering Professor Quirrell? 奇洛:對,沒錯!他的形象就是那樣,有他在身邊還有誰會懷疑可,可憐的,奇洛教授。

Harry:But that day, during the Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me. 哈利:可是那天,魁地奇比賽那天,斯內普他想要殺我! Quirrell:Oh no dear boy, I tried to kill you! And trust me if Snape's cloak hadn't caught on fire and broken my eye contact I would have succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse. 奇洛:不!波特,是我想要殺你!相信我,要不是斯內普的斗篷著火打斷我的視線,我早就成功了!就算石內卜念了反魔咒也沒有用。 Harry:Snape was trying to save me? 哈利:斯內普他還救了我? Quirrell:I knew you were a danger to me right from the off. Especially after Halloween. 奇洛:我早就知道你一定會來妨礙我,尤其是萬圣節之后。

Harry:Then then you let the troll in! 哈利:那山怪是你放進來的! Quirrell:Very good Potter yes. Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled, when every one else was running about the dungeon Snape went to the third floor to head me of. He of course never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone. But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone. Never. Now does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get it? 奇洛:說得好,波特。沒錯,很不幸真被斯內普給發現了。

當所有人都跑地牢去的時候,他卻跑到三樓來堵我!當然啦,從此他再也不相信我了,他再也不放心讓我獨處,可是他不知道,我不是一個人,就是,好了。這面鏡子到底是做什麼用的?我看到我想要的東西,我看到我拿著石頭,要怎樣才能拿過來? Quirrell:Come here Potter! Now! Tell me what do you see? What is it what do you see? 奇洛:過來!波特。

快!告訴我,你看到了什麼?你到底看到了什麼? Harry:I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the House Cup. 哈利:我在和鄧不利多握手,我贏得學院杯! Voldemort:He lies. 伏地魔:他說謊。 Quirrell:Tell the truth! What do you see? 奇洛:說實話!你看到什麼? Voldemort:Let me speak to him. 伏地魔:讓我跟他說。

Quirrell:Master you are not strong enough. 奇洛:主人,你還很虛弱。 Voldemort:have strength enough for this. Harry Potter, we meet again. 伏地魔:我還有力氣跟他說話。

哈利??波特,們又見面了。 Harry:Voldemort? 哈利:伏地魔? Voldemort:Yes, you see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something that conveniently enough lies in your pocket. Stop him! Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific eath when you can join with me and live? 伏地魔:沒錯!你看到我現在的樣子,看到我為了生存做了些什麼?依附別人維生就像個寄生蟲,獨角獸的血能維持我的生命,卻不能幫我重建身體,但是有個東西可以。

那小東西夠神奇,就在你的口袋里!抓住他!不要再傻了,你可以加入我,好好活下去,別自尋死路! Harry:Never! 哈利:別想! Voldemort:Bravery, your parents had it too. Tell me Harry would you like to see your mother and father again? Together we can bring them back. All I ask is for something in return. That's it Harry. There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. Together we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the Stone! 伏地魔:非常勇敢,你的父母也是。告訴我,哈利,你想不想再看到你的爸爸跟媽媽,我們可以一起帶他們回來,你只需要做點事來回報我!沒錯!哈利,世上沒有好與壞,只有掌權者以及無能的弱者。

我們可以成就了不起的大事,只要先把石頭給我! Harry:You liar! 哈利:你說謊! Voldemort: Kill him! 伏地魔:殺了他! Quirrell: What is this magic? 奇洛:這是什麼魔法啊! Voldemort: Fool get the Stone! 伏地魔:快去,快去拿石頭。

3. 哈利波特與魔法石的英文好詞好句(要中英對照) 速度

Harry:You? No it can't be; Snape he was he was the one--- 哈利:你?不!怎麼會?應該是斯內普! Quirrell:Yes he does seem the type doesn't he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor st-st-stuttering Professor Quirrell? 奇洛:對,沒錯!他的形象就是那樣,有他在身邊還有誰會懷疑可,可憐的,奇洛教授。

