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1. 關于中秋節的英語句子啊


mid-autumn day,all the country is celebrating. the streets are full of people, the loves are holding each other tightily.everyone has his day.however,i am lonely.no one to hold,no one to kiss,no ont to talk! i was walking around the street without purpose,seeing the lovers kissing,watching the fireworkes alone,walking backe room whist.

suddenly,i think i must be good to myself.so i decied to bue a present to myself.i know i will be good soon,and will find my mr.right.so tonight, a little teddy bear will sleep with me.and i know:i will have another teddy bear as a present that not bought from myself!!!

2. 關于中秋節英語句子


The Mid-Autumn Festival is traditionally celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.


The Mid-Autumn Festival, dating back to ancient China, pays homage to the moon and good harvest.


The use of "mid-autumn" to describe the celebration first appeared in the Rites of Zhou, a book written more than 2,000 years ago.


There are also many tales around the origin of the festival. The most famous is about the Chang'e flying to the moon.

It's said that Chang'e flew to the Moon Palace, and became the goddess of the moon, after she took the elixir of immortality.

3. 描寫中秋節的英語文章

A Special Autumn Festival

The first autumn festival after entering university is so special that i felt the strong love----only from a stranger.

the university life is a new stage in our life.you have to be alone to be in study in far diatance far away from home.unavoidably when the autumn festival indicating all the family will get together is coming,we----far away from home will get more longly,and facing this fact,we have no choice and the only choice is we accept it and adapt it.

that night,i sat on a green grass looking the blushing but incredibly cold moon.thinking the happy days when i stayed at home with family i cryed.the tears could not help filling my eyes.but later a boy came,hugged me giving me warm,took care of me,amused me.

all he did is only because he is also a student far away from home,also a student missing home very much,also a student neeing a people acompany him to share the happiness of the festival.

perhaps you don't believe it and don't believe the pure love from a pure stranger.but all i want to tell you is this is true.

in fact,we should remember :if we sincerely trust each other in spit of the modern society,we can find much true love.

4. 用英語寫一段關于中秋節的話

It ususlly comes in September or October.On that day families eata big dinner They also eat moon cakes.These are small round cakes They taste a little like pies Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air. The moon looks brighter and rounder on this day .People often talk about their families and tell the story of Chang'er.


5. 用英文描述你最喜歡的節日要求語句通順,語法正確,200字以上.

下面全部是英文“我最喜歡的節日”作文,你可以作為借鑒,有十多篇,我給個網址給你,關于具體的例子我不復制過來了,你照下面的地址去看看,希望對你有用.中國節日介紹>> 英語作文 節日>> Spring Festival - Chinese New Year節日的描寫>> 節日描寫:國慶節如何進行節日描寫?>>中國節日,中秋>>valentine's day>> 如何寫關于節日的不好?如污染、浪費等方面.>> 感恩節 >>現在大城市都流行過西方的節日,如圣誕節等,對這一現象發表你的看法>>。

6. 關于中秋節的英語名言

For months to call Fong, bottle green net. Worship the star 's fall, about the moon of the floating raft. - Wen Tianxiang " back to Dong lifting mid-autumn please feast. " 待月舉杯,呼芳樽于綠凈。

拜華星之墜幾,約明月之浮槎。--文天祥《回董提舉中秋請宴啟》West End Park boat ride, to the Nagahashi Mi moon. Gradually far smoke floating grass in fall, and tower eaves. - Xu Wei " fifteen night " at the 城西日暮泊行船,起向長橋見月圓。

漸上遠煙浮草際,忽依高閣墮檐前。--徐渭《十五夜抵建寧》Light on the autumn light off the road long, blue radial GUI style pan tianxiang. On the circular Qiao people thousands of miles, wind light fan Yan and his entourage. - a Huangyan " boat times Mid-Autumn Festival " 淡蕩秋光客路長,蘭橈桂棹泛天香。

月明圓嶠人千里,風急輕帆燕一行。--張煌言《舟次中秋》The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment. " Full moon " - Zhang Jiuling Huaiyuan 海上生明月,天涯共此時。

--張九齡《望月懷遠》He knows that the dews tonight will be frost. How much brighter the moonlight is at home! - Du Fu " Moonlight " memories of my brother 露從今夜白,月是故鄉明。--杜甫《月夜憶舍弟》Autumn sky moon hanging, dew moistened. - Meng Haoran " with a " moon autumn night 秋空明月懸,光彩露沾濕。

--孟浩然《秋宵月下有懷》From August fifteen night, Qujiang pool center edge. In August fifteen night, Pu Sha Tau water in front of the pen. Where is the southeast northwest Look Homeward, sees the month circle several times. Yesterday the wind blows no one will, like previous light tonight. - Bai Juyi " the night of fifteen August where the moon " Pavilion 昔年八月十五夜,曲江池畔杏園邊。今年八月十五夜,湓浦沙頭水館前。


--白居易《八月十五日夜湓亭望月》Atrium white arboreal crow, wet cold silent dew fragrans. Tonight the moon people look, do not know which family in autumn? Fifteen night of full moon " - Wang Jian " 中庭地白樹棲鴉,冷露無聲濕桂花。今夜月明人盡望,不知秋思落誰家?--王建《十五夜望月》Ten wheel cream shadow turn family Wu, this evening Halter only disappointment. May not sue without remorse, sweet-scented osmanthus moon cold lonely. - Yan Shu " Moon " 十輪霜影轉庭梧,此夕羈人獨向隅。

未必素娥無悵恨,玉蟾清冷桂花孤。--晏殊《中秋月》When will the moon be clear and bright? With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. People may have sorrow or joy , be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, this has been going on since the beginning of time. We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight , even though miles apart. " Prelude to water melody " - Su Shi 明月幾時有,把酒問青天。


--蘇軾《水調歌頭》Fugitive easily in the low moon, return call to see more emphasis on wine. In front of the hall is the more clear moonlight, pharynx pharynx cold Jiang Ming Lu grass. Lonely no shutter push families, under the windows babbling only Chu old. Nandu in the Mo shame of poverty, the few poems. -- Su Shi " and " the Mid-Autumn Festival 明月易低人易散,歸來呼酒更重看。堂前月色愈清好,咽咽寒螀鳴露草。


--蘇軾《中秋見月和子由》Evening clouds withdrawn, pure cold air floods the sky; the river of stars mute, a jade plate turns on high. How oft can we enjoy a fine mid-autumn night? Where shall we view next year silver moon so bright. " The moon " - Su Shi 暮云收盡溢清寒,銀漢無聲轉玉盤。此生此夜不長好,明月明年何處看。

--蘇軾《中秋月》The poor head with such as silver, 10000 Avision yo mussel jane. The sky without the repair on households, cassia twig on round loss to west. " Chimera " Mid-Autumn Castle - Mi 目窮淮海滿如銀,萬道虹光育蚌珍。天上若無修月戶,桂枝撐損向西輪。
