
解夢佬 0

1. 英語各類詞之間的關系

About Sentences 1. 一個句子只能有一個動詞(兩個動詞在一起會打架) 2. 當主詞和受詞的一定是名詞(或做名詞用) 3. 一定要形容詞或名詞才能當補語 4. 助動詞和 be 動詞的否定在后面直接加 not 即可 5. 有疑問詞的問句,疑問詞要擺最前面 6. 有助動詞和 be 動詞的疑問句,要把助動詞或 be 動詞移到主詞前 7. 用什麼助動詞問,就用什麼助動詞回答 8. 一般動詞的否定和疑問要用助動詞 9. 祈使句要用動詞原形 10. 祈使句的否定在前面加 Don't 或 never 11. 間接問句不是問句 12. 關系子句一定是形容詞子句,形容前面的先行詞 13. 有連接詞帶頭的句子是次要子句 14. 某處有某物要用“There is(are) 。”

的句型 About Nouns. 1. 一個名詞在句中一定要當主詞或受詞或補語 2. 普通名詞前面要有冠詞,要不然就是后面要加 -s 或 -es 3. 有指定的名詞前面要有定冠詞 About Verbs. 1. 及物動詞后一定要有受詞,不及物動詞后一定不能直接接受詞 2. 不完全的(及物和不及物)動詞后面,一定有補語 3. 助動詞后用原形動詞 4. 及物動詞和介系詞后面才能有受詞 5. 連綴動詞后面要用形容詞 6. 主詞第三人稱單數,現在式一般動詞要加 -s 或 -es 7. 過去的過去用過去完成式 8. 表示時間或條件的副詞子句,要用現在式代替未來式 9. 與現在事實相反用過去式,與過去事實相反用過去完成式 10. 使役動詞后面用原形動詞(受詞主動去做某事時) 使役動詞后面用過去分詞(受詞被。.時) 11. 感官動詞后面用原形動詞或現在分詞(受詞主動去做某事時) 使役動詞后面用過去分詞(受詞被。

.時) 12. 感官動詞和使役動詞本身被動時,后面原形動詞要恢復不定詞 to 13. 不定詞、分詞、動名詞的否定在前面直接加 not 即可 About Adjectives. 1. 形容詞形容名詞 2. 形容詞如果只有一個字,放在名詞前面,形容詞如果有很多字,要放在名詞后面 3. 所有格后面一定要有名詞 4. 現在分詞有主動和進行中的意思,過去分詞則有被動和已經完成的意思 5. 冠詞、指示形容詞、所有格不能同時形容一名詞 6. a friend of mine = one of my friends 7. 定冠詞加形容詞等于那一類名詞的復數 About Adverbs. 1. 副詞修飾動詞、或形容詞或其它副詞 2. 頻率副詞的位置: be 動詞后、一般動詞前、助動詞和本動詞之間 About Prepositions. 1. 及物動詞和介系詞后面一定要有受詞 2. 介系詞后面動詞要加 -ing About Conjunctions. 1. 對等連接詞連接的一定是兩個對等的東西 2. 兩個句子不能用「,」連接。

2. 求關聯詞的英語表達



for example, that is, in the following manner, namely, in this case, as an illustration, to illustrate, in the same manner 2.表示遞進關系的關聯詞

above all, finally ,of major concern, a second factor, of minor concern, to begin with, furthermore, compared to, moreover, equally important, of less importance, worst of all 3.表示強調的關聯詞

especially, without doubt, primarily, chiefly, actually, otherwise, after all, as a matter of fact 4.表示比較的關聯詞

as, too, also, likewise, similarly, at the same time, in the same way 5.表示轉折的關聯詞

but, still, on the other hand, on the contrary, although, nevertheless, regardless, contrary to, and yet, however, nevertheless, conversely, despite, after all, instead 6.表示因果關系的關聯詞

for this purpose, to this end, with this object 7.表示結論的關聯詞

all in all, altogether, finally, in brief, in sum, in conclusion, in short, in summary, on the whole, to sum up accordingly, as a result, because, consequent, hence, since, therefore, thus, 8.表示作者態度的詞

