
解夢佬 0

1. 關于悲傷、頹廢、絕望的英文句子


The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.


The sandflass remembers the time we lost


2. 英語口語:失望與絕望如何表達

英語口語中如何表達失望與絕望呢? 1. 真遺憾。

That's a shame。 A: That's a shame. Our basketball team lost yesterday's match。


B: Oh, come on. You can't always win。 噢,想開點兒。

你們不可能總贏呀。 ★ shame [Feim] n. 遺憾,羞恥 2. 我搞砸了。

I screwed up. = I messed up。 = I blew it。

● screw up“把……弄糟” ● mess up“搞糟,陷入困境” 3. 我恨死自己了。I could kick myself, really。

A: I could kick myself, really。 我恨死自己了。

B: If you work hard, you will be successful。 如果你努力工作,會成功的。

● kick oneself“嚴厲自責” 本句用于表示強烈自責和懊悔。 4. 白費我那麼多力氣。

All that for nothing. A: All that for nothing. 白費我那麼多力氣。 B: Don't be so depressed. 別這麼喪氣。

5. 我對他實在很失望。 I'm really disappointed with him。

A: Has he passed the exam? 他通過了嗎? B: No. I'm really disappointed with him。 沒有。

我對他實在很失望。 ★ disappointed [7??isE5p??inti??] a. 失望的 6. 我對他做的事情實在不滿意。

I'm quite dissatisfied with what he did。 A: I'm quite dissatisfied with what he did。

我對他做的事情實在不滿意。 B: But he tried his best。

但他盡力了。 dissatisfied a. 不滿意的 ● try one's best“盡力” 7. 我感到很難過。

I feel really sad. = I'm really unhappy。 8. 我原指望會好得多。

I expected it to be much better。 A: I'm very disappointed at the new house. I expected it to be much better。


B: You can't say that, David. I think it's much better than mine。 大衛,別這麼說了。

比我的好多了。 ★ expect [ik5spekt] v. 期待, 預期 9. 真讓人失望!What a disappointment! = What a letdown! ○ It's disappointing. 這真令人掃興。

10. 真令人失望!How disappointing! A: How disappointing! The match just began when it rained。 真令人失望!比賽剛剛開始就下雨了。

B: Next time we'd better listen to the weather report carefully。 下次我們最好注意聽一下天氣預報。

11. 真是白費力氣。It was a waste of effort. ○ All my effort went down the drain。

我的努力全白費了。 a waste of … 表示“對……的浪費”。

一般后面會接time、money這一類詞。 12. 我真傻!What a fool I was! ○ I feel like such an idiot! 我真是個傻瓜! ★ idiot [5i??iEt] n. 白癡, 傻瓜 13. 你讓我失望了。

You let me down。 A: I failed French again. 我的法語又沒及格。

B: You let me down. 你讓我失望了。 ● let down“使失望” 14. 我的內心充滿了悲傷。

My heart has been filled with grief。 A: My heart has been filled with grief. 我的內心充滿了悲傷。

B: Cheer up! 振作起來! grief [^ri:f] n. 悲傷 15. 今天真是什麼都不順心。Today just isn't my day。

A: What's wrong with you today?你今天怎麼了? 05 B: Today just isn't my day. 今天真是什麼都不順心。 16. 這不是我所期望的。

It's not what I expected。 = It's not as good as I expected。

○ It's expected to be much better. 我原指望它會好得多。 17. 純屬浪費時間。

It's a waste of time。 A: You should talk to him. 你應該和他談談。

B: It's a waste of time. 純屬浪費時間。 18. 實在沒有辦法。

It can't be helped. = There's nothing you can do with it。 19. 真倒霉!What luck! A: What luck! We've run out of gas. 真倒霉!汽油用光了。

3. 求一些悲傷絕望的英文短句

The angel, sorry , I am unable to see you.


If you are me in self's eyes once drip tear , I will cry no longer


I do not hope that bird falls down above ocean only.


Key pawning your tear backfall fault right and wrong, the heart being me is exchanged having entered a bottomless abyss.


Even if still aesthetic, Chopin, also flicks sadness not producing me.


No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry.


There is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever.



4. 失望的英語如何表達內心的失望之情


1.I wish I (我希望自己)+ Past Simple (一般過去時)= Present Disappointments 表達現在的失望情緒

I wish I had a better job.我希望能找到更好的工作

2.I wish I(我希望我)+ Past Perfect(過去完成時)= Regrets about the Past(對過去的事感到遺憾)

I wish I had been hired for that job.我真希望自己能得到這份工作

3.If only I (要是我······多好)+ Past Simple(一般過去時)= Present Disappointments(對現在某件事感到失望)

If only I played soccer well.要是我足球踢得棒就好了。

4.If only I (要是我·····多好)+ Past Perfect (過去完成時)= Regrets about the Past(對過去某件事感到遺憾)

If only I had moved to this city earlier.



1.Why didn't(為什麼沒有)+ S(主語)+ Verb(動詞)?

Why didn't you tell me that?!你為什麼不告訴我?!

2.How am / was I supposed to (我怎樣才能)+ Verb(動詞)

How am I supposed to complete the project?我怎樣才能完成這個項目?

Expressions For Disappointment – Formal表達失望之情(正式)

What a shame!真丟臉!

That's too bad.太糟糕了。

That's so disappointing!太令人失望了!

I was so looking forward to 。我是如此盼望著······

I / We had high hopes for 。我/我們對······有很深的期望

What we had been led to expect was 。我們期望的是······

Expressions For Disappointment – Informal表達失望之情(非正式)

What a bummer!太倒霉了!

What a let-down!太讓人失望了!

That stinks.糟透了。


5. 對自己很失望 英語

this time, i feel disappointed for myself

but never mind,i will try my best

thankyou for everyone who comes along with me

sometimes i can't help thinking

whether you think of me also in such a lonly night , with a little smile on you mouth