
解夢佬 0

1. 小學生關于暑假的英語句子大全

what問句What's your name?What's in the picture/ your schoolbag/ your pencil-case/ the classroom?What do you like?What's your father?What would you like?What's this?What's his /her name?What about you?What are you going to do after school/ this weekend/ this evening /this afternoon?What are you going to buy?What does he like to do?What's your hobby?What does she/ he /your father/ your mother do?What are you going to be?What should we do then?What time is it?What does she do?What colour is it?What are they?What are you doing?What's the weather like in Beijing?What's the matter?What size?What do you see in the picture?What are these?What do you do on the weekend?What's your favourite season?What's the weather like in spring?What would you like to do/eat?What is Zip's favourite season?What's the date today?What are they?What's she doing?What are they doing?What is it doing?What are the ducks doing?What do ants like to eat?What do you have?What are you reading?What's that?What do you do when you have the flu?1/5What did you buy?What did you do last weekend?What about grapes?What do you want to do?What's in that tiny seed?What can Mike do in the four seasons in Canada?What's he/she/it like?What day is it today?What do you have on Thursday?What do you do on weekends?What's your favourite day/food/fruit?What can you /he /she /it do?be動詞句。


單數句子:I am … . You are … . He/She/It is …… (★相當于He,She, it的詞如人名,單數稱呼組合詞)復數句子:We are ……You are …… They are ……(★相當于they的詞如復數詞The cars,復數稱呼組合詞)下面仿照例句,自己寫一些句子,練習掌握句子結構。I am clever(形容詞). __________________I am a boy(名詞). _________________You are cute(形容詞). _________________You are a boy(名詞). _________________He 的形容詞句。

He is tired. _________________Danny is tired. _________________My father is tired. _________________He 的名詞句。He is a pupil. _________________Danny is a _________________ __My father is a _________。

2. 10個描寫假期的英語句子,急

At the beginning of this holiday I made a time table for myself .


I insist to get up at 8:00 every morning .


Morning is the best time to study , so I read English and chinese paper every morning .


Sometimes,my mother is not at home and I try to do my lunch.My cooking is OK.


After lunch I always go out with friends ,even thought it's very hot.


We play basketball ,swimming,skiing and sometimes we practise street dance.


Before the sky get dark I must go home .


In the evening,I play computer or see films,but I sleep before 11 o'clock .


Even thought everyday repeat these,I am full and I'd like it.


Because I have a useful and a happy holiday.


語法上可能錯誤,請諒解. ..謝謝

3. 描寫假期的英語句子

同學,這段文字中的句子都是經典,你就看著用吧 These days I felt so free. I can do the things that I like. I can get up till the sun has already rose very high in the sky and don't need to worry about being late for school. I can go shopping day after day unless I am tired. I can go to the places where I want to go. I can stay at home and surf the internet day after day. I can talk with my friends online and play computer games. I can enjoy myself to the full.  Because I know clearly that after the summer holiday my busy school life will begin. I will use this summer holiday to do the things that I can not do during the school life.  How time flies! I felt I had done nothing but the day for school is nearer and nearer. Now I found playing without definite goals was so boring. I want to go to school now and I want to read books. I also miss my classmates and my teachers. Now I felt the blankness of my life. I thought the restriction sometimes would become a good thing. Freedom is a relative conception and there is no absolute freedom. Nowadays I will go out to teach a junior student everyday to earn some money, and then I will translate some short articles for improving my English, except for that I will read all the books that I like. These days I always went to a book store, where I can borrow some books to read. A book one day only costs 0.2 Yuan. There are many famous books there and I am very fond of that bookstore now. Three days before I had finished the book named “The Mouse Loves the Rice” written by Yang Chengang who is a very popular singer on internet now. The story is not so interesting and is a sand story. It describes two lovers who meet and fall in love with each other by chatting on internet depart in the end. Today I am reading another book “The Stories Happened in Beijing” (Its Chinese name is “Jing Hua Yan Yun”, I don't know the appropriate translation) written by Lin Yutang.This book is just like “紅樓夢”, I has just read a little and this book needs to be read word by word for it's such a great book. After I finished it I hope I can share my thoughts and view with my friends. Because discussing with my friends about a book will make me understand the book much more profound and penetrating. I like discuss with all my friends and I'd like to hear various views that were different from mine.In less than three weeks I will begin my school life and now I am expecting it very much. I will begin my new life and I am determined to study the knowledge carefully with my heart. Because now I have already found the fun in study and I know I must learn something to enrich my life. Tomorrow is another day!。

