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1. 求《大衛科波菲爾》的好句

a fisherman, who had known me when Emily and I were children, and ever since, whispered my name at the door.'Sir,' said he, with tears starting to his weather-beaten face,which, with his trembling lips, was ashy pale, 'will you come over yonder?' The old remembrance that had been recalled to me, was in his look. I asked him, terror-stricken, leaning on the arm he held out to support me:'Has a body come ashore?' He said, 'Yes.''Do I know it?' I asked then.He answered nothing.But he led me to the shore. And on that part of it where she and I had looked for shells, two children - on that part of it where some lighter fragments of the old boat, blown down last night, had been scattered by the wind - among the ruins of the home he had wronged - I saw him lying with his head upon his arm, as I had often seen him lie at school.'I hope Time,' said I, looking at her, 'will be good to all of us. Dear Mrs. Steerforth, we must all trust to that, in our heaviest misfortunes.' The earnestness of my manner, and the tears in my eyes, alarmed her. The whole course of her thoughts appeared to stop, and change.I tried to command my voice in gently saying his name, but it trembled. She repeated it to herself, two or three times, in a low tone. Then, addressing me, she said, with enforced calmness:'My son is ill.''Very ill.''You have seen him?''I have.''Are you reconciled?' I could not say Yes, I could not say No. She slightly turned her head towards the spot where Rosa Dartle had been standing at her elbow, and in that moment I said, by the motion of my lips, to Rosa, 'Dead!' That Mrs. Steerforth might not be induced to look behind her, and read, plainly written, what she was not yet prepared to know, I met her look quickly; but I had seen Rosa Dartle throw her hands up in the air with vehemence of despair and horror, and then clasp them on her face.The handsome lady - so like, oh so like! - regarded me with a fixed look, and put her hand to her forehead. I besought her to be calm,and prepare herself to bear what I had to tell; but I should rather have entreated her to weep, for she sat like a stone figure.'When I was last here,' I faltered, 'Miss Dartle told me he was sailing here and there. The night before last was a dreadful one at sea. If he were at sea that night, and near a dangerous coast,as it is said he was; and if the vessel that was seen should really be the ship which -''Rosa!' said Mrs. Steerforth, 'come to me!' She came, but with no sympathy or gentleness. Her eyes gleamed like fire as she confronted his mother, and broke into a frightful laugh.'Now,' she said, 'is your pride appeased, you madwoman? Now has he made atonement to you - with his life! Do you hear? - His life!' Mrs. Steerforth, fallen back stiffly in her chair, and making no sound but a moan, cast her eyes upon her with a wide stare.'Aye!' cried Rosa, smiting herself passionately on the breast,'look at me! Moan, and groan, and look at me! Look here!' striking the scar, 'at your dead child's handiwork!' The moan the mother uttered, from time to time, went to My heart. Always the same. Always inarticulate and stifled. Always accompanied with an incapable motion of the head, but with no change of face. Always proceeding from a rigid mouth and closed teeth, as if the jaw were locked and the face frozen up in pain.'Do you remember when he did this?' she proceeded. 'Do you remember when, in his inheritance of your nature, and in your pampering of his pride and passion, he did this, and disfigured me for life? Look at me, marked until I die with his high displeasure; and moan and groan for what you made him!''Miss Dartle,' I entreated her. 'For Heaven's sake -''I WILL speak!' she said, turning on me with her lightning eyes. 'Be silent, you! Look at me, I say, proud mother of a proud, false son! Moan for your nurture of him, moan for your corruption of him,moan for your loss of him, moan for mine!' She clenched her hand, and trembled through her spare, worn figure,as if her passion were killing her by inches.'You, resent his self-will!' she exclaimed. 'You, injured by his haughty temper! You, who opposed to both, when your hair was grey,the qualities which made both when you gave him birth! YOU, who from his cradle reared him to be what he was, and stunted what he should have been! Are you rewarded, now, for your years of trouble?''Oh, Miss Dartle, shame! Oh cruel!''I tell you,' she returned, 'I WILL speak to her. No power on earth should stop me, while I was standing here! Have I been silent all these years, and shall I not speak now? I loved him better than you ever loved him!' turning on her fiercely. 'I could have loved him, and asked no return. If I had been his wife, 。

