
解夢佬 0

1. 英語句子的種類和例句

句子的分類:由句子結構來講,可分為三類簡單 一、簡單句:由一個主語(或并列主語)和一個謂語(或并列謂語)構成的句子。

We cleaned the windows and tidied the room. 二、并列句:由并列連詞and, but,so,or,for等把兩個或兩個以上的簡單句連起來的句子。 1)I come from China and he comes from Japan. 2)Hurry up,or you'll miss the train. 3)He looked for it everywhere, but he couldn't find it. 4)She didn't know the answer to the question,so she asked the teacher. 5)He's interested in music while John is interested in sports. 三、復合句 賓語從句:賓語從句在復合句中作主句的賓語,引導賓語從句的關聯詞有that, if/whether, what, who, whose, which, why, when, where, how等。

句子的用途分為四種: 四、陳述句 (declarative sentence):用來說明事實的句子。 China is the largest country in Asia. 中國是亞洲最大的國家。

I didn't tell him anything. 我什麼也沒有告訴他。 五、疑問句 ( Question) , 即用來提出問題等的句子,不同的疑問句用不同的語調。

Are you a doctor or a teacher? 你是醫生還是教師? Which would you like, tea or coffee? 你想要哪樣,是茶還是咖啡? Is he sleeping, reading, or watching TV? 他是在睡覺,還是在看書,還是在看電視? 六、祈使句 通常以動詞原形開頭。 Take this seat. Be careful. 否定結構: Don't move. Don't be late. 七、感嘆句 有多種表現形式,有時一個單詞、短語或一個詞組也可成為感嘆句。

What a clever boy he is! (他是個)多麼聰明的男孩啊! What an interesting story it is! (這是個)多麼有趣的故事啊。