
解夢佬 0

1. 我要有關于音樂的英語格言

1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I

am when I am with you.


2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is,

won't make you cry.


3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside

them knowing you can't have them.


4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know

who is falling in love with your smile.


5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you

may be the world.


6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to

waste their time on you.

I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. (Jack London, American writer)

音樂要用心靈去聽,用頭腦去感覺。(法國作家 雨果 V)

Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak. (William Congreve. British dramatist)

音樂有著撫慰粗野的胸懷、軟化頑石或使千年老樹彎腰的魅力。(英國劇作家 康格里夫 W)

Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. (John Erskine, American educator)

音樂是唯一不能用及表達卑鄙的或諷刺的事物的語言。(美國教育家 厄斯金 J)





2. 關于音樂的用英語寫的格言

.Nothing is worth living for without music. -Nietzsche

沒有音樂,生命是沒有價值的。—— 尼采

Without the music education in my childhood, I would succeed in nothing. - Albert Einstein

沒有早期音樂教育,干什麼事我都會一事無成。—— 愛因斯坦

I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. (Jack London, American writer)

音樂要用心靈去聽,用頭腦去感覺。(法國作家 雨果 V)

Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak. (William Congreve. British dramatist)

音樂有著撫慰粗野的胸懷、軟化頑石或使千年老樹彎腰的魅力。(英國劇作家 康格里夫 W)Music makes a qualities of race higher and expensive, where have music, where enjoy to melt!


Kind words are the music of the world.



3. 有關音樂的英語短句

To encourage the world does not reward hard work, all the reward is just being used to reward the results of the work. Even the premature attempt, and the strategy is better than aborted. Positive in every crisis an opportunity for all to see, and were negative in every opportunity to see some kind of hardship. Well the way out, export said good words, good deeds hand. Spectator's name is always less than the competition climbing points on the board. God helps those who help themselves. Idleness is a factory of poverty. Does not justify the failure to find a method for success. If we want more roses, we must plant more trees of roses. The reason why the great man because he co-exist with others of adversity, people have lost confidence, he has determined to achieve their own goals. There is no hopeless situation, only those who despair of the situation. Those who evade the reality of the future will be more to be desired. Three days of the Prophet, a decade of wealth. Pain when you feel sad, it is best to learn what is what. Learning will make you invincible forever. Great men reached and maintained by the height, not a fly on that, but their companions were asleep when the step-by-step climb up the hard way. Those who are most vulnerable to the world of things, the delay time for the least effort. Resilience is a major factor in the success, as long as the knock on the door long enough, loud enough, eventually people will wake up the. A couple of one mind, mud into gold. Who is able is able to believe. Not born with confidence, only the increasing ability of confidence. After customers are customers, service is the beginning of the beginning of sales. Way to make money, but can not find the seed money, they could not cause of home. , The world will be targeted to those people and vision to give way. 世上并沒有用來鼓勵工作努力的賞賜,所有的賞賜都只是被用來獎勵工作成果的。

即使是不成熟的嘗試,也勝于胎死腹中的策略。 積極的人在每一次憂患中都看到一個機會,而消極的人則在每個機會都看到某種憂患。

出門走好路,出口說好話,出手做好事。 旁觀者的姓名永遠爬不到比賽的計分板上。

上帝助自助者。 怠惰是貧窮的制造廠。

不為失敗找理由,要為成功找方法。 如果我們想要更多的玫瑰花,就必須種植更多的玫瑰樹。

偉人之所以偉大,是因為他與別人共處逆境時,別人失去了信心,他卻下決心實現自己的目標。 世上沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。

回避現實的人,未來將更不理想。 先知三日,富貴十年。


偉人所達到并保持著的高處,并不是一飛就到的,而是他們在同伴們都睡著的時候,一步步艱辛地向上攀爬的。 世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延時間最不費力。

堅韌是成功的一大要素,只要在門上敲得夠久、夠大聲,終會把人喚醒的。 夫婦一條心,泥土變黃金。

人之所以能,是相信能。 沒有天生的信心,只有不斷培養的信心。

顧客后還有顧客,服務的開始才是銷售的開始。 賺錢之道很多,但是找不到賺錢的種子,便成不了事業家。


4. 經典的英語小段

Music is of great importance for us. Without music, we won't be able to live any longer.

At first, music is a good way to express one's feelings. No matter how sad or happy one feels, he can use music to show his ideas to others. With music in our lives, we are not lonely.

Secondly, music is also a kind of language to communicate with people in spite of their different nations. Listing music can help us understand others, though, they belong to different cultures.