2. 小說大衛科波菲爾中的經典英文句子有哪些

"Never," said my aunt, "be mean in anything; never be false; never be cruel。

Avoid those three vices, Trot, and I can always be hopeful of you。 "-chapter 15 永遠不要在任何事上卑劣;永遠不要作假;永遠不要殘忍。

A loving heart was better and stronger than wisdom。-Chapter 9 一顆仁愛的心比智慧更好,更有力量。

"David," said Mr。 Murdstone, "to the young this is a world for action; not for moping and droning in。

"-Chapter 10。 對于年輕的人,這個世界是立身創業的地方,不是垂頭喪氣的地方。

Accidents will occur in the best regulated families。 -Mr Micawber to David Copperfield, Chapter 27。

即使家規嚴,丑事總難免。 He is quite a good fellow — nobody's enemy but his own。

-Mr Waterbrook of Tommy Traddles, Chapter 25。 他是一個挺好的家伙-不過他總是自尋苦惱。

3. 大衛科波菲爾英語摘抄

天色開始轉暗了,我關上了窗子(大部分時間里,我都頭倚在窗臺上那麼躺著,哭一陣,睡一陣,茫然地朝外面看一陣),這時鑰匙轉動了,默德斯通小姐拿了一點面包、肉和牛奶進來。她把這些東西放到桌子上,用那典型的堅定神情看看我就出去了,并在身后把門又鎖上。 天黑下來好久了,我還坐在那兒,心想不知還會不會有人來。當看來那晚已無來人的可能性時,我脫衣上了床。在床上,我開始滿懷恐懼地想以后我會遭遇到什麼。我的所為是不是犯罪行為?我會不會被抓起來送進監牢?我到底是不是身陷被絞死的危險中了呢?

情節感想:〈呵呵 我個人的讀后感與體會〉 這段主要講的是小大衛科波菲爾在童年時的悲慘遭遇,那是他的母親體弱多病,又受父親的折磨,連小大衛科波菲爾也受到了殘酷的牽連。讓人為小大衛科波菲爾的悲慘遭遇深感同情,不過不也是這些苦難造就了以后他堅強的性格與不屈不撓的品行,也使我明白苦難讓人成長,也讓人成熟,讓我們更加透徹的對待生活,對待人生。苦難這是多麼大的一筆財富啊!是熱的一生所必不可少的

4. 大衛科波菲爾優美語錄雙語

比較精彩的片段: 天色開始轉暗了,我關上了窗子(大部分時間里,我都頭倚在窗臺上那麼躺著,哭一陣,睡一陣,茫然地朝外面看一陣),這時鑰匙轉動了,默德斯通小姐拿了一點面包、肉和牛奶進來。

她把這些東西放到桌子上,用那典型的堅定神情看看我就出去了,并在身后把門又鎖上。 天黑下來好久了,我還坐在那兒,心想不知還會不會有人來。


我的所為是不是犯罪行為?我會不會被抓起來送進監牢?我到底是不是身陷被絞死的危險中了呢? 情節感想:〈呵呵 我個人的讀后感與體會〉 這段主要講的是小大衛科波菲爾在童年時的悲慘遭遇,那是他的母親體弱多病,又受父親的折磨,連小大衛科波菲爾也受到了殘酷的牽連。讓人為小大衛科波菲爾的悲慘遭遇深感同情,不過不也是這些苦難造就了以后他堅強的性格與不屈不撓的品行,也使我明白苦難讓人成長,也讓人成熟,讓我們更加透徹的對待生活,對待人生。


5. 大衛科波菲爾中的英文名句

"Never," said my aunt, "be mean in anything; never be false; never be cruel. Avoid those three vices, Trot, and I can always be hopeful of you."-chapter 15永遠不要在任何事上卑劣;永遠不要作假;永遠不要殘忍。

A loving heart was better and stronger than wisdom.-Chapter 9一顆仁愛的心比智慧更好,更有力量。"David," said Mr. Murdstone, "to the young this is a world for action; not for moping and droning in."-Chapter 10.對于年輕的人,這個世界是立身創業的地方,不是垂頭喪氣的地方。

