
解夢佬 0

1. 火影忍者經典語錄英文翻譯



為什麼你要救他? 凱:因為這家伙是。

這家伙是我值得珍惜的親愛的部下! 3.到無所謂非要當上中忍,但男人還是不想輸給女人的。不過話說回來,男人是不該打女人的,當然也不想被女人打 4.我本來想過著隨便當個忍者,隨便賺點錢,然后和不美又不丑的女人結婚生兩個小孩,第一個是女孩,第二個是男孩。


5.不行也得行,因為我是五代火影. 6.我就是我,你就是你,總是在意別人說什麼,是件很無趣的事,只要順其自然快活地過活就好. 7.一個連同伴都救不了的家伙,有什麼資格當火影? 8.男人被甩過才會變強,沒有肚量把這個當笑話說的男人是無能的,而且,幸福什麼的不是男人應該追求的東西。 9.你和我是獨一無二的兄弟,作為你要超越的高墻,我會永遠和你在一起,就算是被你憎恨著——那才是真正的哥哥。

10.人活著是沒有意義的,但只要活著就能找到有趣的東西,就象你找到了這支花,而我找到了你。 11.各位--早呀!今天我在人生的道路上迷路了。

12.我總是覺得我不是死肥豬!我只是比較豐滿而已! 13.好痛……雖然沒有流血…… 但我覺得這里好痛…… 14.戰爭的理由之類的東西是什麼都可以,宗教、思想、資源、土地、怨恨、戀愛,很多很多,不管是什麼無聊的理由,都可以成為戰爭的理由,戰爭是絕對不會消失的。 15.不相信自己的人 連努力的價值都沒有。

16.我想證明,即便是 不會忍術、不會幻術、也能成為一名優秀的忍者、這是我生命的全部,這就是我的忍道。

2. 求《火影忍者》中各人物名言英文版

I want to become to compare the greater ninja of the fire(我要成為比火影更偉大的忍者 )

Today I got lost on the road of the life


I want to prove to even will not use to endure the Technique or magics to also can become a great ninja


There are words keeping say be I endure the way


As long as have the place that leaf dance in the wind, the fire will burn


I originally want to live to be a ninja literally, earn some money literally, then get married to give birth to two kids with not beautiful and not and ugly woman, the first is a girl, the second is a boy, etc. the eldest daughter get married, the son also can block a noodles times only, retire from the ninja's work, after, live bottom to want the leisurely and carefree retired life of the chess or go, then still compare own wife early to die of old age everyday.I am to thought this kind of living.


Only for the sake of oneself but war, love the oneself only to live bottom to go to, as long as this in this world return capable let I feel on the hoof and happy and existent should drive the people who kill will not disappear.


3. 火影忍者英文版

英文版就是日語翻譯的. 有幾個小變化而已.Naruto is the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a shinobi who wants to obtain the title of Hokage. However, an incident occured 12 years ago, when a demon fox attacked the village; many shinobi fell, until the 4th sealed the demon within a baby. As a result, the adults see Naruto as the demon. Now a Genin, Naruto is part of a three-man team - the members are Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and their instructor, Kakashi. Together, they will face many challenges, make friends, face deadly enemies, and try to survive each other.火影忍者講的是旋渦鳴人的故事. 鳴人是一個想成為火影的孩子. 但是, 十二年前的九尾襲擊木葉導致很多忍者的死亡. 第四代火影犧牲了自己的生命, 把九尾封印到鳴人的體內. 這導致村里的大人把鳴人當做九尾. 現在終于成為下忍的鳴人跟小櫻和佐助被分配到了同一個三人組里面, 他們的老師是卡卡西. 他們會面對很多挑戰, 交新的朋友, 面對可怕的敵人。

旋渦鳴人: Naruto Uzumaki--Maile Flanagan宇智波佐助: Sasuke Uchiha--Yuri Lowenthal春野櫻: Sakura Haruno--Kate Higgins旗木卡卡西: Kakashi Hatake--Dave Wittenberg個人覺得還是日語版比較好看. 英語版的忍術和名字的發音都很奇怪.有的時候把意思都翻譯錯了。.。

4. 火影忍者英文介紹,有中文翻譯

英文版就是日語翻譯的. 有幾個小變化而已.

Naruto is the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a shinobi who wants to obtain the title of Hokage. However, an incident occured 12 years ago, when a demon fox attacked the village; many shinobi fell, until the 4th sealed the demon within a baby. As a result, the adults see Naruto as the demon. Now a Genin, Naruto is part of a three-man team - the members are Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and their instructor, Kakashi. Together, they will face many challenges, make friends, face deadly enemies, and try to survive each other.

火影忍者講的是旋渦鳴人的故事. 鳴人是一個想成為火影的孩子. 但是, 十二年前的九尾襲擊木葉導致很多忍者的死亡. 第四代火影犧牲了自己的生命, 把九尾封印到鳴人的體內. 這導致村里的大人把鳴人當做九尾. 現在終于成為下忍的鳴人跟小櫻和佐助被分配到了同一個三人組里面, 他們的老師是卡卡西. 他們會面對很多挑戰, 交新的朋友, 面對可怕的敵人。

旋渦鳴人: Naruto Uzumaki--Maile Flanagan

宇智波佐助: Sasuke Uchiha--Yuri Lowenthal

春野櫻: Sakura Haruno--Kate Higgins

旗木卡卡西: Kakashi Hatake--Dave Wittenberg

5. 介紹火影忍者的英語短文

Naruro is a very famous cartoon in Japan. It's very exciting,it says the protagonist always wants to achieve his dream and he tries to save his friend .Sometimes, it makes us excited and sometimes it makes us laugh .It's a very successful cartoon ,and it's also one of my favorite cartoons . In this I like Itachi best. He's a great man,however he killed his families for his mission,he regard his brother as the first , even though he is dead, I admire for him .I like Naruto very much , because it makes me know a lot of principles.

至尊原創 !!

6. 一篇有關火影忍者的演講稿英文翻譯

Ladys and gentlemen:manga大家不懂可以換為cartoon

Today I'am going to talk about a glorious(happy) but cruel world in manga.Fifteen years ago,a manga piblished on a magazine, and eight years ago, I was deeply absorbed when I saw that vital and pulsating(jumping) yellow gleam. Well, this great manga's name is Naruto which is also the name of the main character, an outgoing and amazing boy who trys his best to surpass himself. It is not the sotry itself, nor the exciting music, or even not the beautiful way of painting of the manga that captivates(attracts) me. But those isolated, but in a certain sense, associated(connected) stories about how man fight with life. "Ninjia should keep calm and determine carefully. We called he who breaks the law of Ninjia wolrd trash,but,he who doesnt treasure his friends is not even qualified to be called trash",this is said by Naruto's mentor(teacher),which touched my heart deeply.

The series of Naruto is going to end this year,but that vital and jumping dream will never stop.The will of fire will never quench(be put out). He is a rising sun shining and inspiring the world.Admonishing the world with sunshin, love,humanity,peace and dignity.

This is the end of my presentation,thanks for your patience.