Harry:But that day, during the Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me. 哈利:可是那天,魁地奇比賽那天,斯內普他想要殺我! Quirrell:Oh no dear boy, I tried to kill you! And trust me if Snape's cloak hadn't caught on fire and broken my eye contact I would have succeeded. Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse. 奇洛:不!波特,是我想要殺你!相信我,要不是斯內普的斗篷著火打斷我的視線,我早就成功了!就算石內卜念了反魔咒也沒有用。 Harry:Snape was trying to save me? 哈利:斯內普他還救了我? Quirrell:I knew you were a danger to me right from the off. Especially after Halloween. 奇洛:我早就知道你一定會來妨礙我,尤其是萬圣節之后。

Harry:Then then you let the troll in! 哈利:那山怪是你放進來的! Quirrell:Very good Potter yes. Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled, when every one else was running about the dungeon Snape went to the third floor to head me of. He of course never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone. But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone. Never. Now does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get it? 奇洛:說得好,波特。沒錯,很不幸真被斯內普給發現了。

當所有人都跑地牢去的時候,他卻跑到三樓來堵我!當然啦,從此他再也不相信我了,他再也不放心讓我獨處,可是他不知道,我不是一個人,就是,好了。這面鏡子到底是做什麼用的?我看到我想要的東西,我看到我拿著石頭,要怎樣才能拿過來? Quirrell:Come here Potter! Now! Tell me what do you see? What is it what do you see? 奇洛:過來!波特。

快!告訴我,你看到了什麼?你到底看到了什麼? Harry:I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the House Cup. 哈利:我在和鄧不利多握手,我贏得學院杯! Voldemort:He lies. 伏地魔:他說謊。 Quirrell:Tell the truth! What do you see? 奇洛:說實話!你看到什麼? Voldemort:Let me speak to him. 伏地魔:讓我跟他說。

Quirrell:Master you are not strong enough. 奇洛:主人,你還很虛弱。 Voldemort:have strength enough for this. Harry Potter, we meet again. 伏地魔:我還有力氣跟他說話。

哈利•波特,們又見面了。 Harry:Voldemort? 哈利:伏地魔? Voldemort:Yes, you see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something that conveniently enough lies in your pocket. Stop him! Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific eath when you can join with me and live? 伏地魔:沒錯!你看到我現在的樣子,看到我為了生存做了些什麼?依附別人維生就像個寄生蟲,獨角獸的血能維持我的生命,卻不能幫我重建身體,但是有個東西可以。

那小東西夠神奇,就在你的口袋里!抓住他!不要再傻了,你可以加入我,好好活下去,別自尋死路! Harry:Never! 哈利:別想! Voldemort:Bravery, your parents had it too. Tell me Harry would you like to see your mother and father again? Together we can bring them back. All I ask is for something in return. That's it Harry. There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. Together we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the Stone! 伏地魔:非常勇敢,你的父母也是。告訴我,哈利,你想不想再看到你的爸爸跟媽媽,我們可以一起帶他們回來,你只需要做點事來回報我!沒錯!哈利,世上沒有好與壞,只有掌權者以及無能的弱者。

我們可以成就了不起的大事,只要先把石頭給我! Harry:You liar! 哈利:你說謊! Voldemort: Kill him! 伏地魔:殺了他! Quirrell: What is this magic? 奇洛:這是什麼魔法啊! Voldemort: Fool get the Stone! 伏地魔:快去,快去拿石頭。

4. 哈利波特與魔法石里面的臺詞,中英結合的最好了





1 Nothing in this world the absolute good and evil, only the strong and impossible to distinguish the difference between the fact that the weak

2 only really looking for magic stone, not intend to go to use her people, you can really get her!" "Your mother in your skin the invisible mark left is love!" "Facing the enemy takes a lot of courage to stand up, but with a friend takes more courage to stand up

3 hi, Mr. Harry potter!!!!! You will find that the people in the world, a born with quality of points

4 I just rely on books and cleverness, are to be a really great wizard, still need more important things, love and courage

