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1. 查理和巧克力工廠英文版50個好詞20個好句

Charlie.and.the.Chocolate.Factory.查理和巧克力工廠.經典臺詞-You ever met him? 你見過他?-I did. 我見過I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. 原本以為他人很好 后來才知道他不是什麼好人He also has a funny haircut. 而且他的發型很奇怪-I do not! 我才沒有!-Why are you here? -I don't feel so hot. -你來干嘛? -我心情不好What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮喪時 怎樣才能讓心情變好?-My family. 和家人在一起What do you have against my family? 你對我家人有什麼意見?-It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of。

不只是你的家人 而是想到。They tell you what to do, what not to do。

他們成天規定你能這樣 不能那樣。and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere. 這樣是會扼殺創意的-Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. 他們只是想保護你 因為他們愛你If you don't believe me, you should ask. 不相信的話 就自己去問問-Ask who? My father? 問誰? 問我爸?No way. 我才不要At least, not by myself. 至少不要我自己一個人去-You want me to go with you? 你要我陪你去?-Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 好主意 就這麼辦Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket! 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一張金門票!Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy! 威利?旺卡:別碰松鼠們的松果!那會使它們生氣的! Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible, Charlie. 奶奶喬治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。

查理和巧克力工廠 真的很好看啊~ 特別是那些舞蹈音樂 我笑了很久了~~。

2. 查理和巧克力工廠英文版50個好詞20個好句


-You ever met him? 你見過他?

-I did. 我見過

I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. 原本以為他人很好 后來才知道他不是什麼好人

He also has a funny haircut. 而且他的發型很奇怪

-I do not! 我才沒有!

-Why are you here? -I don't feel so hot. -你來干嘛? -我心情不好

What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮喪時 怎樣才能讓心情變好?

-My family. 和家人在一起

What do you have against my family? 你對我家人有什麼意見?

-It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of。 不只是你的家人 而是想到。

They tell you what to do, what not to do。 他們成天規定你能這樣 不能那樣。

and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere. 這樣是會扼殺創意的

-Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. 他們只是想保護你 因為他們愛你

If you don't believe me, you should ask. 不相信的話 就自己去問問

-Ask who? My father? 問誰? 問我爸?

No way. 我才不要

At least, not by myself. 至少不要我自己一個人去

-You want me to go with you? 你要我陪你去?

-Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 好主意 就這麼辦

Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket! 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一張金門票!

Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy! 威利?旺卡:別碰松鼠們的松果!那會使它們生氣的!

Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible, Charlie. 奶奶喬治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。

查理和巧克力工廠 真的很好看啊~ 特別是那些舞蹈音樂 我笑了很久了~~

3. 查理的巧克力工廠英文小說10句好句,要加中文翻譯

1. 他們正低頭看著一個可愛的谷地。


They were look down upon a lovely valley. Valley is the green grass on both sides, along the bottom with a brown river. River there is a huge waterfall, there is a steep cliff, the cliff of the solution were bent, as large steel immediately rush rush down straight, fallen into a hot bubble splash vortex.2. 電梯用火箭的速度飛馳。現在它開始向上升了。


The elevator with the speed of the rocket. Now it began to rise. It steep inclined upward helicopter, as if climbing a steep mountain. Suddenly, it looked like has come to the top of the mountain, over a cliff, suddenly dropped like a stone.3. 磚頭是巧克力的,把磚頭粘起來的水泥也是巧克力的,窗子是巧克力的,所有的墻和天花板也是巧克力的,還有地毯、圖畫、家具和床也是巧克力的,一打開浴室的水龍頭,熱巧克力的嘩嘩地流下來。Bricks are chocolate, and stick the brick cement is also chocolate, the window is chocolate, the walls and ceiling is also chocolate,, pictures, furniture and carpet and bed is also chocolate, opened the bathroom faucet, spouted flow of hot chocolate.4. 每次走過,他都會禁不住把腳步放得非常非常慢,高高地抬起鼻子,深深地久久吸進他周圍沁人心脾的巧克力香氣。

Every time, he couldn't help put the footsteps very, very slow, high up the nose, around long and deeply sucked into his refreshing chocolate aromas.5. 他的下巴有一小把整齊的黑色尖胡子----山羊胡子。還有他的眼睛----他的眼睛亮的驚人,它們好像一直在對你閃爍不停。

事實上,他滿臉煥發著快活的神采。His chin with a handful of neat black pointed beard - goatee. And his eyes, his eyes bright, they seem to have been flashing for you. In fact, his face full of cheerful spirits.6. 你好!你好!再說一聲你好!A: hello! A: hello! Say a hello!7. 他們皺縮得像李子干,皮包骨頭像骷髏。

