
解夢佬 0

1. 愛的五種語言是什麼



關鍵詞:鼓勵、肯定、仁慈、謙和李眉希望丈夫能幫她給地板打蠟。無論怎樣提醒,丈夫就是無動于衷,反倒在每個周末把MTV 愛語2:精心的時刻 什麼是精心的時刻?答案是:給予對方全部的注意力。


活動其實是次要的,重要的是花時間“鎖住”對方的情感。 愛語3:接受禮物這是指做配偶想要你做的事,你替他/她服務因而使他/她高興,表示對他/她的愛。


愛語4:服務的行動 這是指做配偶想要你做的事,你替他/她服務因而使他/她高興,表示對他/她的愛。當男女熱戀時,為對方服務是自愿的,甚至費盡心機。

但婚后,很多人變得完全不同了。 愛語5:身體的接觸 肢體接觸是人類感情溝通的一種微妙方式,也是愛的表達的有力工具。



2. 英文詩歌I've saved the summer寫作背景

這首詩在教科書里有,雖然只是用作課外賞析,但這是我喜歡到想主動背下來的第一首英文詩.這首不是情詩啦,是父母對兒女之愛的表達呀.我們英語課的時候老師解釋過這個問題呢.【Till you're older you'll not konw / What brave young smiles can mean 】就好像是爸爸/媽媽在對孩子說:“等你長大了,你才會懂得勇敢年輕的微笑的含義”,是長輩對晚輩語重心長的口吻,讀起來還有點父母回味青年時的味道.更明顯的是最后一段【But if you've a need for love / I'll give you all I own / It might help you down the road / Till you've found your own 】“但你要是需要愛呀,我會把愛全部給你,它會支持你走下去,直到你找到自己的愛為止”就表現了在父母之愛中逐漸成長的孩子最終找到自己摯愛之人的過程.這是首回味無窮的詩,大愛.下周去學校,英語課的時候我就打算默寫這首詩呢~ ∩T∩(老師布置的作業就是背誦自己喜歡的英語美文,下次上課默寫)順便打下原詩,檢驗下記憶力~嘿嘿I'VE SAVED THE SUMMER -Rod McKuenI've saved the summer And I give it all to you To hold on winter mornings When the snow is newI've saved some sunlight If you should ever need A place away from darkness Where your mind can feed And for myself I've kept your smile When you were but nineteen Till you're older you'll not konw What brave young smiles can meanI know no answers To help you on your way The answers lie somewhere At the bottom of the day But if you've a need for love I'll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you've found your own。

3. 英語“謝謝”的表達方式

grateful 1.I am very grateful to you for……非常感謝你2.I should like to say how grateful I am.我謹表示我深切的謝意。

3.I shall be grateful to you all my life.我將一輩子感激你4.I cannot express to you how grateful we are.我無法向你表達出我們是多麼的感激appreciate 感謝用法: appreciate sth/doing sth appreciate that(從句)例句:I appreciate your congratulations and good wishes. 我非常感謝你的祝賀和良好祝愿。

4. 母親節英語寄語

1、Admonishment is the expression of your love, nagging is the expression of your love, concern is the expression of your love, missing is the expression of your love, Mother's Day is coming, the most beautiful wishes to you, I hope that mother's health is always there, laughter is always open. 1、叮嚀是您愛的表現,嘮叨是您愛的表達,牽掛是您愛的表示,思念是您愛的表明,母親節到了,將最美的祝福送給您,愿媽媽健康常在,笑口常開。

2、Mountains are higher than mothers'love; seas are deeper than mothers' love; feelings are thicker than mothers'love; meaning is true, but mothers' favor; Mother's Day wishes mothers all over the world healthy and happy 2、山之高,高不過母親的慈愛;海之深,深不過母親的疼愛;情之濃,濃不過母親的關愛;意之真,真不過母親的寵愛;母親節愿天下的母親健康快樂。 3、The stage of life is like a play. Mother's love is never absent. The stage is brilliant, the behind-the-scenes care and encouragement are always the same. The position is not replaced by anybody. We can see the joys and sorrows of the world and keep warm with you. Happy Mother's Day and always beautiful! 3、人生舞臺如戲,母愛從未缺席,臺前精彩演繹,幕后關懷鼓勵,牽掛始終如一,位置無人代替,閱盡人間悲喜,溫暖陪你繼續。

祝母親節快樂,永遠美麗! 4、You gave me life, you guarded my growth, you cared about my warmth and cold, you felt my joy and sorrow. Grace is as deep as the sea and will never be forgotten. Mother's Day, thank your mother for her selfless love, and wish you happiness forever! 4、是您給了我生命,是您守護我成長,是您關心我的冷暖,是您感受我的悲喜。恩深似海,永難忘懷。


5. 麻煩替寫一份關于愛情的英文議論文

Now that the air is fresher and the world turned green, I shall sing once more of the one I love and desire, but we are so far apart that I cannot go and witness how my words might please her. And nothing can console me but death, for evil tongues (may God curse them) have made us part. And alas, I so desired her that now I moan and cry half mad with grief. I sing of her, yet her beauty is greater than I can tell, with her fresh color, lovely eyes, and white skin, untanned and untainted by rouge. She is so pure and noble that no one can speak ill of her. But above all, one must praise, it seems to me, her truthfulness, her manners and her gracious speech, for she never would betray a friend; and I was mad to believe what I heard tell of her and thus cause her to be angry. I never intended to complain; and even now, if she so desires, she could bring me happiness by granting what I seek. I cannot go on like this much longer, for since she's been so far away I've scarcely slept or eaten. Love is sweet to look upon but bitter upon parting; one day it makes you weep and another skip and dance, for now I know that the more one enters love's service, the more fickle it becomes. Messenger, go with Godspeed and bring this to my lady, for I cannot stay here much longer and live, or be cured elsewhere, unless I have her next to me, naked, to kiss and embrace within a curtained room.。

6. 唯美詩篇,愛的表達