ironically, fortunately, to

3. 英語關聯詞有哪些

英語關聯詞 —并列連詞 1 并列連詞 在句子中不做成分,僅表示前后關系. 1.用于連接彼此互補依存的對等的成分. 1)連接語詞:slow but safe/ either this week or next week 2)連接分句:I went and she also. 2.可分別表示下列關系. 1)轉折:but, yet, however, neverthe- less 2) 因果:so, for, therefore 3) 選擇:or, either…or, neither…nor 英語關聯詞 —并列連接詞 2 4)并列和遞進:and,both…and, as well as not only…but (also) 英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 關聯詞 用于引導從句. 1.名詞從句: He doesn't know what she is. 2.副詞從句:If he comes, I'll give it to you. 3.形容詞從句:He's the best student I've ever taught. 英語關聯詞 —連接詞 1 關聯詞的類別及所表示的關系 要特別注意關聯詞在從句中(及某些連接詞在短語中)所擔當的成分,這是正確使用關連詞的關鍵. 1.連接詞:引導名詞從句,在從句中不做成分. 1) that(無含義): I said that he was wrong. 2) whether(if)(表示不確定性或選擇關系): I don't know whether it is correct. 英語關聯詞 —連接詞 2 2.連接代詞 1)引導名詞從句,在從句中做主語,賓語,表語和 定語. A. who/which 作主語(口語who中可做賓語, 但其前面不可有與其配合使用的介詞): I asked him who came into the room./ I asked him who(m) he saw whom/which 做賓語: Ask him which he wants. 英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 3 C. whose 做賓語(=whose thing(s)) /定 語: I wonder whose house that is. D. what 做上面提及的各種成分: I don't know what I should do. What can be done 2)與不定式連用,在其中多做主語和賓語. We can't decide whom to invite. We must decide what to do. I couldn't decide which to choose. 英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 4 3.連接副詞 引導名詞從句或與不定式連用,在從句 中做狀語. 1) how: That's how I look at it. 2) where: I don't know where he lives. 3) when: Tell me when to use the tool. 4) why: I'll tell you why you have to do it. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 1 4.關系代詞 1) who 表示人,在從句中做主語和表語(口語 who中可做賓語,但其前面不可有與其配合使用 的介詞): The man who spoke is my teacher. I don't know who he is. The man who I saw told me that. 2) whom 表示人,在從句中做賓語和表語: The man whom I saw told me that. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 2 3) whose 表示"某人/物的",of which表示 "某物的", 在從句中做定語: That's the man whose son is my pupil. The room whose window faces south is her bedroom. The room of which the window faces south is her bedroom. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 3 4) which 表示物,在從句中做主語和表語: I like the picture which was taken in front of the main building. 5) that 表示人/物,在從句中做主語和賓語; 注 意下列關于that作為關系代詞的用法. A.現行詞前有最高級形容詞修飾時: This is the best film that I've ever seen. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 4 B.先行詞是下列詞語或為其所修飾修飾時: the first, the last, the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, every. This is the last chance that you have. You are the only friend that I have. He told me all that he knew. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 5 C. 先行詞是下列不定代詞或為其所修飾修飾時: much, little, none, everything/body, nothing, nobody. There's nothing in the world that can frighten him. D. 以Who/Which開始的句子,其后的定語從句中 的關系代詞不使用who/which,而代之以that. Who that knows him would trust him Which of these buses is the one that goes to London 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 6 E.人和事物/動物同為先行詞時: The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned. 6) 關系代詞做介詞賓語. A.一般介詞可放在whom/which的前面或其所 在的從句的句尾,關系代詞為that時,只可 放在其所在的從句的句尾. Is this the car for which you paid a high price 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 7 Is this the car which you paid a high price for Is this the car that you paid a high price for Is this the car you paid a high price for B.介詞during, except以及表示(從整體中) "分割"(出部分)的介詞of等介詞要放在關 系代詞的前面: 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 8 The years during which he was away were long years to her. He wrote many books, some of which C.其介詞與動詞不可分割的短語動詞中的介詞必 須放在其動詞之后,不可放在關系代詞之前: This is the book which he has been looking for. 7)關系代詞的省略. A.關系代詞作賓語時: The girl I work with is coming. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 9 B.that在定語從句中做表語時: He is not the man that he was when I saw him first. He is not the man he was when I saw him first. 5.關系副詞 在定語從句中均做狀語. 1)where 地點: That's one point where I'd like your advice. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 10 2) when 時間: At the time when I saw him, he was ill. 3) why 原因: That is the reason why I came so early. 4) that 方式/時間/原因 I like the way that /in which he did it. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 11 That was the first time 。

