
解夢佬 0

1. 關于feel的句子

feel: 感覺;認為;試探;摸索;觸摸;覺得1.It depends on how you feel.它取決于你是怎麼感覺的。

2.I feel very tired and sick.我感覺很累,并且生病了。3.I like to look my best and feel good.我喜歡自己最好的表現,有最好的感受。

4.Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit.感覺溫度的閃爍和靈魂的騷動。5.Hear it, feel it.聆聽它,感覺它。

6.I know that feel.我知道那種感受。7.I hope so. Well, suddenly I feel very silly.但愿如此。

咳,突然我覺得自己很愚蠢。8.I see. Yes, I think I understand how you feel.我明白了。

是的,我想我能理解你的感受。9.I know my friends from the feel of their faces.我從觸摸朋友們的臉龐來了解他們。

10.On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing.就像在今天一樣的好天氣里,我感覺自己一無所求。11.But you might experiment to select the email service you feel does the best job.但是,你可以試著選擇你認為在這方面做的最好的電子郵件服務。

12.You feel so cold that your body starts to shake, not very much but uncontrollable.你感覺很冷以至于你的身體開始顫抖,不是很厲害但是無法控制。13.I could imagine it coming to feel like living inside a giant test tube after awhile.我能想像那種好像片刻之后就要在一個巨大的試管里面生活的感覺。

14.This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by.這不是一趟靜止的列車,只有當另一列車從旁駛過時你才能感覺到它的前進。15.Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future .我們中的大多數人很可能會感到悲傷,并放棄我們的夢想和對未來的希望。

16.And you feel that perhaps this is the time to look for manufacturing facilities elsewhere?所以您認為可能現在是到其他地方尋找制造廠家的時候了!17.Yet when I see "together to create" on the school form, I do not feel creative, I just feel jaded.然而,當我看到學校表格上的“共同創造”時,并沒有覺得它刺激了創造力,只是感覺厭倦不堪。18.The effect was to make the town feel like a collection of disparate sites rather than an open world.這造成整個鎮子感覺像是各自不同地點的一群房屋,而不是一個敞開式的世界。

19.Before you begin to write, take the time to pause, listen carefully, feel and touch, see and observe.在你開始寫作之前,要先抽出一點時間稍停片刻,仔細去聽、去感知、去看、去觀察。20.And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more!你甚至會覺得他們就是要把你排除在外,這樣他們才可以更多地享受他們自己的“置身事內”!21.FINE — This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up.很好——當女士們自認為在一場爭論中是正確的,而且需要你住嘴的時候,她們會用這個詞作為結束語。

22.Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.抑郁癥是一種嚴重的心理疾病,它對我們的感覺、思想甚至行為方式都有著負面的影響。23.Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react.每個人都是一個獨立的個體,都有他或她自己表達情感的方式,并且這并沒有肯定正確的表達或反應方式。

24.While some Finns pursue the material trappings of success, most seem to feel that the pleasures of time and solitude are more precious.雖然有一些芬蘭人在追求成功的”物質陷阱“,但是多數人似乎感到時間與孤獨中的快樂更加寶貴。25.They feel the past—including their language and traditions—is definitely worth preserving— particularly when it is as colorful as theirs.他們覺得過去(包括他們的語言及傳統),特別是像他們的過去一樣多采多姿是絕對值得保存的。

26.He acknowledged that human beings had an insatiable desire to feel superior to each other, and that some people would always blindly pursue wealth.他承認,人類對于凌駕于他人之上的優越感有著不知饜足的欲望,還有一些人總是會盲目追求財富。27.Lead is starting to feel a bit like nickel (was) earlier this year so we may need to ask whether it might at some point see a similar (price) slump.鉛價的走勢開始有點像今年早些時候的鎳,因此,我們可能需要問一問,鉛價是否會在某一價位出現類似的暴跌行情。

28.It also gave me a new perspective and a kind of new sensation because you feel the sunlight directly on your scalp, the rain and the wind - everything is very direct.同時剃成光頭也給了我一個全新的視角和感受,因為你可以感覺到陽光直接照在你的頭皮上,雨滴,微風--一切都是那麼地直接。29.Sadly, too often the debenture holder will feel no option but to appoint an administrator if a company breaches covenants and its position appears to be deteriorating.不幸的是,當一家企業違約,且它的狀況似乎在不斷惡化時,債券持。