They shrivel like dried plums, skinny like skeletons.8. 這樣,每天晚上約有半個小時,這個房間成為一個快樂的地方,全家人忘掉了饑餓和貧困。So, about half an hour every evening, this room into a happy place, the whole family to forget the hunger and poverty.9. 小查理驚呆了,他發現他的巧克力里有一張金券,金光閃閃的金券。

Little Charlie was stunned, he found that his chocolate in a gold stamps, glittering gold bond.10. 邁克.蒂維親眼看到一塊巧克力糖能這樣被電視傳送,甚至比約瑟夫爺爺還要興奮。“不過旺卡先生,”他叫道,“你能用這個辦法傳送別的東西嗎,例如早餐的麥片?”Mike's d saw a piece of chocolate candy can do this by television transmission, and even more excited than Joseph grandpa. "But Mr Wonka," he cried, "you can use this way to send something else, such as cereal for breakfast?"。

4. 《查理和巧克力工廠》中的幾句英語

以下屬經典臺詞Oh,my goodness!She is a bad nut !Not wrong!老天!他就是壞郭子!沒錯!The best kind of prize is superise!最好的獎是驚喜獎!Ah,you really shouldn't murmur.Because I can't understand what are you saying !Hey,別嘟囔了!因為我挺不懂你再說什麼!My star shine!The earth is saying Hello.我的星光,大地向你們問好!好了,我的時間不夠了,這些臺詞難免有錯誤的,因為都是我邊聽邊寫的,我要走了,不寫了。


5. 《查理和巧克力工廠》中的幾句英語


Oh,my goodness!She is a bad nut !Not wrong!老天!他就是壞郭子!沒錯!

The best kind of prize is superise!最好的獎是驚喜獎!

Ah,you really shouldn't murmur.Because I can't understand what are you saying !Hey,別嘟囔了!因為我挺不懂你再說什麼!

My star shine!The earth is saying Hello.我的星光,大地向你們問好!


6. 關于 查理與巧克力工廠 的英語作文

Charlie Bucket lives in poverty with his parents and four grandparents.Most nights in the Bucket home, dinner is a watered-down bowl of cabbage soup.Theirs is a tiny old house but it is filled with love. Every night, the last thing Charlie sees from his window is the great factory owned by Willy Wonka(巧克力發明家、制造商), and he drifts off1 to sleep dreaming about what might be inside. For nearly fifteen years,no one has seen a single worker going in or coming out of the factory, or caught a glimpse2 of Willy Wonka himself,yet, mysteriously,great quantities of chocolate are still being made and shipped to shops all over the world.One day Willy Wonka makes a momentous (重大的,重要的) announcement. He will open his famous factory and reveal3"all of its secrets and magic" to five lucky children who find golden tickets hidden inside five randomly (任意地) selected Wonka chocolate bars. Nothing would make Charlie's family happier than to see him win but the odds (成功的可能性)are very much against him as they can only afford to buy one chocolate bar a year,for his birthday.Indeed,one by one,news breaks around the world about the children finding golden tickets and Charlie's hope grows dimmer4. But then, something wonderful happens.Charlie finds some money on the snowy street and takes it to the nearest store for the Wonka chocolate bar. There, under the wrapper(包裝紙) is a flash of gold. It's the last ticket. Charlie is going to the factory! Once inside, Charlie is dazzled5 by one amazing sight after another. Wondrous gleaming contraptions (奇妙的機械裝置) of Wonka's own invention chum(劇烈攪動), producing ever new and different edible(可食用的) delights6. Marshmallow7 cherry creams grow on shrubs (灌木), ripe and sweet. Elsewhere, a hundred trained squirrels on a hundred tiny stools shell ( 剝……殼) nuts for chocolate bars faster than any machine. Meanwhile,the other children prove to be a rotten bunch (一群,一伙).One by one,their greedy, spoiled (嬌生慣養的) or mean-spirited (心胸狹窄的) personalities lead them into all kinds of trouble that force them off the tour before it's even finished. Charlie is the only child left,and thus he wins the biggest prize of all--Mr. Wonka's entire factory!。

7. 查理和巧克力工廠中好的英文單\詞

查理和巧克力工廠主演:約翰尼·德普Johnny Depp(飾Willy Wonka威利·旺卡) 弗萊迪·海默Freddie Highmore(飾Charlie Bucket威利·旺卡)Grandma Georgina:Nothing's impossible.喬治奶奶:世上沒有不可能的事情。

Grandpa George:The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day.Mark my words,the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat,fat,fat.喬治爺爺:只有每天都買一塊巧克力的人,才有可能發現金紙。記住我的話,第一個找到金紙的人,一定是那種胖的不得了的家伙。

