
解夢佬 0

1. 我要強大的英語句型

給你我考專八的句型,以后你上大學,考四六級,都是可以通用的:用于文章段落或開頭:Faced with…, quite a few people argue that …, but other people conceive differently. With the development of 。

, vast changes await this country's society. There's a general discussion today about the issue of … Those who objects to… argue that… They believe that… But people who favor…, on the other hand, argue that… Currently there's a widespread concern that… Now it is commonly held that… But I doubt whether… Recently the issue of … has brought to public attention. One of the great men once said that… Now more and more people share this belief. Until recently… has been regarded as… These days we are often told that… But is this really the case? There's no denying/ doubt that…. 用于比較性和駁斥型的議論:The advantages of A are much greater than B. Wonderful as A is, however, it also has its own disadvantages too. Although A enjoys considerable advantages over…, it can't compete with B in… Although everyone believes that… I wonder whether the argument bears much analysis. Contrary to widely accepted views, I believe that… There's in fact no reason for us to believe that…. There's an element of truth in these statement, but they ignore a deeper and more important fact that… Although it's commonly held that…, it is unlikely to be true that… What these people fail to consider is that… In all the discussion a debate over… one important fact is generally overlooked. 用于解釋和闡述性的議論文:Among the most convincing resources given by people for… one should be mentioned. One may think of the trend as result of … The change in… largely results from the fact that… There're several causes for this significant growth in… First… Second…Third… A number of factors could account for the development in … What are…? For one thing… For another… And the primary reason is … The reason for… are complicated, and probably they found in fact that… It's no simple task to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon, which involves many factors. Different people look at … in different ways. 用于描寫圖標和數據:In 1995, it increased/ rose from 7 to 15 percent of the total. By comparison with 1989, it decrease/ fell from 15 to 7 percent. … increased/ decreased by 10% over the last year. The figure/ percentage has nearly doubled/ tripled as against that of the last year. It has increased/ decreased two and a half times, compared with… It accounts for 25% of the total. … is less/ more than 20% of the total number of … The rate was 20 per thousand, more than one fourth of … 用于論證和說明:We may site/ quote/ take a single/ common example to illustrate… A recent study indicates/ suggests/ shows that… According to the statistics provided by…, it can be seen that… There's a good/ sufficient evidence to show that… This brings out/ sets froth the important fact that… No one can ignore/ overlook the fact that… Let's take an example/ some examples to illustrate… I can think of no better illustrations of the idea/ view than the fact that… It's clear/ well-known that… 用于文章結尾:From what has been discussed about… Taking into account all these factors, we may safely arrive at/ draw/ come to/ reach the conclusion that… It's high time that we put consideration/ great/ special emphasis on… We must look for an immediate method, because the present situation of … If permitted to…, it will lead/ result to … Many solutions/ methods are being offered here, all of them make some sense, but none is quiet satisfactory. The problem should be examined in a new way. There's no immediate solution to the problem of…, but… might be helpful/ beneficial. No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of …, but the general awareness of the necessity/ importance of … might be the first step right now. There's little doubt/ denying that… It's, therefore, obvious/ evident that the task of … require immediate attention. As far as … be concerned, I believe/ think that… In conclusion…。

