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1. 生日快樂的英語怎樣翻譯


happy birthday



The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher.


Happy birthday!


I wish you a happy birthday.

海詞廣告: 全棉浴巾毛巾三件99元 學外語,交外國真朋友

© Dict.CN 在線詞典 更多解釋 專業修理上水管道漏水 日夜服務 隨叫隨到 國內最專業的挖掘機修理企業 聯邦重機中國句酷雙語例句


Happy birthday, Carl.

生日快樂 ,Carl。

-- 英漢 - 辭典例句

Many happy return of this auspicious day to you.


-- 英漢 - 辭典例句

The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher.


-- 英漢 - 辭典例句

I wish you a happy birthday.


-- 輕輕松松背單詞-蔣剛

Happy birthday to you!


-- 輕輕松松背單詞-蔣剛

Hap---py birth---day, happy birth-day

生日快樂, 生日快樂,

-- 唱讀歌謠學英語 - Happy Birthday To You

Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you.


-- 小學英語(一年級上學期適用) - Lesson 19 Songs

It was very kind of you to invite me. Happy birthday to you!


-- 市民英語100句(B) - Unit 8 Participating in Social Activities Lesson 20 Going to a birthday party

Thank you! It's your birthday? Happy birthday.


-- 魔法英語-口語突破(初中) - Unit 6 Apology and Responds

Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.


2. 生日快樂的英語語句語段

May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.


I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.


Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.


I want to be one of the first who say "Happy birthday to you". May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!


My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.


I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.


A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart. Happiness for your birthday and always.

3. 生日快樂 英文的祝福語

1、讓短信捎給你我的祝福言語,濃濃情意都在這一份真摯的心意里,愿你的生日充滿無窮的快樂,愿你明天的回憶溫馨,愿你在新的一歲里夢想成真!let the text message send you my blessing words, the strong feelings are in this sincere heart, may your birthday be full of endless happiness, may your memories be warm tomorrow, and may your dreams come true in the new year!2、一生開始的大祝福,一路匆匆的小祝福,每次點燃蠟燭的新祝福,每次吹滅蠟燭的老祝福,生日快樂,你要永遠幸福。

The big blessing at the beginning of one's life, the small blessing in a hurry all the way, the new blessing of lighting candles every time, the old blessing of blowing out candles every time. Happy birthday, you must be happy forever.3、當清晨的第一縷陽光灑向窗臺,我信手摘下花瓣上一滴露珠兒給你。我把春天里從世界花園采集來的花兒奉獻給你,祝福你青春象花一樣燦爛,祝你生日快樂!When the first ray of sunshine in the morning is sprinkled on the window sill, I believe that I will take off a drop of dew beads from the petals and give it to you. I dedicate the flowers collected from the world garden in spring to you, wish you a bright youth like flowers, and wish you a happy birthday!4、奏響優美的旋律,放飛喜悅的心緒;打開生日的禮物,踏上開心的道路;切開甜蜜的蛋糕,投入溫暖的懷抱;吹滅生日的蠟燭,許下美好的祝福。

祝:生日快樂!Play beautiful melody to release joyful mood; Open the birthday present and set foot on the happy road. Cut the sweet cake and throw it into the warm embrace. Blow out the candles for your birthday and wish you good luck. Happy birthday!5、如果人生的風景有無數,愿幸福高居生活的榜首;如果情感的歷程長而久,愿快樂領跑在最前頭!‌您的生日,有我們的祝福相伴左右!If there are countless scenes in life, may happiness be the top of the list. If the emotional journey is long and long, may happiness lead the way! Your birthday is accompanied by our blessing.6、這是時間的輪回,希望你的人生無怨無悔,這是四季的交換,祝福你的人生永遠燦爛,這是真心的祈禱,祝福朋友生日快樂,心想事成。This is the cycle of time. I hope you have no regrets in your life. This is the exchange of the four seasons. I wish you a brilliant life forever. This is a sincere prayer. I wish my friends a happy birthday and everything they want to achieve.7、雖然溫度總在變化,雖然時光沒有停息,雖然此刻你我遠隔千里,雖然祝福只是一條信息,但朋友的心總在惦記,真摯的問候總是跟隨著你,生日快樂!although the temperature is always changing, although the time has not stopped, although at the moment you and I are thousands of miles away, although blessing is only a message, but the heart of a friend is always thinking, sincere greetings are always with you, happy birthday!8、柔柔的風,把我深深的思念纏繞,化作真真的祝福,飄啊飄,輕輕飄落你身邊,你要靜靜地傾聽風的聲音,用心感受那一份愜意,那是我在祝福你生日快樂。

The gentle wind twines my deep thoughts and turns them into sincere wishes. They float and float and float gently down to your side. You should listen to the sound of the wind quietly and feel the pleasure with your heart. That is my wish for your happy birthday.9、每一年,都有這樣一個特殊的日子,那就是今天,因為今天,是你的生日。請收下我真心的祝福,愿你未來的日子更加快樂健康平安如意。

生日快樂。Every year, there is such a special day, that is today, because today is your birthday. Please accept my sincere blessing and wish you a happier, healthier, safer and better future. Happy birthday.10、今天是你生日,我實在搶不到晚上12點第一個祝福你,但我的祝福不是最差的,我有最真誠的心,最美好的祝愿,用最溫柔的聲音祝福你:生日快樂。

Today is your birthday. I really can't get the first blessing at 12 o'clock in the evening, but my blessing is not the worst. I have the most sincere heart and best wishes. I wish you a happy birthday with the softest voice.。

4. 生日快樂翻成英語

生日快樂 happy birthday例句:全班一起為老師唱`生日快樂'歌.The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher.祝你生日快樂!Happy birthday!祝你生日快樂。

I wish you a happy birthday.海詞廣告: 全棉浴巾毛巾三件99元 學外語,交外國真朋友© Dict.CN 在線詞典 更多解釋 專業修理上水管道漏水 日夜服務 隨叫隨到 國內最專業的挖掘機修理企業 聯邦重機中國句酷雙語例句 生日快樂Happy birthday, Carl.生日快樂 ,Carl。-- 英漢 - 辭典例句Many happy return of this auspicious day to you.恭祝生日快樂。

-- 英漢 - 辭典例句The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher.全班一起為老師唱‘生日快樂’歌.-- 英漢 - 辭典例句I wish you a happy birthday.祝你生日快樂。-- 輕輕松松背單詞-蔣剛Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快樂!-- 輕輕松松背單詞-蔣剛Hap---py birth---day, happy birth-day生日快樂, 生日快樂,-- 唱讀歌謠學英語 - Happy Birthday To YouHappy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you.生日快樂,生日快樂,祝你生日快樂。

-- 小學英語(一年級上學期適用) - Lesson 19 SongsIt was very kind of you to invite me. Happy birthday to you!謝謝你的邀請。祝你生日快樂!-- 市民英語100句(B) - Unit 8 Participating in Social Activities Lesson 20 Going to a birthday partyThank you! It's your birthday? Happy birthday.謝謝!是你的生日啊?生日快樂!-- 魔法英語-口語突破(初中) - Unit 6 Apology and RespondsCongratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快樂,天天快樂。