
解夢佬 0

1. 關于手機寫一篇英語短文

With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone. Every cion has two sides. When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems.

To start with , mobiles phones have brought us many conveniences. With a using of a phone ,we can surfing on the Internet whenever we like without opening a computer.What's more, we are imformed of everything important when we carry our cell phone all the time. Futermore, it can also help us with some learning,beacuse we can look up the word in the digital dictionary.

Secondly, our cell phones still causes many serious problems. On one hand,the most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. On the other hand, it will affect our learning and working. For example,When we are at an important meeting with an important partner ,if your cell phone rings, it will interrupt the whole environment and the partner will think you don't respcet him. Another example is when you are having a boring class or meeting,then you will take out your phone reading novels,surfing on the Internet ,playing games ,all thest will distract you from good working.

2. 手機功能,英語表達的

首先我們來看看Menu(菜單),你會看到以下的一些常見選項(具體名稱因手機廠商和型號的關系會有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通話記錄)、Phone book(通迅錄)、Settings (設置)、Organiser(事務管理)、Games(游戲)、Applications(應用)、Extras(附加功能)、Connectivity(數據聯通)等等。

先進入第一項Messages來認認單詞吧:選擇Select進入,我們會看到這樣的一些目錄:Text messages (文字信息)1. Creat message (新建信息)2. Inbox (收件箱)3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建電子郵件)4. Sent items (已發信息)5. Saved items (已存信息)6. Achive (存檔文件夾)7. Templates (范本)8. My folders (個人文件夾)9. Distribution lists (收信人列表)10. Delete messages (刪除信息)第2個Multimedia msgs. (多媒體信息)內的菜單和上面差不多就不多說了。其余和短消息有關的詞匯還包括:Chat(room) (聊天室)Voice messages (語音信息)Info Messages (廣播信息)Message settings (信息設置)Service commands (網絡命令編輯器)第二項Call register (通話記錄)是和通話有關的一些英文詞匯及其漢語對照,大家依次看下去基本上就動能對號入座了:Missed calls (未接來電)Received calls (已接來電)Dialed numbers (已撥電話)Delete recent call lists (刪除最近記錄)Call duration (通話計時)Call costs (通話計費)GPRS data counter (GPRS計數器)GPRS connection timer (GPRS 計時器)第三項Phone book (通迅錄)中最常見的命令如下:Search (查找)Add name (增加姓名)Edit name (修改姓名)Delete (刪除)Copy (復制)Settings (設置)Speed dials (單鍵撥號)My numbers (本手機號碼)Caller groups (號碼分組)諾基亞給情景模式起了個對應的英文Profiles,感覺不太好,還不如用Tone Mode好一些。

不過我們常會使用的一些選項估計大家都知道:General (標準)Silent (無聲)Meeting (會議)Outdoor (戶外)接下來在Settings (設置)中我們會看到一些這樣的英文單詞:1. Personal shortcuts (個人快捷鍵操作)1). Right selection key (右選擇鍵)2). Select to options (選擇捷徑操作)3). Organise Go to options (組織捷徑操作)2. Time and date settings (時間和日期設置)3. Call settings (通話設置)1). Call divert (呼叫轉移)2). Anykey answer (任意鍵接聽)3). Automatic redial (自動重撥)4). Speed dialing (單鍵撥號)5). Call waiting (呼叫等待)6). Summary after call (通話報告)7). Send my caller identity (發送本手機號)8). Line for outgoing calls (用戶撥出號碼)4. Phone settings (手機設置)1). Language (語言)2). Automatic keyboard (自動鍵盤鎖)3). Cell info display (小區信息顯示)4). Welcome note (開機問候語)5). Network selection (網絡選擇)àAutomatic (自動)6). Confirm SIM service actions SIM更新提示7). Help text activation 幫助信息顯示 on/off8). Start-up tone (開機鈴聲)5. Display settings (顯示設置)1). Wallpaper (壁紙)2). Colour schemes (顏色模式)3). Operator logo (網絡標志)4). Screen saver timeout (屏保啟動時間)5). Display brightness (屏幕亮度)6. Tone settings (提示音設置)1). Incoming call alert (響鈴方式)A. Ringing (連續響鈴)B. Ascending (漸強)C. Ring once (響鈴一次)D. Beep once (蜂鳴)E. Off (關)2). Ringing tone (鈴聲選擇)3). Ringing volume (鈴聲音量)4). Vibrating alert (震動模式) on/off這個詞vibrate大家一定要學會,好多人一想用英語表達自己的手機處于震動狀態下就不會說了,這回應該記住了吧。:)5). Message alert tone (信息提示音)6). Keypad tones (按鍵音)on/off7). Warning tones (警告音)on/off7. Alert for (優先號碼組)all calls/Family/VIP/Friends/Business8. Accessory settings(附件設置)1). Headset (耳機)9. Security settings (保密設置)1). PIN code request (開機PIN碼)2). Call barring service (呼叫限制)3). Fixed dialing (固定撥號)on/off4). Closed user group (封閉用戶組)5). Security level (保密項)6). Access codes (密碼功能)10. Restore factory settings (恢復出廠設置)另外我們還會經常使用的手機功能就是Alarm Clock (鬧鐘),那些晚睡早起的朋友每天都要Set alarm time (設置鬧鐘時間)吧?:)其余的一些功能及其對應詞匯在下面一并列出,看到不會的就不妨記一記:Gallery (多媒體資料)1. View folders (查看文件夾)2. Add folder (增加文件夾)3. Delete folder (刪除文件夾)4. Rename folder (重新命名文件夾)5. Gallery services (多媒體資料服務)Organiser (事務管理器)1. Calendar (日歷/萬年歷)2. To-do list (notebook) (代辦事項/記事簿)Games (游戲)Extras (附加功能)1. Calculator (計算器)2. Co。