4. 形容友情的英語句子

The most precious of all possessions is a wise and loyal friend. True friendship lasts for ever. Nothing is better than a loyal friend. Fire is the test of gold, aversity of friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed. No better relation than a prudent and faithful friend. A brother is a friend given by nature. We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.。

5. 初中英語重要句型匯總要具體的,帶漢語意思的

為什麼又要分詞類,又要分句子成分呢?詞類和句子成分是不同的概念.同一個詞類可以在句中充當不同的成分,同一個句子成分也可以由不同的詞類來擔任. 那麼什麼叫句子成分呢?句子的組成成分叫句子成分.在句子中,詞與詞之間有一定的組合關系,按照不同的關系,可以把句子分為不同的組成成分.句子成分由詞或詞組充當. 現代漢語里一般的句子成分有六種,即主語、謂語、賓語、定語、狀語和補語.英語的基本成分有六種:主語(subject)、謂語(predicate)、表語(predicative)、賓語(object)、定語(attribute)和狀語(adverbial).英語句子成分中,有些具有形態標志.如第一人稱代詞作主語就用主格“I”,作賓語用賓格“me”,作定語用所有格“my”.這些形態變化對分析辨認成分很有幫助. 漢語與英語就句子成分表面上看來差不多,實際上有不少差別.例如: (1) Xiao Li went to bed as soon as he came home. 小李回家后, 立刻就睡覺了. (2) I'll go when I have had my dinner. 我吃了飯就去. 在英語中,同一個主語在第二次出現時不能省略,必須把每個謂語所陳述的對象都表示出來.而在漢語中,同一個主語在句中第二次出現時,就可以省略.如例(1)中,漢語說“小李回家后立刻就睡覺了”,省去了第二個分句的主語,倒可以避免造成誤解.若將第二次出現的主語補出來,說成“小李回家后,他立刻就睡覺了”.聽的人反而可能把那個“他”誤會成另一個人. 把句子的各個成分搞清楚,也就是把句子各部分的關系搞清楚.做到這一點,才可以準確地理解句子的意思或造出結構正確、意思明白的句子.有一點要注意,在分析句子結構時,應該抓住主要成分.我們分析句子結構,劃分句子成分無非是為了理解,或者是為了造句.這個目的達到了就行了,不必過于細致,更不要鉆牛角尖,否則就會事倍功半. 各種語言有各自的規則、各自的習慣,而且語言是很靈活的東西,發展過程也很復雜,很難把語法的現象都做出明確、統一的解釋來.在使用一種語言時,語法應讓位于習慣.符合習慣的,有時盡管不符合語法,也是正確的. 英語句子有長在短,有簡有繁,從現象看,似乎千變萬化,難以捉摸,但從實質看,可以發現其內在聯系,找出其共同規律.英語句子的基本結構可以歸納成五種基本句型及其擴大、組合、省略或倒裝.掌握這五種基本句型,是掌握各種英語句子結構的基礎. 