Grandpa Joe:All together,we're 381 years old.We don't wait.喬爺爺:我們幾個加起來有381歲了,不能再等了。Willy Wonka:Greetings to you,the lucky finder of this gold ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka.I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day.I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see.Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination.威利·旺卡:恭喜你,幸運的朋友,你發現了威利·王卡的金紙,我非常熱情的歡迎您的到來,現在正式邀請你參加我的工廠,成為我一整天的貴賓。


Grandpa George:There's plenty of money out there.They print more every day.But this ticket there's only five of them in the whole world and that's all there's ever going to be.Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money.Are you a dummy?喬治爺爺:世界上有那麼多的錢,他們每天都印出更多錢,但這金紙全世界也只有五張而已,以后也不會再有了,只有笨蛋才會用這個換錢。你是笨蛋嗎?Charlie Bucket:No,sir.查理·巴克特:不,先生。

Willy Wonka:And do you like my meadow?Try some of my grass.Please have a blade.Please do.It's so delectable and so darn good-looking.威利·旺卡:喜歡我的草地嗎?嘗嘗我的草吧,割一點吧,非常新鮮,非常漂亮。Charlie Bucket:You can eat the grass?查理·巴克特:你真的能吃這草?Willy Wonka:Of course you can.Everything in this room is eatable.Even I'm eatable.But that is called cannibalism,my dear children and is,in fact,frowned upon in mosat societies.威利·旺卡:當然,這房間的每樣東西都可以吃,我也是可以吃的,不過那是食人族做的事情,不過大多數人都堅決反對的。

Charlie Bucket:What are they doing?查理·巴克特:松鼠們在做什麼?Willy Wonka:They're testing to see if she's a bad nut.Oh,my goodness.She is a bad nut after all.威利·旺卡:它們在看看她是不是壞的堅果,哦,天啊,她是顆壞的。Charlie Bucket:Candy doesn't have to have a point.That's why it's candy.查理·巴克特:糖果不需要有意義,所以才叫糖果啊。

Willy Wonka:Because you see,a few months ago,I was having my semiannual haircut and I had the strangest revelation.In that one silver hair I saw reflected my life's work,my factory,my beloved Oompa-Loompas.Who would watch over them after I was gone?I realized in that moment:I must find a heir.威利·旺卡:幾個月之前,在我半年一次的理發日,我發現了一件怪事,那根白頭發讓我想起我畢生的心血結晶,我的工廠和親愛的奧博倫白人,我死了以后誰來照顧他們?那是我才驚覺:我必須找個繼承人。Charlie Bucket:I wouldn't give up my family for anything.Not for all the chocolate in the world.查理·巴克特:我說什麼也不拋棄家人,給我再多巧克力都沒用。

8. 尋找電影《查理和巧克力工廠》中的單詞和句子

shopkeeper: you found wonka's last golden ticket! 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一張金門票! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [mike has just found a golden ticket] (麥克剛剛拿到了一張金獎票) tv reporter: so tell us, what did it taste like? 電視記者:告訴我們,它味道如何? mike teavee: i don't know, i hate chocolate! 麥克:我不知道,我討厭巧克力! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- willy wonka: don't touch that squirrel's nuts! it'll make him crazy! 威利?旺卡:別碰松鼠們的松果!那會使它們生氣的! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


grandma georgina: nothing's impossible, charlie. 奶奶喬治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- willy wonka: little boy, don't push my button. 威利?旺卡:孩子,不要碰我的那個按鈕。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dr. wonka: lollipops. ought to be called cavities on a stick! 旺卡醫生:棒棒糖,應該被叫做蛀牙棒! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dr. wonka: do you have an appointment? 旺卡醫生:你預約了麼? charlie bucket: no, but he's overdue. 查理:沒有,但是他需要檢查。

9. 尋找電影《查理和巧克力工廠》中的單詞和句子

Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket! 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一張金門票! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mike has just found a Golden Ticket] (麥克剛剛拿到了一張金獎票) TV Reporter: So tell us, what did it taste like? 電視記者:告訴我們,它味道如何? Mike Teavee: I don't know, I hate chocolate! 麥克:我不知道,我討厭巧克力! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy! 威利?旺卡:別碰松鼠們的松果!那會使它們生氣的! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精彩劇照——巧克力工廠Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible, Charlie. 奶奶喬治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willy Wonka: Little boy, don't push my button. 威利?旺卡:孩子,不要碰我的那個按鈕。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Wonka: Lollipops. Ought to be called cavities on a stick! 旺卡醫生:棒棒糖,應該被叫做蛀牙棒! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Wonka: Do you have an appointment? 旺卡醫生:你預約了麼? Charlie Bucket: No, but he's overdue. 查理:沒有,但是他需要檢查。