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1. 關于擬人的英語短句

隱喻(暗喻)是把A說成BThe streets were a furnace, the sun an executioner.街道就像個大火爐,太陽就是劊子后。

But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.可是我的心是孤獨的獵手,在孤獨的小山上狩獵。Men's words are bullets, that their enemies take up and make use of against them.人說的話是子彈,他們的敵人掌握并拿它來反擊他們。

The rain came down in long knitting needles.雨如長長的織針一樣下起來。擬人:The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard!路之所以建成不是讓它們使勁兒呼吸的!(advertising slogan for Chevrolet automobiles)雪弗萊汽車的廣告Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.恐懼在敲門。


(proverb quoted by Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos)Oreo: Milk's favorite cookie.奧里奧:牛奶最喜愛的曲奇。(slogan on a package of Oreo cookies) 奧里奧曲奇包裝上的口號The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor, and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!這里唯一的怪物就是賭博怪物,它將你母親淪為奴隸!我叫它賭棍,該把你母親從他的霓虹燈魔爪下救出來的時候了!(Homer Simpson in The Simpsons)。

2. 關于擬人的英語短句


The streets were a furnace, the sun an executioner.


But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.


Men's words are bullets, that their enemies take up and make use of against them.


The rain came down in long knitting needles.



The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard!


(advertising slogan for Chevrolet automobiles)


Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.


(proverb quoted by Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos)

Oreo: Milk's favorite cookie.


(slogan on a package of Oreo cookies)


The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor, and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!


(Homer Simpson in The Simpsons)

3. 英語用了擬人手法的句子

My rocking chair was making noises all night; it's getting very old.

The flower was very pretty, it smiled at me and its perfume had such a nice smell.

The Earth keeps on turning and turning, I wonder when it will stop.

My computer is protesting about how I'm using it too much.

In the winter when I am standing outside, my teeth keep on protesting how it's so cold.

The apple was too sour, my teeth didn't like it.

The journey was very long, my feet got very tired.

One day I was packing for my trip, but I couldn't fit everything into my suitcase; I bet my suitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.

When I was little I always talked to the maple tree beside my home every time when I felt sad; the tree always nodded its leaves in understanding.

I have always wished that I can fly freely like the clouds; the clouds much be enjoying their freedom very much.

College is a comma of a sentence of life.

4. 關于擬人的英語短句


The wind stood up and gave a shout.

風站了起來 大聲叫了一聲。

My computer hates me。


Necklace is a friend。


The sun kissed the flowers



This time, her words were swords that pierced his heart.

His love was a dollar, easily spent yet never invested.

Life is but a vapor in the wind.

The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows.

5. 英語用了擬人手法的句子

My rocking chair was making noises all night; it's getting very old.

The flower was very pretty, it smiled at me and its perfume had such a nice smell.

The Earth keeps on turning and turning, I wonder when it will stop.

My computer is protesting about how I'm using it too much.

In the winter when I am standing outside, my teeth keep on protesting how it's so cold.

The apple was too sour, my teeth didn't like it.

The journey was very long, my feet got very tired.

One day I was packing for my trip, but I couldn't fit everything into my suitcase; I bet my suitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.

When I was little I always talked to the maple tree beside my home every time when I felt sad; the tree always nodded its leaves in understanding.

I have always wished that I can fly freely like the clouds; the clouds much be enjoying their freedom very much.

College is a comma of a sentence of life.

6. 尋英語擬人句10句

My rocking chair was making noises all night; it's getting very old.

The flower was very pretty, it smiled at me and its perfume had such a nice smell.

The Earth keeps on turning and turning, I wonder when it will stop.

My computer is protesting about how I'm using it too much.

In the winter when I am standing outside, my teeth keep on protesting how it's so cold.

The apple was too sour, my teeth didn't like it.

The journey was very long, my feet got very tired.

One day I was packing for my trip, but I couldn't fit everything into my suitcase; I bet my suitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.

When I was little I always talked to the maple tree beside my home every time when I felt sad; the tree always nodded its leaves in understanding.

I have always wished that I can fly freely like the clouds; the clouds much be enjoying their freedom very much.

7. 求擬人的英語例句

My rocking chair was making noises all night; it's getting very old.

The flower was very pretty, it smiled at me and its perfume had such a nice smell.

The Earth keeps on turning and turning, I wonder when it will stop.

My computer is protesting about how I'm using it too much.

In the winter when I am standing outside, my teeth keep on protesting how it's so cold.

The apple was too sour, my teeth didn't like it.

The journey was very long, my feet got very tired.

One day I was packing for my trip, but I couldn't fit everything into my suitcase; I bet my suitcase would start crying if I stuff it anymore.

When I was little I always talked to the maple tree beside my home every time when I felt sad; the tree always nodded its leaves in understanding.

I have always wished that I can fly freely like the clouds; the clouds much be enjoying their freedom very much.

8. 英文中的擬人句,多多益善

1.The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune.1871年目睹了(爆發了)英勇的巴黎公社起義。

2.Thirsty soil drank in the rain.饑渴的土壤在雨中暢飲。

3.Did you see the anger of the tempest?你看到暴風雨的憤怒嗎?

4.The flowers nodded in the breeze.花兒在微風中點頭。