2. 【關于feel的句子】

feel: 感覺;認為;試探;摸索;觸摸;覺得1.It depends on how you feel.它取決于你是怎麼感覺的.2.I feel very tired and sick.我感覺很累,并且生病了.3.I like to look my best and feel good.我喜歡自己最好的表現,有最好的感受.4.Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit.感覺溫度的閃爍和靈魂的騷動.5.Hear it, feel it.聆聽它,感覺它.6.I know that feel.我知道那種感受.7.I hope so. Well, suddenly I feel very silly.但愿如此.咳,突然我覺得自己很愚蠢.8.I see. Yes, I think I understand how you feel.我明白了.是的,我想我能理解你的感受.9.I know my friends from the feel of their faces.我從觸摸朋友們的臉龐來了解他們.10.On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing.就像在今天一樣的好天氣里,我感覺自己一無所求.11.But you might experiment to select the email service you feel does the best job.但是,你可以試著選擇你認為在這方面做的最好的電子郵件服務.12.You feel so cold that your body starts to shake, not very much but uncontrollable.你感覺很冷以至于你的身體開始顫抖,不是很厲害但是無法控制.13.I could imagine it coming to feel like living inside a giant test tube after awhile.我能想像那種好像片刻之后就要在一個巨大的試管里面生活的感覺.14.This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by.這不是一趟靜止的列車,只有當另一列車從旁駛過時你才能感覺到它的前進.15.Most of us would probably feel very sad and give up our dreams and hopes for the future .我們中的大多數人很可能會感到悲傷,并放棄我們的夢想和對未來的希望.16.And you feel that perhaps this is the time to look for manufacturing facilities elsewhere?所以您認為可能現在是到其他地方尋找制造廠家的時候了!17.Yet when I see "together to create" on the school form, I do not feel creative, I just feel jaded.然而,當我看到學校表格上的“共同創造”時,并沒有覺得它刺激了創造力,只是感覺厭倦不堪.18.The effect was to make the town feel like a collection of disparate sites rather than an open world.這造成整個鎮子感覺像是各自不同地點的一群房屋,而不是一個敞開式的世界.19.Before you begin to write, take the time to pause, listen carefully, feel and touch, see and observe.在你開始寫作之前,要先抽出一點時間稍停片刻,仔細去聽、去感知、去看、去觀察.20.And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more!你甚至會覺得他們就是要把你排除在外,這樣他們才可以更多地享受他們自己的“置身事內”!21.FINE — This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up.很好——當女士們自認為在一場爭論中是正確的,而且需要你住嘴的時候,她們會用這個詞作為結束語.22.Depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.抑郁癥是一種嚴重的心理疾病,它對我們的感覺、思想甚至行為方式都有著負面的影響.23.Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react.每個人都是一個獨立的個體,都有他或她自己表達情感的方式,并且這并沒有肯定正確的表達或反應方式.24.While some Finns pursue the material trappings of success, most seem to feel that the pleasures of time and solitude are more precious.雖然有一些芬蘭人在追求成功的”物質陷阱“,但是多數人似乎感到時間與孤獨中的快樂更加寶貴.25.They feel the past—including their language and traditions—is definitely worth preserving— particularly when it is as colorful as theirs.他們覺得過去(包括他們的語言及傳統),特別是像他們的過去一樣多采多姿是絕對值得保存的.26.He acknowledged that human beings had an insatiable desire to feel superior to each other, and that some people would always blindly pursue wealth.他承認,人類對于凌駕于他人之上的優越感有著不知饜足的欲望,還有一些人總是會盲目追求財富.27.Lead is starting to feel a bit like nickel (was) earlier this year so we may need to ask whether it might at some point see a similar (price) slump.鉛價的走勢開始有點像今年早些時候的鎳,因此,我們可能需要問一問,鉛價是否會在某一價位出現類似的暴跌行情.28.It also gave me a new perspective and a kind of new sensation because you feel the sunlight directly on your scalp, the rain and the wind - everything is very direct.同時剃成光頭也給了我一個全新的視角和感受,因為你可以感覺到陽光直接照在你的頭皮上,雨滴,微風--一切都是那麼地直接.29.Sadly, too often the debenture holder will feel no option but to appoint an administrator if a company breaches covenants and its position appears to be deteriorating.不幸的是,當一家企業違約,且它的狀況似乎在不斷惡化時,債券持有人往往別無選擇,只能指定一位破產管理人.30。

3. 求很有feel的好句..

可不可以恨我?不能刻骨銘心地愛 就請恨得刻骨銘心!誰是誰身上難堪的印記來? 寂寞 是因為太愛某人 是我不夠好 抑或是你不夠愛我?! 得到或失去 誰能自忽略不計?!是因為寂寞才去愛人還是因為愛人才會寂寞?愛了 散了2113 痛了 累了 爾后 把你忘卻! 緊緊的靜靜的 靜靜地緊緊的請原諒5261 現在還不足以把你遺忘今夜無夢 卻有你 愛情 七天一個輪回You'll love me yet(你總有愛我的一天)有一些愛情終年不遇 有一種懂得他看不到情淡如菊 愛淡如月 老來多健忘 惟不忘相思4102原來 頑強自愛這樣難 愛情 從來就是一件百轉千1653回的事情其實還有很多 追加懸賞就告訴你 哈哈。