英語五種基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一: S V (主+謂) 基本句型二: S V P (主+謂+表) 基本句型三: S V O (主+謂+賓) 基本句型四: S V o O (主+謂+間賓+直賓) 基本句型五: S V O C (主+謂+賓+賓補) 基本句型 一 此句型的句子有一個共同特點,即句子的謂語動詞都能表達完整的意思.這類動詞叫做不及物動詞,后面可以跟副詞、介詞短語、狀語從句等.┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃ S │ V (不及物動詞) ┃┠———————————————┼———————————————┨┃1. The sun │was shining. ┃┃2. The moon │rose. ┃┃3. The universe │remains. ┃┃4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. ┃┃5. Who │cares? ┃┃6. What he said │does not matter. ┃┃7. They │talked for half an hour. ┃┃8. The pen │writes smoothly ┃ 1. 太陽在照耀著. 2. 月亮升起了. 3. 宇宙長存. 4. 我們大家都呼吸、吃和喝. 5. 管它呢? 6. 他所講的沒有什麼關系. 7. 他們談了半個小時. 8. 這支筆書寫流利. 基本句型 二 此句型的句子有一個共同的特點:句子謂語動詞都不能表達一個完整的意思,必須加上一個表明主語身份或狀態的表語構成復合謂語,才能表達完整的意思.這類動詞叫做連系動詞.系動詞分兩類:be, look, keep, seem等屬一類,表示情況;get, grow, become, turn等屬另一類,表示變化.be 本身沒有什麼意義,只起連系主語和表語的作用.其它系動詞仍保持其部分詞義.┏━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃ S │V(是系動詞)│ P ┃┠———————┼———————┼———————————————┨┃1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary.┃┃2. The dinner │smells │good. ┃┃3. He │fell │in love. ┃┃4. Everything │looks │different. ┃┃5. He │is growing │tall and strong. ┃┃6. The trouble│is │that they are short of money. ┃┃7. Our well │has gone │dry. ┃┃8. His face │turned │red. ┃┗━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ 1. 這是本英漢辭典. 2. 午餐的氣味很好. 3. 他墮入了情網. 4. 一切看來都不同了. 5. 他長得又高又壯. 6. 麻煩的是他們缺少錢. 7. 我們的井干枯了. 8. 他的臉紅了. 基本句型 三 此句型句子的共同特點是:謂語動詞都具有實義,都是主語產生的動作,但不能表達完整的意思,必須跟有一個賓語,即動作的承受者,才能使意思完整.這類動詞叫做及物動詞.┏━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓┃ S │V(及物動詞)│ O ┃┠———————┼———————┼———————————————┨┃1. Who │。

