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1. 求《小婦人》英文版中經典的句子

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“Love covers a multitude of sins…”

― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“such hours are beautiful to live, but very hard to describe…”

― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave. I'd rather do everything for myself, and be perfectly independent.”

― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“Simple, sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words, and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”

― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

2. 《小婦人》、《遠大前程》中有哪些優美的句子


1.Oh , my girls , however long you may live , I never can wish you a greater happiness than this!無論活到何時,永遠是最幸福的(對她的孩子)

2. 婚姻畢竟是一件極好的事情。要是我試試,不知結局會不會有你一半好



5.. 夫人,嚴霜會凍開栗殼,使勁搖會搖下栗子。男孩子們好采栗子。可是,我不喜歡讓他們用口袋裝著


`We are friends,' said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.

`And will continue friends apart,' said Estella.

I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.





But that poor dream, as I once used to call it, has all gone by, Biddy, all gone by!”(可是那個我一度稱為可憐地舊夢,已經隨時間飄逝了!畢蒂,它已經飄逝了!)

`And will continue friends apart,' said Estella.


3. 小婦人的經典語句 英語

小婦人》The little old woman: one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.

When you are at my time, I absent-minded,

When I come to you, when you have gone.

We are always in a meeting to miss, losing a lot of.

However, I want to say this is because we are still young.

No, perhaps this is our life.

From then on, I always looked back the road.







4. 名著<小婦人>中的好句30句 英文的 在仿寫10句

Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain.While making these maternal inquiries Mrs. March got her wet things off, her warm slippers on, and sitting down in the easy chair, drew Amy to her lap, preparing to enjoy the happiest hour of her busy day. It was excellent drill for their memories, a harmless amusement, and employed many hours which otherwise would have been idle, lonely, or spent in less profitable society.There was a simultaneous sigh, which created quite a little gust, as the last hope fled, and the treat was ravished from their longing lips.Mother is always ready to be your confidante, Father to be your friend, and both of hope and trust that our daughters, whether married or single, will be the pride and comfort of out lives.The days kept getting longer and longer, the weather was unusually variable and so were tempers, and unsettled feeling possessed everyone, and Satan found plenty of mischief for the idle hands to do.This obliging offer was gladly accepted, and Margaret retired to the parlor, which she hastily put in order by whisking the litter under the sofa and shutting the blinds to save the trouble of dusting. If anyone had been watching her, he would have thought her movements decidedly peculiar, for on alighting, she went off at a great pace till she reached a certain number in a certain busy street.He missed her,however, and she came walking in with a very queer expression of countenance, for there was a mixture of fun and fear, satisfaction and regret in it, which puzzled the family as much as did the roll of bills she laid before her mother, saying with a little choke in her voice.All the little duties were faithfully done each day, and many of her sisters' also, for they were forgetful, and the house seemed like a clock whose pendulum was gone a-visiting. What they were to give, neither heard, for both crept into the dark hall, and, sitting on the stairs, held each other close, rejoicing with hearts too full for words. Then she slept again, and the girls waited upon their mother, for she would not unclasp the thin hand which clung to hers even in sleep. Jo dropped a kiss on the top of Mr. Laurence's bald head, and ran up to slip the apology under Laurie's door, advising him through the keyhole to be submissive, decorous, and a few other agreeable impossibilities. Meg rose as she spoke, and was just going to rehearse the dignified exit, when a step in the hall made her fly into her seat and begin to sew as fast as if her life depended on finishing that particular seam in a given time. The June roses over the porch were awake bright and early on that morning, rejoicing with all their hearts in the cloudless sunshine, like friendly little neighbors, as they were. Meg looked very like a rose herself, for all that was best and sweetest in heart and soul seemed to bloom into her face that day, making it fair and tender, with a charm more beautiful than beauty. As the younger girls stand together, giving the last touches to their simple toilet, it may be a good time to tell of a few changes which three years have wrought in their appearance, for all are looking their best just now.Never forgetting that by birth she was a gentlewoman, she cultivated her aristocratic tastes and feelings, so that when the opportunity came she might be ready to take the place from which poverty now excluded her. The minute it was made Jo saw her mistake, but fearing to make the matter worse, suddenly remembered that it was for her to make the first move toward departure, and did so with an abruptness that left three people with half-finished sentences in their mouths. Remembering the painted boots, she surveyed her white satin slippers with girlish satisfaction, and chassed down the room, admiring her aristocratic feet all by herself.For Amy's face was full of the soft brightness which betokens a peaceful heart, her voice had a new tenderness in it, and the cool, prim carriage was changed to a gentle dignity, both womanly and winning. Gentlemen are sometimes seized with sudden fits of admiration for the young relatives of ladies whom they honor with their regard, but this counterfeit philoprogenitiveness sits uneasily upon them, and does not deceive anybody a particle.The knight in whom I'm interest went back to find the pretty face, and learned that the princesses had spun themselves free and all gone and married, but one. If he asked her to deliver a Latin oration, it would not have seemed a more impossible task to bashful Beth, but there was no place to run to, no Jo to hide behind now, 。

