
解夢佬 0

1. 求天國王朝的所有英文對白文檔















Raises the uncle to benefit Yaaz: “Jerusalem does not need the moral perfect knight.”

Thebes pulls to is not willing to marry her Baht: “Will happen one day, you can discover that,Cheng Da is friendly, does not arrest slightly wicked!”

Scatters Latin to Jerusalem new Wang Kiel who is captured: “Your once served the genuine king, unexpectedly did not dye a king style?”

Baht to defends a city the officers and men: “The Jerusalem previous contest, is our previous generation's gratitude and grudges, now kills the Islam army who rushes comes, at that time has not been born. We are compelled to battle, has not seized the city, only then defends a city. Is lost shame of the city person already to die in the past. What is Jerusalem? Your holy city is situated in suffers on the ruins which the roman demolishes…We guard this city, is not in order to defend these stones, is in order to the common people who protect in the city!”

Baht after scatters the Latin negotiations to end, Baht asked: “Jerusalem has what value?”

Scatters Latin: “(Any also does not have)”, gets out of the way he then turns around to smile was saying: “(Does not have price)”.

English kings: “We specially from here process, seek Jerusalem's securer Baht”.

Baht: “I am the blacksmith”.

English kings: “I am the English kings”.

Baht: “I am the blacksmith”.

The English kings nod, vertical Ma Chi goes.

2. 天國王朝的一段臺詞



————按 04.02.07.Kingdom.Of.Heaven.2005.BRRip.XviD-TLF 版本調校過來很高興見到高佛瑞的兒子你父親是我的良師我割傷手臂時,他也在場是他注意到我感覺不到疼痛而不是御醫他哭著告訴我父王我得了麻瘋病撒拉森人說我的王國太過狂妄麻瘋病是上帝對我的懲罰雖然我已痛不欲生阿拉伯人相信…當我下地獄我將永遠受到更殘酷的懲罰如果是的話,我認為很不公平過來坐吧我十六歲就打了一場勝仗當時以為自己會長命百歲現在卻自知活不過三十歲你要知道沒有人能決定自己的生死君令,或不可違父命,或不可逆但是千萬記住即使處于王權之下,霸者之前…人,不可不問一己良知當你面對上帝的審判不可推說當時是逼于無奈或者推說當時是權宜之計推卸不得,一定要記住我會的那就去伊貝林你父親的城堡從那里捍衛朝圣之路保護無助的人民或許有一天當我需要幫助時你也會來保護我————按 Kingdom.of.Heaven.2005.DC.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-WAFX 版本調校Come forward.I am glad to meet Godfrey's son.He was one ofmy greatest teachers.He was there when, playing withthe other boys, my arm was cut.And it was he, not my father's physicians,who noticed that I felt no pain.He wept when he gavemy father the news。that I am a leper.The Saracens saythat this disease。

is God's vengeance againstthe vanity of our kingdom.As wretched as I am。these Arabs believe thatthe chastisement that awaits me in hell。

is far more severe and lasting.If that's true, I call it unfair.Come. Sit.- Do you play?- No.The whole world is in chess.Any move can be the death of you.Do anything exceptremain where you started。and you can't be sure of your end.Were you sure of your end once?- I was.- What was it?To be buried a hundred yardsfrom where I was born.And now?Now I sit in Jerusalemand look upon a king.When I was 16I won a great victory.I felt, in that moment,I would live to be 100.Now I know I shall not see 30.None of us know our end, really。

or what hand will guide us there.A king may move a man.A father may claim a son.That man can also move himself.And only then does that mantruly begin his own game.Remember, how so everyou are played。or by whom, your soulis in your keeping alone。

even though those who presumeto play you be kings or men of power.When you stand before God,you cannot say。"But I was told by others to do thus"。

or that virtue was notconvenient at the time.This will not suffice.Remember that.I will.You know what this is?- A fortification.- What do you think of it?You disapprove.Well, how would you improve it?A cross.Or better, a star, like this.That way no part of the fortressmay be approached。without being exposedto fire from another part.Yes, I like this. Your wallsare more difficult to address.Very good.You will go to your father's houseat Ibelin, your house now。

and then from thereyou will protect the pilgrim road.Safeguard in particularthe Jews and the Muslims.All are welcome in Jerusalem.Not only because it's expedient,but because it is right.Protect the helpless.And then maybe one day,when I am helpless。you will come and protect me.。

3. 求《天國王朝》里,巴里安 在耶路撒冷城墻上演講那一段臺詞

It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem and we had made our preparations as well as they can be made.

None of us took this city from Muslims.

No Muslims, of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost.

