
解夢佬 0

1. 電影怪物史萊克中的精美臺詞摘抄

Prince Charming: You! You can't lie! Where is Shrek?

Pinocchio: Well, uh, I don't know where he's not.

Prince Charming: You don't know where Shrek is?

Pinocchio: On the contrary,

Prince Charming: So you do know where he is!

Pinocchio: I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that I undeniably…

Prince Charming: Stop It!

Pinocchio: Do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be. If that indeed wasn't where he isn't!

2. 求怪物史萊克的經典臺詞

二,三部的精彩對白Shrek: Quick tell a lie! 史萊克:快點撒一個謊!Pinocchio: What should I say? 皮諾曹:我該說什麼?Donkey: Say something crazy。

like “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”. 驢子:說一些瘋狂的事情。像"我正穿著女人的內褲"。

Pinocchio: Um, ok. I'm wearing ladies' underwear. 皮諾曹:嗯,好。我正穿著女人的內褲。

Pinocchio: [silence] 皮諾曹:(沉默)Shrek: Are you? 史萊克:你正穿著(女人的內褲)嗎?Pinocchio: I most certainly am not. 皮諾曹:我非常肯定沒有穿著(女人的內褲)。Pinocchio: [nose extends] . 皮諾曹:(鼻子變長)Donkey: It looks like you most certainly am are. 驢子:這看起來就像你非常肯定穿著在。

Pinocchio: I am not. 皮諾曹:我沒有。Pinocchio: [nose extends] 皮諾曹:(鼻子變長)Gingerbread Man: IT'S A THONG! 姜餅人:它是一個皮帶!Gingy:Oww! They're briefs.姜餅人:噢!它們是短褲!Pinocchio:Are not.皮諾曹:不是!GIngy:Are too!姜餅人:是的!Pinocchio:Are not.皮諾曹:不是.Gingy:Are too!姜餅人:是的!精彩對白Prince Charming: You! You can't lie! Where is Shrek? Pinocchio: Well, uh, I don't know where he's not. Prince Charming: You don't know where Shrek is? Pinocchio: On the contrary, Prince Charming: So you do know where he is! Pinocchio: I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that I undeniably…Prince Charming: Stop It! Pinocchio: Do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be. If that indeed wasn't where he isn't!白馬王子:你,你不能說謊!史萊克在哪兒?匹諾曹:呃,好吧,我不知道他不在哪里。

白馬王子:你不知道史萊克在哪里?匹諾曹:正好相反。白馬王子:這麼說來,你知道他在哪兒了!匹諾曹:我可能多多少少、不太確定、無法否認、不能拒絕……白馬王子:閉嘴!匹諾曹:知道或不知道他可能不應該在哪里,也就是我確實不知道他不在哪里!Donkey: [Donkey and Puss in Boots have switched bodies] I've been abra-cadabra'd into a Fancy Feasting second-rate sidekick! Shrek: Donkey。

Donkey: I feel all exposed and nasty!驢子(驢子和穿靴子的貓互換了身體):我竟然進入了這個我一直看不上的伙伴的身體里!史萊克:驢子……驢子:我感到無所遁形,極度骯臟!Donkey: [seeing Shrek naked in the bed] Aahh! You know, you really need to get yourself a pair of jammies!驢子(看到史萊克一絲不掛地躺在床上):啊,你知道嗎?你真的需要給自己穿上一條寬大的睡褲!Puss in Boots: [after Shrek throws Donkey out the door] Some people just don't understand boundaries.穿靴子的貓(史萊克將驢子扔出了窗戶):有些人就是不知道什麼叫做適可而止。


第一,原句"Shrek 2 enjoyed the second-biggest US cinema opening ever"中有幾層意思,1/ enjoy 是指“享有,享受”,可以引申為對某一事件的“享譽”;2/ the second-biggest US cinema opening 中“最大票房”是從"the second-biggest"引申而來,得到漢譯“影院開影最大票房.”;3/ ever 副詞,系指“曾經,在任何時候”,可以譯為“有史以來.”,“就”字也這樣順筆一出來了;4/ 翻譯中加了“創下”與“記錄”等詞匯.第二,over是副詞,這里的意思是“從頭到尾”,也即:本周末“從頭到尾”,第一周的全部周末.原文翻譯省略這個在漢譯中多余的詞,所以只譯出了“第一個周末”,意思基本上到位.。

4. 怪物史萊克經典五句話


1. Who cares?”——“誰管呢?”

2. “ Don't you care about your future?”——“你難道不為自己的前途擔心嗎?”

3. “Would you care for a drink?”——“你愿意喝點兒酒嗎?”

4. “I might as well be dead for all he cares.”——“我死了他也不會關心。”

5. “I don't care much for opera.”——“我不太喜歡歌劇。”

5. 怪物史瑞克中經典5句話

Who cares?”——“誰管呢?”

“ Don't you care about your future?”——“你難道不為自己的前途擔心嗎?”

“Would you care for a drink?”——“你愿意喝點兒酒嗎?”

“I might as well be dead for all he cares.”——“我死了他也不會關心。”

“I don't care much for opera.”——“我不太喜歡歌劇。”