
解夢佬 0

1. 用英文寫的頑強拼搏的句子

Fair and softly go far in a day. 謙和穩重,前程遠大。

Better an empty purse than an empty head.寧可錢袋癟,不要腦袋空。God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助之。

God never shuts one door but he opens another. 天無絕人之路。The hard part isn't making the decision. It's living with it.——做出決定并不困難,困難的是接受決定。

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. 信心不是來自永遠是正確的, 而是來自不怕犯錯。Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength. 任何人都可以放棄,放棄是世界上最容易的事。

但是當其他人都覺得你崩潰是理所當然時候你依然頑強不屈,那你是真的強大。Sometimes,you have to be your own hero.Because sometimes the people you can't live without can live without you.有時候,你必須要做你自己的英雄。


2. 關于英語句子描寫堅強的優美詩句,字數要少一點

Those who truly aware of their strength, they never give up! For a strong, never admit defeat the spirit, never have failed; he fell Zaipaqilai, even if other people have to retreat and surrender, but he never!


Strong, does not represent not to cry. Strong is when you cry when still don't give up


A strong woman, calm face, brave experience, sour, sweet, bitter, hot



3. 勸人堅強的非主流英語句子

俄好像 一個人 乜可以很好 I seem like a person can also be quite well with.無 理 取 鬧 昦 年 齡 過 了、我 該 懂 事 了 。

Over the age of vexatious, and I should also sensible of the.一 些 人 、一 些 事、一 些 話、都 以 成 過 去、一 切 的 一 切 、都 以 成 過 去 Some people, things, and some words are in order to become in the past, all in all, are to become in the past . 如果 、我早能想 開些 、我是 不是 不會 如此狼狽 、If, I had to want to open something, I would not not be so embarrassed,握 不 住 的 幸 福 、放 下 也 罷 Grip not live happy, put down no matter whether.乜許、是我們自己愿意停在那里不肯走 過去、早該過去。 Perhaps it is our own willingness to stop where they will not go away in the past, long overdue in the past -,冇些事別[當眞], 就県會\\ [吢疼。

] Some things do not take it seriously, they will not feel bad。.。

4. 勸人堅強的非主流英語句子

俄好像 一個人 乜可以很好

I seem like a person can also be quite well with.

無 理 取 鬧 昦 年 齡 過 了、我 該 懂 事 了 。

Over the age of vexatious, and I should also sensible of the.

一 些 人 、一 些 事、一 些 話、都 以 成 過 去、一 切 的 一 切 、都 以 成 過 去

Some people, things, and some words are in order to become in the past, all in all, are to become in the past .

如果 、我早能想 開些 、我是 不是 不會 如此狼狽 、

If, I had to want to open something, I would not not be so embarrassed,

握 不 住 的 幸 福 、放 下 也 罷

Grip not live happy, put down no matter whether.

乜許、是我們自己愿意停在那里不肯走 過去、早該過去。

Perhaps it is our own willingness to stop where they will not go away in the past, long overdue in the past

-,冇些事別[當眞], 就県會\\ [吢疼。]

Some things do not take it seriously, they will not feel bad.