4. 關于快樂暑假的英文句子有哪些


I can't wait to set up my summer vacation plan.2、.這個暑假,我的夢想終于實現了。 This summer holiday, my dream came true.3、暑假給了我們一段愉快的歇夏時間. The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing-space.4、一談到暑假,我們大家都變興奮了。

When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited 5、知了也睡了,安靜地睡了。忙碌之余,享受這寧靜的夏天,那迷人的夏夜,享受快樂的每一天。

陪我度過一個完美的暑假,快樂的暑假。I slept and slept quietly. Be busy, enjoy this quiet summer, that charming summer night, enjoy every day. Accompany me through a perfect summer vacation, a happy summer vacation6、轉眼間,暑假就過完了。

這個暑假竟然過得這麼快,我恨不得再接著過一次,因為這個暑假快樂無比!In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is over. This summer unexpectedly passed so quickly, I want to go on another time, because this summer is extremely joyful!7、我最喜歡的就是過暑假了,因為可以去好多地方和好多朋友一起玩游戲。My favorite is summer vacation, because I can go to many places to play games with many friends.8、暑假快樂不可少,邀朋結友情誼好,各地美景也跑到,山川河流多美妙。

珍惜時光莫蹉跎,快快樂樂樂逍遙。The summer vacation is a great time to be happy, to be friends with friends, and to see the beauty of the mountains and rivers. Don't waste time in your life.9、暑假來臨,讓煩惱歇歇班,快樂一下;讓壓力走走遠,輕松一下;讓祝福報報到,甜蜜一下;祝你暑假快樂,幸福一“夏”!Summer vacation comes, let worry rest class, happy; Let the stress go away and relax. Let the blessing report to report, sweet once; Wish you a happy summer holiday and a happy summer!10、熱情勝過酷暑的天氣,興奮點燃瀟灑的火焰,這條短信來時,愿你已經睡夠睡飽睡醒,約著出去玩個開心。

親愛的朋友,暑假快樂!The enthusiasm is better than the weather of the heat, the excitement ignites the natural fire, this text message come, may you have already slept enough to sleep to wake up, about to go out to have a fun. Happy summer, my dear friend!11、多彩的假期是我的愛,熱乎的心情掀起情豪邁,什麼樣的時光是最呀最搖擺,什麼樣的人兒才是最開懷!大批的快樂從暑假來,流向那期待自由的心懷!暑假快樂!The colorful vacation is my love, the warm mood lift up the mood, what kind of time is the most and the most sway, what kind of person is the most joyful! A great deal of happiness comes from summer vacation, to the heart that expects freedom! Happy summer vacation!12、假不在長,兩月就行;玩不在多,快樂就成。斯是暑假,惟你高興,無催促之亂耳,無作業之勞形,可以睡懶覺、玩通宵,往來有朋友,談笑無禁忌。

孔子曰:暑假快樂。It's not long, it's two months away; When there is no play, there is happiness. It is summer vacation, but you are happy, there is no rush, no homework, you can sleep in, play all night, have friends, talk and laugh without taboos. Confucius said: happy summer holidays13、暑假里,火了熱情,燒了激情,濃了親情,溫了友情,親了愛情,拋了煩惱,棄了孤獨,廢了壓力,埋了悲劇,祝你暑假快樂,生活幸福美滿。