3. 關于智能手機的英語作文要求簡單點

Smartphones refers to as a personal computer, have an independent operating system, can install software by the users themselves, third party service providers such as game program, and can through the mobile communication network to realize the wireless Internet access the floorboard of the kind of mobile phone.Smartphone is hand-held computers, evolved from the traditional mobile phone and personal computer science combined with sublimation, but it is obvious advantages compphones.Smart phones bring a lot of convenience to our life.It can be as Internet shopping and computer.ared with traditional cell phones.Smart phones bring a lot of convenience to our life.It can be as Internet shopping and computer.。

4. 手機功能,英語表達的

首先我們來看看Menu(菜單),你會看到以下的一些常見選項(具體名稱因手機廠商和型號的關系會有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通話記錄)、Phone book(通迅錄)、Settings (設置)、Organiser(事務管理)、Games(游戲)、Applications(應用)、Extras(附加功能)、Connectivity(數據聯通)等等。

先進入第一項Messages來認認單詞吧:選擇Select進入,我們會看到這樣的一些目錄:Text messages (文字信息)1. Creat message (新建信息)2. Inbox (收件箱)3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建電子郵件)4. Sent items (已發信息)5. Saved items (已存信息)6. Achive (存檔文件夾)7. Templates (范本)8. My folders (個人文件夾)9. Distribution lists (收信人列表)10. Delete messages (刪除信息) 第2個Multimedia msgs. (多媒體信息)內的菜單和上面差不多就不多說了。其余和短消息有關的詞匯還包括:Chat(room) (聊天室) Voice messages (語音信息) Info Messages (廣播信息) Message settings (信息設置) Service commands (網絡命令編輯器) 第二項Call register (通話記錄)是和通話有關的一些英文詞匯及其漢語對照,大家依次看下去基本上就動能對號入座了:Missed calls (未接來電) Received calls (已接來電) Dialed numbers (已撥電話) Delete recent call lists (刪除最近記錄) Call duration (通話計時) Call costs (通話計費) GPRS data counter (GPRS計數器) GPRS connection timer (GPRS 計時器) 第三項Phone book (通迅錄)中最常見的命令如下:Search (查找) Add name (增加姓名) Edit name (修改姓名) Delete (刪除) Copy (復制) Settings (設置) Speed dials (單鍵撥號) My numbers (本手機號碼) Caller groups (號碼分組) 諾基亞給情景模式起了個對應的英文Profiles,感覺不太好,還不如用Tone Mode好一些。

