
解夢佬 0

1. 尋求英語中的歧義句子

歧義句子= squinting modifier (a common grammatical error)


1) [WRONG] Defining your terms clearly strengthens your argument. (does defining "clearly strengthen" or does "defining clearly" strengthen?)

[RIGHT] Defining your terms will clearly strengthen your argument. OR A clear definition of your terms strengthens your argument.

2) Students who miss classes frequently fail the course.

We can't tell which part of the sentence the word frequently is supposed to modify. Look at these two possible meanings:

Students who miss class frequently


frequently fail the course.

Correct a squinting modifier error by repositioning the modifier to place it next to the word it modifies.

3) # Writing an essay (clearly) will improve your grade.

# I told Merdine (when the game was over) I would drive her to the bingo hall.

# Instructors who cancel classes (rarely) are reprimanded.

4) The marathon coordinator said Friday we would have a trial run.— (Did the coordinator give this information on Friday, or is the trial run on Friday?)

The company representative told us eventually the president would meet with us.— (Did the representative eventually tell us, or did the president eventually meet with us?)

5) WRONG : "I said eventually I would do it."

RIGHT: "Eventually, I said I would do it"


"I said I would do it eventually."

2. 英語里沒有語病又有歧義的句子有哪些

比如說“Leave the book on the shelf"你可以理解為,把書放在書架上,或者是不要碰書架上的書。

還有很多例子,比如說“my small child's cot"有3個歧義,1,my small cot for a child,2,my co for a small child,3,the cot of my small child.很多了,我就不一一舉例了,忙的,呵呵 答案補充 想要學到跟多關于歧義的知識,可以學下句法學,也就是syntax,看看語言學教程不錯,提高你的英語水平,這書很好看的,呵呵。