6. 求所有表達謝謝、對不起、沒關系的英文短語或句子

糾正一下,that's all right,指的不是“對”的意思,而是“不用謝”

that's right才是對的意思

表示謝謝的有:thank you,thanks,it's very kind of you,i can't thank you enough.

表示不用謝:you are welcome,my pleasure(注:with pleasure就不是這個意思了,指樂意效勞,用于別人請你做事,你沒做時);anytime;that's all right;don't mention it.not at all

表示對不起:sorry,,excuse me,pardon me,please forgive me.

表示沒關系:never mind,it doesn't matter.


7. 英語關聯詞都怎麼用

英語關聯詞 句子結構的"關節",準確表達的關鍵 英語關聯詞是關系詞和連接詞的合稱.嚴謹而準確的表達的基礎之一是嚴謹的句子結構;而關聯詞 ,就是這句子結構的"關節"和關鍵.深刻理解和正確運用每一個關聯詞是高水準英語的重要標志之一.然而在英語教學中,關聯詞卻常成為一個不為人說重視的 "小角色",以致許多同學到中學畢業時還對其不甚了了.英語關聯詞 —并列連詞 1 并列連詞 在句子中不做成分,僅表示前后關系.1.用于連接彼此互補依存的對等的成分.1)連接語詞:slow but safe/ either this week or next week2)連接分句:I went and she also.2.可分別表示下列關系.1)轉折:but, yet, however, neverthe- less2) 因果:so, for, therefore3) 選擇:or, either…or, neither…nor 英語關聯詞 —并列連接詞 24)并列和遞進:and,both…and, as well as not only…but (also) 英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 關聯詞 用于引導從句. 1.名詞從句: He doesn't know what she is.2.副詞從句:If he comes, I'll give it to you.3.形容詞從句:He's the best student I've ever taught.英語關聯詞 —連接詞 1 關聯詞的類別及所表示的關系 要特別注意關聯詞在從句中(及某些連接詞在短語中)所擔當的成分,這是正確使用關連詞的關鍵.1.連接詞:引導名詞從句,在從句中不做成分.1) that(無含義):I said that he was wrong.2) whether(if)(表示不確定性或選擇關系):I don't know whether it is correct.英語關聯詞 —連接詞 22.連接代詞 1)引導名詞從句,在從句中做主語,賓語,表語和 定語.A. who/which 作主語(口語who中可做賓語,但其前面不可有與其配合使用的介詞):I asked him who came into the room./ I asked him who(m) he saw whom/which 做賓語:Ask him which he wants.英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 3 C. whose 做賓語(=whose thing(s)) /定 語: I wonder whose house that is.D. what 做上面提及的各種成分:I don't know what I should do.What can be done 2)與不定式連用,在其中多做主語和賓語.We can't decide whom to invite.We must decide what to do.I couldn't decide which to choose. 英語關聯詞 —關聯詞 43.連接副詞 引導名詞從句或與不定式連用,在從句 中做狀語.1) how: That's how I look at it.2) where: I don't know where he lives.3) when: Tell me when to use the tool.4) why: I'll tell you why you have to do it. 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 14.關系代詞1) who 表示人,在從句中做主語和表語(口語 who中可做賓語,但其前面不可有與其配合使用 的介詞):The man who spoke is my teacher.I don't know who he is.The man who I saw told me that.2) whom 表示人,在從句中做賓語和表語:The man whom I saw told me that.英語關聯詞 —關系詞 23) whose 表示"某人/物的",of which表示"某物的", 在從句中做定語:That's the man whose son is my pupil.The room whose window faces south is her bedroom.The room of which the window faces south is her bedroom.英語關聯詞 —關系詞 34) which 表示物,在從句中做主語和表語:I like the picture which was taken in front of the main building. 5) that 表示人/物,在從句中做主語和賓語; 注 意下列關于that作為關系代詞的用法.A.現行詞前有最高級形容詞修飾時:This is the best film that I've ever seen.英語關聯詞 —關系詞 4 B.先行詞是下列詞語或為其所修飾修飾時:the first, the last, the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, every.This is the last chance that you have.You are the only friend that I have.He told me all that he knew.英語關聯詞 —關系詞 5 C. 先行詞是下列不定代詞或為其所修飾修飾時:much, little, none, everything/body,nothing, nobody.There's nothing in the world that can frighten him.D. 以Who/Which開始的句子,其后的定語從句中 的關系代詞不使用who/which,而代之以that.Who that knows him would trust him Which of these buses is the one that goes to London 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 6 E.人和事物/動物同為先行詞時:The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned. 6) 關系代詞做介詞賓語.A.一般介詞可放在whom/which的前面或其所 在的從句的句尾,關系代詞為that時,只可 放在其所在的從句的句尾.Is this the car for which you paid a high price 英語關聯詞 —關系詞 7 Is this the car which you paid a high price for Is this the car that you paid a high price for Is this the car you paid a high price for B.介詞during, except以及表示(從整體中)"分割"(出部分)的介詞of等介詞要放在關 系代詞的前面:英語關聯詞 —關系詞 8 The years during which he was away were long years to her.He wrote many books, some of which C.其介詞與動詞不可分割的短語動詞中的介詞必 須放在其動詞之后,不可放在關系代詞之前:This is the book which he has been looking for.7)關系代詞的省略.A.關系代詞作賓語時:The girl I work with is coming.英語關聯詞 —關系詞 9 B.that在定語從句中做表語時: He is not the man that he was when I saw him first.He is not the man he was when I saw him first.5.關系。