
解夢佬 0

1. 英語句子校正 想表達這些年見證了經濟的繁榮發展,這麼說可不可以


The phenomenon is witnessed that the economy has been booming in the past several years.


The past several years have witnessed the economy booming.(最簡潔)

It is witnessed that the economy has been booming these years.

2. 寫一篇100字左右的關于中國經濟發展面臨哪些問題的英語短文

China is a developing country with the biggest population in the world about 21% of the world population. But a weak economic foundation with relatively inadequate resources per capitaThese are its basic national conditions. These are its basic national conditions. Many contradictions and problems in China's economic and social development are closely associated with the issue of population, which has become the key factor and primary problem restricting China's economic and social development. Whether the population problem can be properly solved has the direct bearing on the improvement of the population quality and the living standards of the Chinese people, as well as the prosperity of the Chinese nation. It also concerns the world peace and development.。