
解夢佬 0

1. 英文短句 感悟人生的

鼓勵人的十句話1. Don't worry, be happy! 別擔心,快樂點! 2. Look on the bright side. 看光明的一面。

(往好的一面看。) 3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal. 放輕松,老兄。

沒什 大不了的。 4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right. 抬頭挺胸(不要氣餒)。

一切會沒問題的。 5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world. 樂觀一點!又不是世界末日。

6. Heaven will always leave a door open. 天堂永遠留一扇開著的門。(天無絕人之路。)

7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually. 別失望,事情最后總會有辦法解決的。 8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you. 如果你笑(樂觀),世界也會陪你一塊歡笑。

9. Hang in there! / Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend. 堅持下去,勝利最后會屬於你的。 10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture. 人生充滿了嘗試與錯誤。


2. 英文短句 感悟人生的


1. Don't worry, be happy!


2. Look on the bright side.


3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal.

放輕松,老兄。沒什 大不了的。

4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.


5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world.


6. Heaven will always leave a door open.


7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.


8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.


9. Hang in there! / Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend.


10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture.


3. 要找一個英語人生哲理句子 再用英語說說自己的感受 說一兩分鐘就好

Never regret.If it's good,it's wonderful.If it's bad,it's experience.

No matter what you do is good or bad,just enjoy the process of doing it. If you fail,you should learn from it in order to avoding the next failure. If you succeed,you will continue your work.

We can't change the result that already has happen. What we could do is reducing the efffect it has on us.

4. 有沒有關于人生哲理的英語句子

Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it happened.


Don't struggle so much, best things happen when not expected.


Do more than other* **pect you to do and do it pains


Remember what life tells you;


Don't take to heart every thing you hear. Don't spend all that you have. Don't sleep as long as you want


Whenever you say” I love you”, please say it honestly;


Whevever you say” I'm sorry”, please look into the other person's eyes;


5. 英文單詞


~ Wow! (驚訝)

~ Eh.. (和 Er 意思一樣)

~ O.. (OH 的意思)

~ Rawr.. (生氣的意思)

~ Awww (覺得可愛或可惜的意思) )

~ Mm..

~ Meh. (和 Er/Eh/uh 意思差不多)

~ Mhm. (恩/是 的意思)

~ Nah. (不是/不好 的意思)

Ho 哦

英語擬聲詞和驚嘆詞 表達的感情或感覺或當時的情景

Ah! 羨慕,滿意

Aha! 滿意,愉快,勝利

Ahem! 喚起注意

Bah! 輕蔑,厭惡

Darn!(Darn it!) 憤怒,失望

Eeeek! 害怕

For goodness sake! 驚奇,害怕

Gad! 驚奇,不贊同

Gee! 驚奇,贊美

God!(Good god! Great God! 驚奇,恐懼

My God! Oh, God!)

Good gracious! 驚奇,惱怒

Goodness! 驚奇,

(Good) Heavens! 驚奇,害怕

Help! 求助

Hey! 驚奇,喜悅,疑問,或喚起注意

Jesus(Christ)! 不滿意,失望,痛苦,驚恐

Look out! 警告

Mmmm! 品嘗滿意

Mercy! 驚奇

Mercy me! 驚奇

My! 驚奇,羨慕

My,my! 驚奇

My goodness! 驚奇,害怕

My word! 驚奇

Oh! 驚奇,詫異,害怕,疼痛

Oh, boy! 激動,驚奇,驚喜(男女都可說)

Oh, dear! 驚奇

Oh,my! 驚奇,羨慕

Oh, no! 害怕,驚奇,失望

Oho! 驚奇

Oh-oh! 遇到不順心的事

Ouch 疼痛

Ow! 疼痛

Oh, well! 無可奈何

Psst! 喚起注意

Say! 喚起注意,或想起什麼

Shit! 憤怒,厭惡

Tsk-tsk! 不贊同

Tut-tut! 不滿,不耐煩

Ugh! 厭惡

Unbelievable! 驚訝

Watch it! 警告

Watch out! 警告

Well! 驚奇,寬慰

Well, I never! 驚奇,憤怒

Well,well! 驚奇

Whew! 如釋重負

Whoopee! 高興

Whoop! 欣喜,興奮,或因手腳笨拙而感到尷尬

Wow! 詫異,驚訝,羨慕,快樂

Yuck 厭惡

我喜歡講holy系列- - holy crap.. holy cow..等。