
解夢佬 0

1. 廊橋遺夢 英文簡介

When the soul of a movie is reflected in an actor's eyes then you have a miracle, you have something that's going to last. Meryl Streep in "The Bridges Of Madison County" is such a miracle to me. I never thought for a moment that she, no matter how wonderful an actress she is, could fool me. Meryl Streep could never be Italian. Well, there I was, thinking and pre-judging like people I detest. I was so wrong. Not just because she fooled me, although there is no fooling involved here. She won me over. I forgot she was Meryl Streep, the actress, and I lived Francesca's story to the fullest because, I suppose, that's the mystery of great acting, I was confronted by her sheer undiluted truth. The truth in her eyes in every one of her gestures. The truth on her brow. Her thinking, transparent. Clint Eastwood does the right thing putting the entire film at her service and placing himself as the foil to liberate that powerful latent side of Francesca. I though it was ironic and I'm not sure if was meant to be that a wonderful woman like Francesca will sacrifice, what could arguably be call the love of her life, for those children. The grown children's mediocrity was kind of shocking to me. Will the revelation of their mother's secret, reveal a latent, greater side to their natures. I hope so. Francesca deserved extraordinary children. Try no to miss this little miracle.

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2. 用英語介紹廊橋遺夢的愛情故事

1965 one day, Francisca alone in home. The photojournalist Robert · Jin Kai vehicle stops before the gate. To her inquired that Mandi abdicates the bridge to be. She leads him to arrive at the bridge approach, after completing the work, he picked a mother chrysanthemum to give her by the table gratitude. in the Francisca heart pan-had one special taste, therefore invites him to drink tea. the dim light of night arrives, after she packs off him, unexpectedly one kind of dependence mood. therefore goes to Ross the Munder bridge, subscribes a paper in the bridge head. the next day, Robert has discovered the paper, and accepts Francisca's invitation. after at nightfall, two people enter the supper in the Francisca family Chinese Communist Party, is accompanying music, two people support altogether dance, finally entered the bedroom together. the hereafter two people all day accompany together in the same place. however Francisca is not willing to discard the family, two people bid good-bye painfully. when she in March, 1982, knew after Robert's death news, has received his necklace and the bangle as well as same year's paper. Francisca requests the children in the will to scatter its bone ash in Mandi abdicates the ends。

3. 誰有英文經典電影廊橋遺夢的臺詞對白

Nobody understands when a woman makes a choice to marry and have children, in one way her life begins,but in another way, it stops. You build a life of details, and you just stop and stay steady, so that your children can move. And when they leave,they take your life of details with them.You are expected to move on again, but you don`t remember what it was that moved you,because no one`s asked you in so long. Not even youself.。

4. 廊橋遺夢經典臺詞

Nobody understands when a woman makes a choice to marry and have children, in one way her life begins,but in another way, it stops. You build a life of details, and you just stop and stay steady, so that your children can move. And when they leave,they take your life of details with them.You are expected to move on again, but you don`t remember what it was that moved you,because no one`s asked you in so long. Not even youself.。

5. 急

<The Bridges of Madison County >talks about a romatic love story.

Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s.The path of Francesca Johnson's future seems destined when an unexpected fork in the road causes her to question everything she had come to expect from life. While her husband and children are away at the Iowa state fair in the Summer of 1965, Robert Kincaid happens upon the Johnson farm and asks Francesca for directions to Rosamunde Bridge. He explains that he is on assignment from National Geographic magazine to photograph the bridges of Madison County. She agrees to show him to the bridges and thus begins the bittersweet and all-too-brief romance of her life. Through the pain of separation from her secret love and the stark isolation she feels as the details of her life consume her, she writes down the story of this four-day love affair in a 3-volume diary. The diary is found by her children among her possessions and alongside Robert Kincaid's possessions after Francesca is dead. The message they take from the diaries is one of hope that they will do what is necessary to find happiness in their lives -- whatever is necessary. After learning that Robert Kincaid's cremated remains were scattered off Rosamunde Bridge and that their mother requested a similar disposition for her own ashes, the children must decide whether to honor their mother's final wishes or bury her alongside their father as the family had planned. Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime -- if you're lucky

6. 《廊橋遺夢》的經典詩句有哪些




3.舊夢是好夢,沒有實現,但是我很高興我有過這些夢。——羅伯特·沃勒 《廊橋遺夢》




影片講述了家庭主婦弗朗西斯卡在家人外出的四天里遇到了《國家地理》雜志的攝影師羅伯特·金凱,在經歷了短暫的浪漫纏綿后,弗朗西斯卡因不愿舍棄家庭而與羅伯特·金凱痛苦地分手。但是對金凱的愛戀卻縈繞了弗朗西斯卡的后半生 。
