
解夢佬 0

1. 20個虛擬語氣句子帶翻譯

If he should go to Qing Hua University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上清華大學的話,他就會充分利用他的時間了。

If he were to come here, he would tell us about it. 如果他要來的話,他會通知我們一聲。If he were free, he would help us. 要是他有空的話,它會幫助我們的。

If he studied at this school, he would know you well. 如果他在這所學校學習的話,它會對你很熟悉。If I had seen the film, I would have told you about it. 我如果看過這場電影,我會把電影內容告訴你了。

If I had got there earlier, I would have met Mr. Li. 如果我早點到那兒,我就會會到了李先生。Should he agree to go there, we would send him there. 要是他答應去的話,我們就派他去。

Were she here, she would agree with us. 如果她在這兒的話,她會同意我們的。Had he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. 如果她懂一些電腦知識的話,我們會已經聘用他來這里工作了 I would have come to see you, but I was too busy. 我本該來看你了,然而我太忙了。

But for his help, we would be working now. 要不是他的幫助,我們還會在工作呢。Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是沒有你的指導,我不會取得如此大的進步。

He would have finished it. 他本該完成了。You could have passed this exam. 你應該會通過這次考試了。

If I were at home now. 要是我現在在家里該多好啊。If only I had got it. 要是我得到它了該多好啊。

She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in. 她又把門檢查了一遍,以防盜賊的進入。He started out earlier lest he should be late. 他很早就出發了以防遲到。

He goes closer to the speaker so that he can hear him clearer. 他走近說話的人以便能挺得更清楚。He read the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word. 他把信讀得很仔細以便不漏掉一個單詞。

We will finish it on time no matter what / whatever may happen. 不管發生什麼事,我們都要按時完成。We will find him wherever / no matter where he may be. 無論他在哪里,我們都要找到他。

I will wait for him no matter how late he may come. 不管他來的多麼晚,我都會等他。They began to talk warmly as if they had known each other for long. 他們開始熱烈的談論起來就好像他們已相互認識很久了。

I was astonished that he should not answer such an easy question. 我很驚訝他竟答不出如此簡單的問題。Tom insisted that he hadn't stolen the watch. 湯姆堅持說他沒有偷那塊手表。

His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam. 他的微笑表明他在考試中成功了。Can you imagine that he should take the first place in the long jump contest? 你能想象得到他在跳遠比賽中竟獲得了第一名?I wish the bus went to the university. 我希望公共汽車能通到大學。

I wish I hadn't wasted so much money. 但愿我沒浪費這麼多錢。I'd rather you were here now. 我倒想你現在在這兒。

We'd rather you went here tomorrow. 我麼倒想你明天去那兒。

2. 虛擬語氣句子


1) If doesn't >>> I will (in the future)

2) If didn't >>> I would (right now)

3) If hadn't >>> I would have had (in the past)







If he didn't kill her, she would be 18 years old now. (說她現在就會是九歲了,那麼虛擬的時態就該再古老一些,變成過去式。)

If he doesn't want to kill her, I will kill her. (主句是個將來時態,那麼從句就退一格,變成現代時態。)



你的那個例句:If you answered “A” for most queations,then you are probably very confident.




3. 【請分析兩個英語虛擬語氣句子~1.Helooksasifhe

had cried表示與過去事實相反,他看起來好像哭過了一樣.would cry表示與將來事實相反,他看起來好像快哭了.虛擬語氣哪里有加will cry的啊?!亂來!要麼是你答案錯了,要麼放在上下文里那就不是虛擬語氣.在虛擬語氣中,由as if/as though引導的狀語從句/表語從句中,表示夸張的比喻和猜測:1,與現在事實相反,動詞用過去式:It seems as if it were spring already.2,與過去事實相反,動詞用過去完成式:Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there.3,與將來事實相反,用情態動詞(一般就是would,might這些)加動詞原形:She cried as if her heart would break.It is strange that she________(give up) her plan.這題答案是give up或者should give up.在表示虛擬語氣的賓語從句中,含有ask,demand,desire,require,command,order,move,propose,suggest,insist,decide等表示要求,命令,勸告,決定的詞語,后面的動詞要用should do的形式,其中should可以且經常被省略!主語從句中則是出現essential,necessary,ask,natural,preferable,ordered,possible,strange等詞語,后面的動詞要用should do的形式,其中should可以且經常被省略!這個屬于重難點了,多問問老師,還有多做練習!加油!虛擬可是你姐姐我當年高考的強項之一哦!現在還是很熟的啦!畢竟是我的專業嘛!哈哈!能幫你們這些高中小屁孩還蠻高興的咧。

4. 英語虛擬語氣句子

if I were you, I would study math harder

If there were no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth.


If I had any money with me,I could lend you some.


If he studied harder,he might pass the exam.


If I were you, I'd wear a shirt and tie.


5. 虛擬語氣的造句


If I were you,I shouldn't do that.如果我是你,就不會做那件事了。

We would go with you if we had time.如果我們有時間的話,就和你一道去了。

We could ask him if he were here.如果他在這兒,我們就可以問他了。


If he had seen you yesterday,he would have asked you about it如果昨天他見到你,他就會問你那件事了。

If you had come earlier,you would have met him.如果你早點兒來,就會遇到他了。

1 would have called you if I had known your telephone number.如果我知道你的電話號碼,就打電話給你了。

③表示將來不太可能實現的條件,其句子結構為“If+主語+動詞過去式/were to+動詞原形/should+動詞原形”。例如:

If he came tomorrow,he would find me in the schoo1.如果他明天來的話,會在學校找到我。

If it should rain,the crops would be saved.如果下雨,莊稼就有救了。

If it were to snow tomorrow,they would not go out.如果明天下雪,他們就不出去了。