Accidents will occur in the best regulated families. -Mr Micawber to David Copperfield, Chapter 27.即使家規嚴,丑事總難免。He is quite a good fellow — nobody's enemy but his own.-Mr Waterbrook of Tommy Traddles, Chapter 25. 他是一個挺好的家伙-不過他總是自尋苦惱。


6. 大衛科波菲爾優美語錄雙語

比較精彩的片段: 天色開始轉暗了,我關上了窗子(大部分時間里,我都頭倚在窗臺上那麼躺著,哭一陣,睡一陣,茫然地朝外面看一陣),這時鑰匙轉動了,默德斯通小姐拿了一點面包、肉和牛奶進來。她把這些東西放到桌子上,用那典型的堅定神情看看我就出去了,并在身后把門又鎖上。 天黑下來好久了,我還坐在那兒,心想不知還會不會有人來。當看來那晚已無來人的可能性時,我脫衣上了床。在床上,我開始滿懷恐懼地想以后我會遭遇到什麼。我的所為是不是犯罪行為?我會不會被抓起來送進監牢?我到底是不是身陷被絞死的危險中了呢?

情節感想:〈呵呵 我個人的讀后感與體會〉 這段主要講的是小大衛科波菲爾在童年時的悲慘遭遇,那是他的母親體弱多病,又受父親的折磨,連小大衛科波菲爾也受到了殘酷的牽連。讓人為小大衛科波菲爾的悲慘遭遇深感同情,不過不也是這些苦難造就了以后他堅強的性格與不屈不撓的品行,也使我明白苦難讓人成長,也讓人成熟,讓我們更加透徹的對待生活,對待人生。苦難這是多麼大的一筆財富啊!是熱的一生所必不可少的

7. 求小說大衛科波菲爾里面的精彩英文原文片段

"Please let me hold the pens",said Dora."I want to have something to do with all those many hours when you are so industrious. May I hold the pens?"

The remenberance of her pretty joy when I said Yes,brings tears to my eyes.The next time I sat down to write,and regularly afterwards,she sat in her old place,with a spare bundle of pens at her side. Her triumph in this connection with my work, and her delight when I wanted a new pen --which I very often deigned to do-- suggested to me a new way of pleasing my child-wife.

8. 大衛科波菲爾的英文短文

David Copperfield (born David Seth Kotkin on September 16, 1956) is an American magician and illusionist best known for his combination of illusions and storytelling.Born in Metuchen, New Jersey as David Seth Kotkin to Russian parents, Hyman and Rebecca , Copperfield began practicing magic at the age of 12, and became the youngest person ever admitted to the Society of American Magicians. By age 16, he was teaching a course in magic at New York University.At age 18, he enrolled at Fordham University, and was cast in the lead role of the Chicago-based musical The Magic Man (directed by Holland, MI's John Tammi) three weeks into his freshman year,[citation needed] adopting his new stage name "David Copperfield" from the Charles Dickens book of the same name. At age 19, he was headlining at the Pagoda Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii.David Copperfield played the character of Ken the magician in the 1980 horror film Terror Train. He also made an uncredited appearance in the 1994 film Prêt-à-Porter. Most of his media appearances have been through television specials and guest spots on television programs. His illusions have included making the Statue of Liberty disappear, flying, levitating over the Grand Canyon, and walking through the Great Wall of China.In 1982, Copperfield founded Project Magic,[5] a rehabilitation program to help disabled patients regain lost or damaged dexterity skills by using sleight-of-hand magic as a method of physical therapy. The program has been accredited by the American Occupational Therapy Association, and is in use in over 1100 hospitals throughout 30 countries worldwide.Copperfield met supermodel, Claudia Schiffer in 1993 at a Berlin celebrity gala when he brought her on stage to participate in a mind reading act. They were engaged three months later, but the couple parted ways in the fall of 1999 never having set a wedding date.[6] Copperfield has also been romantically linked to models, Ambre Frisque and Terry Holladay.[7]David Copperfield at one time was ready to open a theme restaurant called "Magic Underground." There were to be two locations, one in New York City and one in Walt Disney World (built in the shape of a Hidden Mickey). These locations would allow "D.A.V.I.D" (Digital Audio-Video Interface Device) to remotely interact with the guests in the restaurant. It was basically a high tech videophone system. Other things such as the very table you were sitting at might "Float" around the room and even the waiters were to be involved performing magic as they brought your order to you. Eventually the New York project ran into trouble and the Walt Disney World location was aborted.In 1996, Copperfield joined forces with Dean Koontz, Joyce Carol Oates, Ray Bradbury and others for “David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible,” an anthology of original fiction set in the world of magic and illusion. A second volume was later published in 1997, called “David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination.”Forbes Magazine reported that Copperfield earned $57 million in 2003, making him the tenth highest paid celebrity in the world. It also estimated that he made $57 million in 2004 (35th) and $57 million in 2005 (41st) in merchandise and tour revenue.[8] Copperfield performs over 500 shows per year throughout the world 這個也有點長,但你可以適當截取一下,每個時間段說一下概括性的。