5. 小婦人中經典句子與翻譯

“I am not afraid of storms,for I am learning how to sail my ship.”


“Love covers a multitude of sins…”


“such hours are beautiful to live,but very hard to describe…”


“I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave.I'd rather do everything for myself,and be perfectly independent.”


“Simple,sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words,and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”


6. 介紹《小婦人》英語





作者 露易莎 梅 奧爾科特還寫了后面兩本,作為《小婦人》的續書:《小男人》和《喬的男孩子們》,但是我只看過《小男人》。



7. 小婦人英語版中的好詞

bashfulness n. 羞怯

sociable adj. 好交際的,社交的

uncover vt. 揭開,揭露

scarlet n. 深紅色,緋紅色,紅衣 adj. 緋紅色的

cozy adj. 舒適的

pate n. 頭,頭腦

rosy adj. 玫瑰色的,美好的

briskly adv. 活潑地,精神勃勃地

amuse v. 消遣,娛樂,使 。 發笑

scandalize vt. 令人憤慨,令人覺得可恥,令人丟臉

queer adj. 奇怪的,不舒服的,可疑的

hedge n. 樹籬,籬笆

curly adj. 卷曲的

dismal adj. 陰沉的,凄涼的,暗的

handful['hændful] n. 少數,一把,棘手之事

listless['listlis] adj. 無精打采的

brighten['braitn] vt. 使變亮,使生輝 vi. 發光,發亮

flourish vi. 繁榮,茂盛,活躍,手舞足蹈 vt. 揮舞 n. 揮舞,華麗詞藻,茂盛,興旺,炫耀

croak v. 嗄嗄叫,發牢騷 n. 嗄嗄聲,哇哇聲

hoarsely adv. 嘶啞地

8. 小婦人英語版中的好詞

decidedly [di'saididli] adv. 斷然,果斷地, 明確地,毫無疑問

gentlemanly adj. 彬彬有禮的;紳士風度的;紳士派頭的

fussy adj. 易煩惱的, 過分裝飾的, 謹慎的, 挑剔的

trot n. 快步 v. 快步走, 小跑步走

fret [fret] n. 煩躁, 磨損, 焦急 v. 煩惱, 不滿, 磨損

cross adj. 生氣的, 交叉的

impertinent adj. 魯莽的, 無禮的, 粗魯的

plague [pleig] n. 瘟疫, 麻煩, 災禍 vt. 折磨, 煩擾, 造成麻煩

niminy-piminy ['nimini'pimini] adj. 做作的, 裝腔作勢的, 不理不睬的, 柔弱的

prim [prim] adj. 規規矩矩的, 呆板的, 拘謹的 v. 弄整齊, 地把嘴閉緊

rattle ['rætl] vi. 嘎嘎作響, 喋喋不休 vt. 使激動, 使作響, 急促地談講

affected adj. (人或行為)假裝的;做作的;不自然的

tomboy n. 行為似男孩的頑皮姑娘