5. 《哈利波特與魔法石》中的優美句子有哪些















15、鄧布利多:“一直都是這樣嗎?” 斯內普:“永遠都是。”












6. 電影哈利波特與魔法石名言加英文

Tut,tut——fame clearly isn;t everything.(Severus Snape) 看來名聲不能代表一切(西弗勒斯斯內普)Let me explain. Th happiest man on earth would be able to use th Mirror of Erised like a normal mirror,that is,he would look into it andsee himself exactly as he is.It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest,most desperate desire of our hearts.You,who have never known your family,see them standing aroundyou. Ronald Weasley,who has always been overshadowed by his brothers,sees himself standing alone,the best of all them.However,this mirror will give us neither knowledge or truth.Men have wasted away before it,entrancedby what they have seen or been driven mad,not knowing if what it shows isreal or even possible.(Albus Dumbledore)讓我解釋一下吧.世界上最幸福的人可以把厄里斯魔鏡當成普通的鏡子使用,也就是說,他們在鏡子里看見的是就是他自己的模樣.它使我們看到內心最深處最迫切,最強烈的渴望.你從未見過你的家人,所以就看見他們站在你的周圍.羅恩韋斯萊一直在他的幾個哥哥面前相形見拙,所以他看見自己獨自站著,是他們中間最出色的.然而,這面鏡子既不能教給我們知識,也不能告訴我們實情.人們在它面前虛度時日,為他們所看見的東西而癡迷,甚至被逼得發瘋,因為他們不知道鏡子里的一切是否真實,是否可以實現.(阿不思鄧布利多)You've got to stand up to him,Neville!He's used to walking all over people,but that's no reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier.(Ronald Weasley)你必須面對他,納威,他一貫盛氣凌人,但我們沒有理由在他面前屈服,使他輕易得逞!(羅恩韋斯萊)To ones as young as you,I'm sure it seems incredible,but to Nicolas and Perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.After all,to the well-organizied mind,death is but the next great adventure.You know,the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing.As much money and life as you could want!The two things most juman beings would choose above all —— the trouble is,humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.(我知道,對你這樣的年輕人來說,這似乎有些不可思議,但對于尼可和佩雷納爾來說,死亡實際上就是經過了漫長的一天終于可以上床睡覺了.而且對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險.你知道魔法石其實并不是什麼美妙的東西.有了它,無論你想擁有多少財富,獲得多長壽命,都可以如愿以償.這兩樣東西是人類最想要的,----問題是,人類偏偏就喜歡選擇對他們最沒有好處的東西.(阿不思鄧布利多)It would be enough to turn any body's hea.Famous before he can walk and talk!Famous for something he won't even remember!Can't you see how much better off he'll be,growing up away from all that until he's ready to take it?(Albus Dumbledore) 這足以使任何一個孩子沖昏頭腦,不會走路,不會說話的時候就一舉成名!甚至為他不記得的事成名!讓他在遠離過去的地方長大,直到他能夠接受這一切,再讓他知道,不是更好嗎?(阿不思鄧布利多)I'm not trying to be brave or anything,saying th name,I just never knew you shouldn't.(Harry Potter)(Personally,I don't think this sentence is classic or somewhat.) 說出他的名字,并不是我勇敢什麼的,而是因為我不知道那個名字不能說.(哈利波特)。

7. 哈利波特與魔法石小說中的名句(經典句子)

