
解夢佬 0

1. 三年級下冊英語重點句子

1. --- What's your name? 你叫什麼名字? --- My name's Chen Jie. 我叫陳潔。

2. Show me your pencil. 給我看看你的鉛筆。3. Open/close your book. 打開/關上你的書。

4. Good morning / afternoon. 早上/下午好。5. This is John. 這是John6. --- Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。

--- Nice to meet you, too. 見到你我也很高興。7. Touch your head . 摸摸你的 頭。

8.Look at me.This is my face. 看看我。這是我的臉。

9. --- Where is your mouth? 你的嘴在哪里? --- Here it is. 在這里。10.Let's play with the puppet. 讓我們和木偶一起玩吧。

11.Don't run away. 別跑。12. --- How are you? 你好嗎? --- Fine, thank you. /I'm fine.Thank you./ Fine,thanks. Very well, thanks./Very well, thank you. 很好,謝謝。

13. Let's paint. 讓我們一起畫畫吧。 OK./Great./Good idea. 好的。

/好主意。14..Colour the face yellow. 把臉涂成黃色。

15.Here is your ticket. 這是你的罰款單。16.---Look!I have a rabbit. 看!我有一只兔子。

---Cool!/Supper!/Great!/Wow!真酷!/太棒了……17. Act like a cat. 扮演一只貓。18. --- May I have a look? 我可以看一看嗎? --- Sure. Here you are. 當然可以。

給你。19. --- Here you are. 給你。

--- Thank you. 謝謝。 —You're welcome. 別客氣。

20.Follow me. 跟我來。21.--What do you like? --- I like hot dogs. 我喜歡吃熱狗。

22. --- Have some __milk_____. 喝些牛奶吧。 --- Thank you. / No, thanks. 謝謝。

/不用了,謝謝。23. --- Can I have a hamburger? 請問我可以吃個漢堡嗎? Can I have an egg,please? 請問我可以吃個雞蛋嗎? Can I have a Coke,please? 請問我可以喝罐可樂嗎? Can I have some ice-cream,please? 請問我可以吃些冰激凌嗎? --- Sure. Here you are. 當然可以。

給你。24.The knife is on the right. 刀子在右邊。

The fork is on the left. 叉子在左邊。 The plate is in the middle. 盤子在中間。

The spoon is beside the knife. 勺子在刀子的旁邊。25. --- How old are you? 你幾歲了? --- I'm twelve. 我12歲了。

26. Happy birthday! 生日快樂! Thank you. 謝謝。27. Let's eat the birthday cake. 讓我們吃生日蛋糕吧。

28. --- How many balloons? 有多少個氣球? ---4 .29. This is for you, Zip. 這是給你的,Zip。 The apple is for you. 這個蘋果是送給你的。

30.Blow up the balloons. 吹氣球。31.I'm from China.Our lucky number is 6. 我來自中國。

我們的幸運數字是632.Happy Halloween! 萬圣節快樂! ----10月31日 Happy Women's Day! ---Thank you. 婦女節快樂! ----3月8日 Happy Children's Day! ---Thank you. 兒童節快樂! ----6月1日 Happy Teachers' Day! ---Thank you. 教師節快樂! ----9月10日 Merry Christmas! --- Merry Christmas! 圣誕快樂! ----12月25日 Happy New Year! --- Happy New Year! 新年快樂! ----1月1日。