2. 用英文寫的關于堅強的故事

The story of Zhang Haidi 張海迪的故事 Zhang Haidi was born in 1955 in Shandong Peninsula Wendeng counties a family of intellectuals. 5 years of age, chest following a complete loss of consciousness, unable to care for themselves. Doctors agreed that, as such high paraplegia patients, it is very difficult to live more than 27 years. In the threat of death, Zhang Haidi realize that their lives may not last long, and she no more time to work saddened by the more cherish their tick of the clock, with the study and hard work to prolong life. She wrote in his diary : "I can not make new achievements alive, alive we must learn, you have to do something for the masses. As meteors, it is imperative to leave-earth, and everything to the people. "In 1970, she led with the parents of young intellectuals to the countryside still SHENCOUNTY floor Battalion jump the queue settlers, the local people to see the sufferings of medicines, medical study by the immense pain to lift the masses the idea. She used their pocket money to buy the medical books, thermometer, stethoscope, the human model and drugs, efforts to study the "acupuncture", "Anatomy", "science", "Practical Pediatrics" book. To understand offal, her small animals cardiopulmonary hepatorenal incision observation, in order to familiar with acupuncture, she painted on his body a bit of a bluish red in their possession to practice acupuncture needle experience flu. Hard work pays off, she finally mastered certain skills to the treatment of some common diseases and frequently-occurring disease in 10 years, the treatment for the masses to more than 10,000 people. Later, she moved to town with her parents live, work was not arranged. She reserves from Paul Paul Wu Yunduo deeds encouraged by the GAO Yu-bao from the experience of writing inspiration, decided to follow the path of literature, and use their own pens to create a beautiful image, to inspire people's souls. She read many Chinese and foreign books, write diaries, read novels, poetry back, reproduced China chapter, and the line still a student of writing I sketching training, learning to paint, copying famous paintings and learned the knowledge that system and read music, and, importantly, accordions, the pipa, guitars and other musical instruments to play songs. Now she is the professional Shandong Gosh creators, her works "wheelchair on the Dream" was introduced and again in the community caused a strong reaction. Clearly identify the target, regardless of the number of separated before Wang difficulties, will straddle the past and become successful in the end, it is Zhang Haidi character. Once, a bottle of old comrades used to import medicine, please help her translation notes, watching this disappointing comrades away, Zhang Haidi was determined to learn English, acquire more knowledge. Since then, her walls, a table, lamps, mirrors, and even the hands, arms are written on English words, as his daily evening do not remember 10 words not sleep. Home to the guests, so long as the points of English has become her teacher. After seven to eight years of effort, she can not only read English newspapers and literary works, translations of the British novel "seaside clinic." When she takes this book of prose to the editor of a publishing house, the middle of this old comrades moved to shed the tears and enthusiasm for writing to the preamble : "route girl paralyzed in an extension of the foot." Later, Zhang Haidi continued to make progress, learning Japanese, German and Esperanto. Haidi also do our best to help around the youth, encouraging them to love life, cherish their youth, learning ability to serve the people and to the motherland's prosperity gave their light and heat. Many young people in her counseling obtain a secondary and vocational school and college, a lot of confusion in contact with her have been inspired and education became enriched and noble up. Zhang Haidi in a wheelchair to sing the high agitation of the Song of Life, the theme is older : a human life is worth to the motherland prosperity and people's happiness and courage to open up, and selfless dedication! The story of Helen Keller 海倫凱勒的故事 June 1, 1968 afternoon, Helen Keller died in his sleep, has died at age 87. Miss Keller was born in the 18 months after the time it became deaf blind deaf, but it miraculously walk of a lifetime. Helen Keller was born in 1880 in northern Alabama called a Tashika Mubie towns. In her 1 1/2-year-old time, a serious illness destroyed her eyesight and hearing, and then she lost the ability to express language. But on this dark and lonely 。

3. 【這兩個英語句子哪一個表達是正確的Iwonderwhatserversareyouusing

第二個句子正確,賓語從句已經將重點強調部分(本句中的what servers)前置了,其余部分用陳述句語序,這個是語法規定,對于這個語法點時間久了語感強了自然就掌握了,類似的句子還有:Mother eagered to know how many bottles of beer Tom would buy after work.Before revolution,people could never imagine how fast the society develops.。

4. 描述各種學科的英語優美句子

既體現著主觀思想之美,又讓人領略語言之博大精深數學,在所有的學科中獨樹一幟, like fog loose layer after uncovering beautiful like fairyland attracts you. (數學是一門很深奧學科, in all the subjects, which embodies the unique beauty of subjective thought, and let people understand the language of the broad and profound.(語文很清新淡雅。

它很奇妙,就像解開層層迷霧之后露出的美麗仙境一樣吸引著你。) 語文: , like the light open lilies.The language is very pure and fresh quietly elegant,就像那淡淡開放的百合花:Mathematics is a very profound discipline. It is very wonderful。

5. 求英語美句或格言

Friends comes and go,but enemies accumulate.