第一部的經典句子太多啦 尤其是我們偉大的鄧布利多教授的!以下是一部分,希望你會喜歡!Tut,tut——fame clearly isn;t everything.(Severus Snape) 看來名聲不能代表一切(西弗勒斯斯內普)Let me explain. Th happiest man on earth would be able to use th Mirror of Erised like a normal mirror,that is,he would look into it andsee himself exactly as he is.It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest,most desperate desire of our hearts.You,who have never known your family,see them standing aroundyou. Ronald Weasley,who has always been overshadowed by his brothers,sees himself standing alone,the best of all them.However,this mirror will give us neither knowledge or truth.Men have wasted away before it,entrancedby what they have seen or been driven mad,not knowing if what it shows isreal or even possible.(Albus Dumbledore)讓我解釋一下吧.世界上最幸福的人可以把厄里斯魔鏡當成普通的鏡子使用,也就是說,他們在鏡子里看見的是就是他自己的模樣.它使我們看到內心最深處最迫切,最強烈的渴望.你從未見過你的家人,所以就看見他們站在你的周圍.羅恩韋斯萊一直在他的幾個哥哥面前相形見拙,所以他看見自己獨自站著,是他們中間最出色的.然而,這面鏡子既不能教給我們知識,也不能告訴我們實情.人們在它面前虛度時日,為他們所看見的東西而癡迷,甚至被逼得發瘋,因為他們不知道鏡子里的一切是否真實,是否可以實現.(阿不思鄧布利多)You've got to stand up to him,Neville!He's used to walking all over people,but that's no reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier.(Ronald Weasley)你必須面對他,納威,他一貫盛氣凌人,但我們沒有理由在他面前屈服,使他輕易得逞!(羅恩韋斯萊)To ones as young as you,I'm sure it seems incredible,but to Nicolas and Perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.After all,to the well-organizied mind,death is but the next great adventure.You know,the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing.As much money and life as you could want!The two things most juman beings would choose above all —— the trouble is,humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.(我知道,對你這樣的年輕人來說,這似乎有些不可思議,但對于尼可和佩雷納爾來說,死亡實際上就是經過了漫長的一天終于可以上床睡覺了.而且對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險.你知道魔法石其實并不是什麼美妙的東西.有了它,無論你想擁有多少財富,獲得多長壽命,都可以如愿以償.這兩樣東西是人類最想要的,----問題是,人類偏偏就喜歡選擇對他們最沒有好處的東西.(阿不思鄧布利多)It would be enough to turn any body's hea.Famous before he can walk and talk!Famous for something he won't even remember!Can't you see how much better off he'll be,growing up away from all that until he's ready to take it?(Albus Dumbledore) 這足以使任何一個孩子沖昏頭腦,不會走路,不會說話的時候就一舉成名!甚至為他不記得的事成名!讓他在遠離過去的地方長大,直到他能夠接受這一切,再讓他知道,不是更好嗎?(阿不思鄧布利多)I'm not trying to be brave or anything,saying th name,I just never knew you shouldn't.(Harry Potter)(Personally,I don't think this sentence is classic or somewhat.) 說出他的名字,并不是我勇敢什麼的,而是因為我不知道那個名字不能說.(哈利波特)It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.(Albus Dumbledore)(Personally,I like this one most,for it is quite instuctive.)沉湎于虛幻的夢想而忘記現實的生活,這是毫無益處的.(阿不思鄧布利多Always th innocent are the first victims.So it has been for ages past,so it is now(Ronan the centaur)總是無辜者先受害,幾百年來是這樣,現在還是這樣(羅南)Call him Voldemort,Harry.Always use the proper name for things.Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.(Albus Dumbledore)就叫他伏地魔,哈利,對事物永遠使用正確的稱呼,對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼.(阿不思鄧布利多)The truth,is a beautiful and terrible thing,and should therefore be treated with great caution.(Albus Dumbledore)真相,這是一種美麗而可怕的東西(阿不思鄧布利多)There are all kinds of courage.It takes great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies,but just as much to stand up to our friends.(Albus Dumbledore)勇氣有許多種類,對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同時也需要很大的勇氣(阿不思鄧布利多)If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand,it is love.He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.Not a scar,no visible sign。

to have been loved so deeply,even though the person who loved us is gone,will give us some protection forever.It is in your very skin。.。

8. 哈利波特與魔法石中的優美句子 動作描寫









“哦,我明白了—— 這麼說你從來沒有到過巴西?”




哈利坐起來,大口喘氣;蟒蛇柜前的玻璃不見了。巨蟒迅速地伸展開盤著的身體,溜到地板上—— 整個爬蟲館的人都尖叫著,向出口跑去。