Summer vacation, the enthusiasm, fire burning passion, strong affection, wen the friendship, love, throw the trouble, abandon the loneliness, waste pressure, buried a tragedy, I wish you a happy summer vacation, life happiness.14、暑假來,看一部電視劇,管它是白天還是夜晚;聽一段搖滾樂,管它是音調是高是低;暑假就是要丟了煩惱,丟了壓力,祝你逍遙一個假期,暑假快樂。Summer vacation, watch a TV drama, tube it is day or night; Listen to a piece of rock music, which is pitch is low; Summer vacation is to lose the worry, lose the pressure, I wish you a free holiday, happy summer holidays15、知了叫,因你而吶喊,烈日曬,因你而熱情,暴雨下,因你而瘋狂,綠蔭濃,為你而遮陽,送祝福,因你而幸福,祝你暑假快樂。

I know you, because you cry, the hot sun, because of you and warm, rain, because of you crazy, green shade, for you and sunshade, blessing, because of you happiness, I wish you a happy summer holiday。

5. 關于暑假的80詞英語作文

我的暑假(My Summer Vacation)Summertime is the besttime of the year.There is no school for monthsI get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird.I do many things during the summer vacation.I relax by reading books watching TV.I also hang out with my friends travel with my family.However,I don't play in summer.I take advantage of the free time to learn more.For example,last summer I learned to swim.This summer I might study computers or English.Summer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to do as as you can.很好理解的,是吧shaorunjia2001真心為您解答~~~親,如果你認可我的回答,請點擊【采納為滿意回答】按鈕~~手機提問者在客戶端右上角評價點【滿意】即可。


6. 求

My Summer VacationThis is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then, take a look at China's famous novel. Look at some day. Of course, also want to play with the computer, watch TV. Early every morning to get up and running to run, do other sports. But it is conducive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten. must help parents do the housework! My holiday arrangements like? something good? give suggestions或者Happy Summer Holidays My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this。

7. 英語暑假作業,關于句子的


(1)I have a basketball and two soccer balls in my bedroom.(用there be句型改寫)(There is )a basketball and two soccer balls( in my bedroom )(2)His tathrt comes from America.(對畫線部分提問)( Where does ) his father( come ) from?二、按括號中的要求完成下列句子1、What do you think of the coat?(改為同義句)( How ) do you ( like ) the coat?2、I want some apples.(改為同義句)I ( would like ) some apples.3、Maria tries on the shoes.(用 them 替換句子中的the shoes)Maria( tries them on )4、888(用英語寫出這個數字)eight hundred and eighty-eight 5、do ;think;this;of;blue;skirt;what;you;jane(連詞成句)(What do you think of this blue jane skirt ) ?6、I'd like Some chicken.(對畫線部分提問)( What would ) you ( like )?7、Are you free this morning?(改為同義句)( Do ) you ( have time ) this morning?8、Why don't you go for a picnic with us?(改為同義句) ( Why not ) go for a picnic with us?9、go,you,to,would,like,West Hill,to,a.for,picnic(連詞成句)(Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic )?10、bring,don't,to,something,eat,fotget to(連詞成句)(Don't forget to bring something to eat .)三、句型轉換,每空一詞(1)He teaches geography.(對畫線部分提問)( What does ) he( teach)?(2)My cousin isa little shy(對畫線部分提問( What ) is your cousin ( like )?(3)I liked watching moviee (對畫線部分提問)( What did ) you like( doing ) last year?祝你假期愉快!加油!不明白再問!如果幫到你,請采納,謝謝。

