
解夢佬 0

1. 早上好的英文是什麼

早上好的英文是good morning。

晚上好的英文是good evening。

晚安的英文是good night。







2. 問好的英語句子有哪些

1. Nice to meet you.很高興見到你。

2. Glad to see you.認識你很高興。3. It's very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高興能有這個機會認識你。

4. Hi, John.嗨,約翰。5. Hello.你好。

6. Good morning , teachers and fellow students.老師、同學們早。7. May I introduce myself to you?我可以自我介紹嗎?8. I am pleased to see you.我很高興遇到你。

9. I enjoy the privilege of meeting you.我很榮幸遇見你。10.I am delighted to know you.我很高興認識你。

11. I am honored to know you.認識你深感榮幸。12. I am happy to see you.我很高興見到你。

13. It's a pleasure to know you.認識閣下深感榮幸。14. Hi (Hello), everybody.嗨,大家好。

15. Good morning, everybody. I am Danny Chou. I am still a student in high school.大家早,我是周丹妮。我還是個中學生。

16. May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you?我可以冒味地自我介紹嗎?17. Is everything going on well?一切還好嗎?18. Long time no see.好久不見了。19. Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是個驚喜!近來可好嗎?20. How's everything?一切都好嗎?。

3. 早晨問候的英語句子和感謝的句子

good morning 早晨好!hello 你好!good evening 晚上好!good bye 再見!see you later 再見!good night 晚安!take care 保重!how are you? 你好嗎?fine. thank you 謝謝你,我很好!have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安!my name is…… 我叫……may i have you name? 請問你貴姓?nice to see you 很高興認識你。

thank you very much 謝謝!thank you for your help 謝謝你的幫助。you are welcome 不用謝。

that's right 你說的對yes, i think so 我也這樣認。where is the toilet 廁所在哪里?where are you from? 你是從哪里來的?whom should i ask to? 我應該問誰?what is this for? 這是做什麼的?it is important 這非常重要i'm in a hurry 我時間很急。

4. 早晨好英語

good morning 讀音[ɡ?d ?m?rn?? int. (上午見面時用語)早安,你(們)好;(上午分別時用語)再會 1 Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend 早上好!見到你真高興,感謝你和我們共度這個周末。

2 They can't even say 'good morning' or pass the time of day. 他們甚至不會說“早上好”或打聲招呼。 3 Good morning, teacher. 老師早! 4 He said a civil good morning. 他彬彬有禮地說了聲早安。

5 Good morning, helen. I had a picnic with my friends. 早上好,海倫。我和朋友去了野餐。

5. 適合晨讀的英語句子

I love you for whom you are,but who I am when I'm by your side.


No person deserves your tears,and who deserves them won't make you cry.


A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.


Never stop smiling,not even when you're sad,someone might fall in love with your smile.


You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you're the world.



6. 【英語句子填空

各位同學早上好!我的名字是馬濤(進音即可),我是你們的英語老師,非常高興見到你們.請看看這張身份證,她叫瑪麗.布朗,十歲,是你們的新同學.1.Nice to meet you,too.2.What's your phone number?3.Yes,I am.Hello,Bob.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.4.His name's Tony.And what about her?杰克.史密斯是我的叔叔.他是一個英國人.他有一輛白色的小車,車牌號是3058.他媽媽有一輛紅色吉普,車牌號是JA3566.他的父親有一輛綠色吉普,車牌號是JA3567.他有一個叫格林.布朗的好朋友.。