Success is how highyou bounce when you hit bottom.

A long life may not be good enough,but a good life is long enough.

One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.

never explain.Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.

Neither the sun nor death can be loked at with a steady eye.



6. 描述環境優美的英語句子

The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮從云后往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著。所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作。)

Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.


7. 英語萬能句子


下面是我自己早些時候收藏的。1. It was not until I failed to pass the exam that I realized only by making every effort to prepare it can one improve his grades。

直到考試失敗,我才意識到只有全力做好準備,才能提高成績。2. It is not what you say but what you do that really matters。

多說不如多做。3. Not only did the activity give us a lot of fun, but also built up our strength。

這項活動不僅讓我們玩的愉快,更幫我們樹立了信心。 4.The idea of protecting our environment has been deeply rooted among the public。

環保意識已經深深扎根于公眾。 5. It is widely believed that reading enriches our knowledge and broadens our mind。

眾所周知,讀書能夠拓展我們的思維,豐富我們的知識。 6. We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our environment too much。

我們多麼強調環保的重要性都不為過。 7. So charming is the scenery that we can't afford to miss it。

景色是如此的迷人,我們不容錯過。 8. The party will be held in honor of our English teacher, who has been teaching in this school for 30 years。


9. I wonder if I have described all of that clearly enough. If you still have any problems, never hesitate to let me know。 我不知自己是否已經完全解釋清楚。

如果你還有疑問,請毫不猶豫的告訴我。 10. I shall be very grateful if you should provide me with some necessary information。

如果你能為我提供必要的信息,我會十分感激。 11. On behalf of our fellow students I would like to express our appreciation for your help, which I will always remember。

我代表全體學生向您表示感謝,我們會一直銘記您對我們的幫助。 12. I hope the department concerned will look into this issue and give me a favorable response。

我希望有關部門會深入調查此問題并給予我滿意答復。 13. It is Teachers' Day today. On this special occasion, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to my beloved teacher。


14. I'm terribly sorry about my negligence and I promise that I will never make the same mistake again in the future。 我對自己的粗心大意表示歉意,與此同時我保證自己今后不會再犯同樣的錯誤。

15. I really hope you will be able to come and experience all the great fun we will be having here。 我真心希望你能夠前來,和我們一道享受這種愉快。

16. We cannot turn a blind eye to the phenomenon. If we continue to ignore the issue, more problems will follow。 我們不能對這種現象視而不見。

倘若我們忽視此類問題,那麼今后會有更多的問題發生。 17. In the age of information, the computer plays an increasingly important role。

在信息時代,電腦的作用日益增大。 18. Nowadays, everyone of us has been confronted with too many instances of dishonest behaviors either through mass media or in our daily life。

當今,我們當中的每個人都經歷過種種欺騙行為,或是通過媒體,或是在日常生活中。 19. To account for the phenomenon mentioned above, I can think of no better example than the one mentioned as below.。


20. As a matter of fact, there are many other factors that have something to do with it, among which attitude is the most important。 事實上,有許多其他因素對這件事也有影響,但在眾多因素中態度是最重要的。

21. It is widely believed that reading is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of young people。 眾所周知,閱讀對年輕人性格的培養和個人成長都是既重要又有益的。

22. I'm sure everyone will benefit a lot from speech contest, because it can broaden our mind as well as enrich our school lives。 我確信每個人都將從演講比賽中受益良多,因為它可以開闊眼界,豐富我們的生活。

23. Although there are really many ways to solve this urgent problem, the following two ways may be more effective。 盡管有許多方式能解決這個緊急的問題,以下兩種方式可能更加有效。

24. It is high time that we called on the effort from all sides to deal with this problem properly。 早就應該是我們呼吁各界采取各種方式解決這一問題的時候了。

25. As far as I am concerned, the most important thing for us to do is nothing but do XXX。 我認為,對于我們來說最重要的事情莫過于XXX。

26. Three reasons,in my eyes,can account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, XXX; in the second place, XXX; among other things, XXX。 在我看來,解釋這種現象有三種原因,首先,也是最重要的是XXX;其次,XXX,除此之外,XXX。

27. Having realized that computers 。