8. 描寫雪的英語的優美句子

Description snow good sentence: 1) snow, the snow like Xu general, as general Luhua snow, the snow like dandelion general dance in the air, blown by the wind. 2) the air, the glistening snow-like lightweight butterfly in Dance. 3) overnight snow, the roof of city plot has a thickness of snow, stood on the flat-topped tower Wangchuqu, like rolling snow-capped mountains. 4) along highways, sidewalks snow has melted, only the roofs of back-also left Canxue, like wearing a small white top hat. 5) Air was showing a fluttering snowflakes, small white feathers, like the pear Chuila petals, in-yo. 6) Small snowflakes fluttering in the gentle sounds of the long left behind. Gradually, the small snowflakes changed in a big way, thickening, and crowded. 7) a round, a fall Chuochuo the Xuefei, like countless Chesui a cotton ball rolling down from the sky. 8) window with snowflakes dancing in the sky, just like hundreds of butterflies like toward the window panes, glass and hit some mischievous, Pianpian flying toward the side. 9) glistening snow Whispering in my Shouzhangxin, appears to be transparent, and gradually, it melted. 10) snow, the first on the small Duo Duo snowflakes, as gently fluttering Xu then the heavier, a while Jinshi a while. 11) snow finally stopped, a vast field of white, buildings, mountains covered by snow. Paragraph: "Snow!" Children of the snow as good news to report. The people will lay down their hands could not live, come to the front of the windows, ornamental nature of the gift - snow. Especially in the South, Snow difficult intake, many families regardless of cold, snow seize the opportunity to shoot in the snow-Carnival, in a Snow Memorial. Children are busy with formation of snowman, pinch snowball, Daxuezhang. Clearly, many people like snow. Compared to people encountered heavy rain killed that day, a succession of squally rang out under the scorching sun at the heart of the suffering, Snow is a joy. Snow early, often雪片little too dense, such as wind Qingpiao Xu, with the wind blowing the fierceness of the attack, under the snow of the more, snow is also growing, such as woven into a white net, the height of the far What is invisible on the [/ b]. Like continuous Curtain,直落onto the ground, a return to the light. Fisher, Gaiman the roof, road, breaking the branches, Subduction various objects appearance, blocked roads and transport, the雪片filled fly to the white world dissolved into one. If you are walking on the streets, and soon, it will become a living snowman. Mountain snow has been blown in, as to encapsulate this Bengshan buried the small rooms like. Xiaojiao trees, snow cover kept to the small rooms down. Chawai a hillside in the trees, inverted folded down. Hanru fear all broken voice flutter like, to retreat to the horizon! Wind increasingly larger. Naduo Xiaoyun become a white Nongyun gradually rise up, expanding, and gradually cover over the sky. Coming from under the snow. Suddenly, down from the large pieces of雪片came. Wu Wu and roar of the wind, the storm came. An instant, the Diablo sky became a fight with Xuehai, the all invisible. Increasingly fierce snowstorm, the cold days, the nose and cheek Dongde more powerful, more frequent cold air bottles to skin jacket, the clothes need to wrap a tighter more. Sled sometimes Guangliuliu Lulu scrolled off the ice surface because the ground snow have been blown away. …… I seem to feel that there is a strong light shining on the white wilderness greatly broaden the horizon, low and black roof suddenly disappeared, only to see in all directions Luoxue Formation of a slash of white. …… In the wilderness, and the wind obdurate to all blowing in one direction. …… Right, left, everywhere failed, the ambiguous gray. I would like to find the eyes of the same things fresh, but no: no signs, not a pile of hay, not一堵fence, and nothing can not be everywhere is a snow. …… Seems to be a change in wind direction; while blowing head, going live from the eyes of snowflakes paste; next moment from the coat collar hate to turn heads, and make a mockery of拿它Fumo of my face; while from behind by What holes whirring and yelling. …… When I wanted to stand up and bodies wrapped some more closely, landed on the collar and hat from the snow on the neck, sliding into the Lengde I tremble. Snow has been charged for a couple of days, just to stop the morning, a strong sense of the infinite frozen solidification of the snow surface. …… In the snow underneath, 240 Village Yan Wozhao mine, it seems has disappeared. …… No fire house, and the stones on the same cold, not melting tiles on the thick layer of snow。