Thirdly, we can relax by listing music. Maybe someone don't think highly of music, but music do have an ability to make people feel comfortable. There is no doubt that music has helped many of us to get out of sadness or to feel happy. This is the charm of music. None of us can deny the fact.

Fourthly, music is not just some tones but a useful way to cure out illness. According to some reliable research, we believe that music can cure illness or at less, help cure illness.

Finally, what I want to say is that we should judge music with our inner feelings instead of science. Music is a good thing. It is a part of our colorful lives.

音樂是非常重要的時刻. 沒有音樂,我們將無法生存下去. 首先,音樂是一個很好的方式,來表達心中的感受. 無論悲傷或快樂感覺,他可以用音樂來表達他的想法給別人. 音樂與我們生活中,我們并不孤單. 其次,音樂也是一種語言溝通的人,盡管他們不同的民族. 上市音樂可以幫助我們了解別人,雖然他們屬于不同的文化. 第三,我們可以放寬上市的音樂. 也許有人不看好的音樂,但音樂是有能力,使人們感到舒適. 毫無疑問,音樂曾經幫助很多人走出悲傷或感到快樂. 這是魅力的音樂作品. 任何人都無法否認的事實. 第四,音樂并非僅是一些聲調,但它卻是一個有用的方法治好了病. 據一些可靠的研究,我們相信,音樂能治病,或至少幫助治病. 最后,我要說的是,我們要看他的音樂與我們的內心世界,而非科學. 音樂是一件好事. 這是一個部分,我們的生活豐富多彩.


5. 用英語談論音樂

Music perfects our life音樂完美你的人生Life without music is like a frozen sea without living creatures.Music plays a very important role in our life.生活中沒有音樂就好比凍結的海水沒有生物.音樂在我們的生活中起著非常重要的作用Music is a tool of communication.Different kinds of music stand for different meanings.Some use music to thank somebody for something;some use music to commemorate people or events;others use music to express their love to their seniors,children and their beloved.Why don't we use words but music instead?Because music can help us express our feeling witn strong emotion.I believe that not only people but also animals can share their feeling by music,like birds.音樂是交流的工具.不同的音樂表達不同的意思.有人用音樂表達謝意,有人用音樂紀念人或事,還有人用音樂向長輩,孩童或摯愛表達愛意.為什麼我們不用語言而用音樂代替?因為音樂可以使我們的交流帶有濃厚的感情.我相信不僅是人,動物也可以用音樂交流感情,就像鳥兒的鳴叫.Music may affect us a lot in many ways.Music can be regarded as a good lifetime friend.When we feel sad,it fills our heart with warmth and pleasure.When we grow nervous,it keeps our mind relaxed and calm.When we go home after a long day of tedious work,music kicks tiredness out.音樂在很多方面影響著我們.音樂可以稱得上是人一生的朋友.當我們悲傷的時候,它用溫柔和幸福填補我們的心;當我們緊張無措時,它使我們的頭腦放松和冷靜;當我們完成一天無聊的工作回到家,音樂為我們驅走疲勞.There are many forms of music such as classical music,pop music,rock and roll,country music,jazz,and so on.Different people are fond of different kinds of music.Generally it's up to one's character.For example,i like classical and pop music best,because classical music is graceful,gentle and soft while pop music is quite casual and relaxing.But some people,especially teenagers,like rock and roll for its bright beat,strong shake and hot atmosphere.Still others can find pleasure in country music.音樂的類型是多種多樣的,像古典音樂,流行音樂,搖滾樂,鄉村音樂,爵士樂等等.不同的人喜歡不同類型的音樂,這取決與他們的性格.比如我就最喜歡古典音樂和流行音樂.因為古典音樂優美溫柔,而流行音樂則隨意放松.但是有些人,尤其是年輕人,喜歡搖滾樂.因為它強烈鮮明,有震撼力,又有熱烈的氣氛.還有一些人喜歡鄉村音樂,No matter what kind of musicit is,a piece of good music has a wonderful influence on people's feelings,and little by little,people's characters will be affected and thus improved.Then our life will be like a winding path surrounded by flowers,butterflies,and delicious fruits.不管是什麼類型的音樂,好的音樂對人一點一點的影響,就會使人的性格更加完善.之后我們的生活會像花朵蝴蝶縈繞的蜿蜒的小路,路旁有鮮美的水果.I do love music.It brings me into another fantastic world that i can't describe in any word.Music has become an important part in my daily life.I can hardly imagine what life would be like if there is no music.我喜歡音樂.它把我帶到了一個難以用語言形容的世界.音樂在我生活中已經扮演了一個不可替代的角色.我簡直不能想象沒有音樂的生活.。