不過我們常會使用的一些選項估計大家都知道:General (標準) Silent (無聲) Meeting (會議) Outdoor (戶外) 接下來在Settings (設置)中我們會看到一些這樣的英文單詞:1. Personal shortcuts (個人快捷鍵操作)1). Right selection key (右選擇鍵)2). Select to options (選擇捷徑操作)3). Organise Go to options (組織捷徑操作)2. Time and date settings (時間和日期設置)3. Call settings (通話設置)1). Call divert (呼叫轉移)2). Anykey answer (任意鍵接聽)3). Automatic redial (自動重撥)4). Speed dialing (單鍵撥號)5). Call waiting (呼叫等待)6). Summary after call (通話報告)7). Send my caller identity (發送本手機號)8). Line for outgoing calls (用戶撥出號碼)4. Phone settings (手機設置)1). Language (語言)2). Automatic keyboard (自動鍵盤鎖)3). Cell info display (小區信息顯示)4). Welcome note (開機問候語)5). Network selection (網絡選擇)àAutomatic (自動)6). Confirm SIM service actions SIM更新提示7). Help text activation 幫助信息顯示 on/off8). Start-up tone (開機鈴聲)5. Display settings (顯示設置)1). Wallpaper (壁紙)2). Colour schemes (顏色模式)3). Operator logo (網絡標志)4). Screen saver timeout (屏保啟動時間)5). Display brightness (屏幕亮度)6. Tone settings (提示音設置)1). Incoming call alert (響鈴方式) A. Ringing (連續響鈴) B. Ascending (漸強) C. Ring once (響鈴一次) D. Beep once (蜂鳴) E. Off (關)2). Ringing tone (鈴聲選擇)3). Ringing volume (鈴聲音量)4). Vibrating alert (震動模式) on/off 這個詞vibrate大家一定要學會,好多人一想用英語表達自己的手機處于震動狀態下就不會說了,這回應該記住了吧。:)5). Message alert tone (信息提示音)6). Keypad tones (按鍵音)on/off7). Warning tones (警告音)on/off7. Alert for (優先號碼組)all calls/Family/VIP/Friends/Business8. Accessory settings(附件設置)1). Headset (耳機)9. Security settings (保密設置)1). PIN code request (開機PIN碼)2). Call barring service (呼叫限制)3). Fixed dialing (固定撥號)on/off4). Closed user group (封閉用戶組)5). Security level (保密項)6). Access codes (密碼功能)10. Restore factory settings (恢復出廠設置) 另外我們還會經常使用的手機功能就是Alarm Clock (鬧鐘),那些晚睡早起的朋友每天都要Set alarm time (設置鬧鐘時間)吧?:) 其余的一些功能及其對應詞匯在下面一并列出,看到不會的就不妨記一記:Gallery (多媒體資料)1. View folders (查看文件夾)2. Add folder (增加文件夾)3. Delete folder (刪除文件夾)4. Rename folder (重新命名文件夾)5. Gallery services (多媒體資料服務) Organiser (事務管理器)1. Calendar (日歷/萬年歷)2. To-do list (notebook) (代辦事項/記事簿) Games (游戲) Extras (附加功能)1. Calculator (計算器)2. 。

5. 關于手機的英語作文

Mobile phones

As every body knows, mobiles are playing an important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have both advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.

Firstly, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other wherever they are. Especially when they have something important,mobile phones help avoid people travelling long distance to get to know the things in person .

Secondly,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short message.

Thirdly, we can also play games or take photos or listen to music on the mobiles. However, mobile phones also have many disadvatages.We have to pay for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radioactivites may do harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public places or at meetings .So we should be careful and make our phones powered-off

in some occassions.


6. 我對智能機的觀點用'英語寫作文

Every coin has two sides,the same is true of the cell phone.On the one hand,It's a convenient tool for us to communicate with others,so that we won't worry about where we are and when it is.On the other hand,as the cell phone games become more and more popular,many people lose themselves in palying games and kill time doing something worthless.

All in all,for the sake of the development of the cell phone,we people need to use it properly.

2、Using the mobile phone is a normal phenomenon in school. Like many things it has both advantage and disadvantage. Chatting with friends by message is an interesting things. And it is convenient to communicate with parents having a mobile .but it is obvious that carrying can disturb teaching in class and it can cause the comparison between students. So the attitude towards mobile should be forbidding using mobile in school and call on students concentrate on studies.

3、Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the mid

7. 用10句英語介紹手機功能的對話

Hello, What I can do for you?

I want to cmplane about the mobile I bought in your shop last week.

Could you tell me the matter?

What happened?

The mobile can't be listen to other people's call. I can't hear the caller 's voice.

I think the hearphone is broken.

I am sorry to hear that. Please sent the mobile to our and we will repair for you.

How long it will take to be repair?

About three days. We should send it to the factory to be repair.

How can I wait such a long time without mobile for work?

We can give you a spare for you until it is back from the factory.

Ok,thanks. I will send it to you.

8. 手機的好處和壞處的英語句子

Cellphone is very popular in our life. It is a useful tool for us to communicate with others wherever he or she is . We can also send messages to them .Apart from these, the cellphones can also be used as an alarm clock. In a word,cellphones are very useful to our life.But some people abused the cellphones .They use them to play games , which is bad for the eyes and will waste much time .What's worse ,some people use them to send some illegal messages to others ,which can bring us much trouble.

So in my opinion ,we should make full use of the cellphone ,only in that way can we benefit from them.