9. 求小說大衛科波菲爾里面的精彩英文原文片段

"Please let me hold the pens",said Dora."I want to have something to do with all those many hours when you are so industrious. May I hold the pens?" The remenberance of her pretty joy when I said Yes,brings tears to my eyes.The next time I sat down to write,and regularly afterwards,she sat in her old place,with a spare bundle of pens at her side. Her triumph in this connection with my work, and her delight when I wanted a new pen --which I very often deigned to do-- suggested to me a new way of pleasing my child-wife。

10. 大衛科波菲爾的英文短文

David Copperfield (born David Seth Kotkin on September 16, 1956) is an American magician and illusionist best known for his combination of illusions and storytelling.Born in Metuchen, New Jersey as David Seth Kotkin to Russian parents, Hyman and Rebecca , Copperfield began practicing magic at the age of 12, and became the youngest person ever admitted to the Society of American Magicians. By age 16, he was teaching a course in magic at New York University.At age 18, he enrolled at Fordham University, and was cast in the lead role of the Chicago-based musical The Magic Man (directed by Holland, MI's John Tammi) three weeks into his freshman year,[citation needed] adopting his new stage name "David Copperfield" from the Charles Dickens book of the same name. At age 19, he was headlining at the Pagoda Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii.David Copperfield played the character of Ken the magician in the 1980 horror film Terror Train. He also made an uncredited appearance in the 1994 film Prêt-à-Porter. Most of his media appearances have been through television specials and guest spots on television programs. His illusions have included making the Statue of Liberty disappear, flying, levitating over the Grand Canyon, and walking through the Great Wall of China.In 1982, Copperfield founded Project Magic,[5] a rehabilitation program to help disabled patients regain lost or damaged dexterity skills by using sleight-of-hand magic as a method of physical therapy. The program has been accredited by the American Occupational Therapy Association, and is in use in over 1100 hospitals throughout 30 countries worldwide.Copperfield met supermodel, Claudia Schiffer in 1993 at a Berlin celebrity gala when he brought her on stage to participate in a mind reading act. They were engaged three months later, but the couple parted ways in the fall of 1999 never having set a wedding date.[6] Copperfield has also been romantically linked to models, Ambre Frisque and Terry Holladay.[7]David Copperfield at one time was ready to open a theme restaurant called "Magic Underground." There were to be two locations, one in New York City and one in Walt Disney World (built in the shape of a Hidden Mickey). These locations would allow "D.A.V.I.D" (Digital Audio-Video Interface Device) to remotely interact with the guests in the restaurant. It was basically a high tech videophone system. Other things such as the very table you were sitting at might "Float" around the room and even the waiters were to be involved performing magic as they brought your order to you. Eventually the New York project ran into trouble and the Walt Disney World location was aborted.In 1996, Copperfield joined forces with Dean Koontz, Joyce Carol Oates, Ray Bradbury and others for “David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible,” an anthology of original fiction set in the world of magic and illusion. A second volume was later published in 1997, called “David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination.”Forbes Magazine reported that Copperfield earned $57 million in 2003, making him the tenth highest paid celebrity in the world. It also estimated that he made $57 million in 2004 (35th) and $57 million in 2005 (41st) in merchandise and tour revenue.[8] Copperfield performs over 500 shows per year throughout the world 這個也有點長,但你可以適當截取一下,每個時間段說一下概括性的。