We fight over on offense we did not give against those who were not alive to be offended.

What is Jerusalem?

Your holy places lie over the Jewish temper that the Romans pulled down.

The Muslim places of worship lie over yours.

Which is more holy ?

The Wall ?

The Mosque ?

The Sepulcher ?

Who has claim?

No one has claim!

All have claim!

We defend the city not to protect those stones, but the people living within these walls.


















4. 求《天國王朝》中的一段臺詞

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may thee. Speak the truth even if it leads to your death. Save God the helpless. That is your oath. And that so you remember it. Rise a knight!=====================強敵當前,無畏不懼果敢忠義,無愧上帝耿正直言,寧死不誑保護弱者,無怪天理這是你們的誓言牢牢記住。

5. 天國王朝 誓言 英文版

Hospitaller: That does not mean that there is no God. Do you love her? 醫院騎士:那并不意味著沒有神。

你愛她嗎? Balian of Ibelin: Yes. 巴里安:是的。 Hospitaller: The heart will mend. Your duty is to the people of the city. I go to pray. 醫院騎士:心靈是可以愈合的。


Balian of Ibelin: For what? 巴里安:祈求何物? Hospitaller: For the strenght to endure what is to come. 醫院騎士:能承受所要發生的一切的力量。 Balian of Ibelin: And what is to come? 巴里安:要發生什麼? Hospitaller: The reckoning is to come for what was done one hundred years before. The Muslims will never forget. Nor should they. 醫院騎士:100年前的報應就要來臨。


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balian of Ibelin: We defend this city, not to protect these stones, but the people living within these walls. 巴里安:我們守衛這座城市,不是為了保護這些石頭,而是生活在城墻內的人們。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sybilla: Do you fear being with me? 希比拉:你害怕和我在一起嗎? Balian of Ibelin: No. 巴里安:不。

Balian of Ibelin: And yes. 巴里安:但也是。(“不感覺恐懼但亦有敬畏”之意) Sybilla: A woman in my place has two faces; one for the world, and one which she wears in private. With you I'll be only Sibylla. 希比拉:在我這個位置的女人有兩副面孔:一副展示給世人,一副是私底下所顯現。

對你而言我只是希比拉。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balian of Ibelin: This army will be destroyed, and the city left defenseless. 巴里安:這支軍隊將全軍覆沒,這座城市將失去防衛。

Guy de Lusignan: When I wish a blacksmith to advise me in war, I will tell him. 蓋伊:當我希望鐵匠發表對戰爭的建議時,我會告訴他。 Balian of Ibelin: Saladin wants you to come out. He is waiting for you to make that mistake. 巴里安:撒拉丁想讓你出來。

他在等你犯錯。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balian of Ibelin: You go with the army? 巴里安:你要隨軍出征? Hospitaller: My order is with the army. 醫院騎士:我奉命隨軍出征。

Balian of Ibelin: You go to certain death. 巴里安:你此去必死無疑。 Hospitaller: All death is certain. I shall tell your father what I've seen you become. 醫院騎士:人終有一死。

我會告訴令尊你的變化。 (此對白出現于影片后半段蓋伊一意孤行出兵迎戰薩拉丁時,是巴里安和其父高德弗雷舊部的對話,高德弗雷早已于之前死去) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nasir: He says, that is his horse. 納西爾:他說,那是他的馬。

Balian of Ibelin: Why would it be his horse? 巴里安:為什麼馬會是他的? Nasir: Because it is on his land. 納西爾:因為馬在他的領地上。 Balian of Ibelin: I took this horse from the sea. 巴里安:我從海里得到的這匹馬。

(隨船運輸的軍馬) Nasir: He says you are a great liar and he will fight you because you are a liar. 納西爾:他說你是個大騙子,他會和你決斗,因為你是個騙子。 Balian of Ibelin: I have no desire to fight. 巴里安:我不想交手。

Nasir: Then you must give him the horse. 納西爾:那你就必須把馬給他。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ King Baldwin IV: Come forward. I am glad to meet Godfrey's son. He was one of my greatest teachers. He was there when, playing with the other boys, my arm was cut. It was he, not my father's physicians who noticed that I felt no pain. He wept when he gave my father the news, that I am a leper. The Saracens say that this disease is God's vengence against the vanity of our kingdom. As wretched as I am, these Arabs believe that the chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting. If that's true, I call it unfair. Come. Sit. When I was sixteen I won a great victory. I felt in that moment that I should live to be one hundred, now I know I shall not see thirty. You see, none of us chose our end really. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son. But remember that, even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convinient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that. 鮑德溫國王:向前來。

