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1. 經典勵志的心靈雞湯英語名言有哪些


People are not born for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but not to beat.人不是為失敗而生的,一個人可以被毀滅,但不能給打敗。We can't eliminate fear, can only control fear.我們無法消除恐懼,只能克制恐懼。

Is god dominate everything, if want to conquer the world, we must first conquer themselves.自己就是主宰一切的上帝,倘若想征服全世界,就得先征服自己。Everything will kill something else, but in a different way.每樣東西都會殺死別的東西,只不過方式不同罷了。

Each person in the world want to suffer setbacks, instead, there are a lot of people in the broken place to grow the most strong.每一個人在世界上都要受挫折,有許多人反而在折斷的地方長得最結實。You run from one place to another place, but you are still you. You can't escape from inside your body.你從一個地方跑到另一個地方,但你還是你。

你沒法從自己的身體里面逃出去。This world is a nice place, worth fighting for.這世界是個好地方,值得我們為之奮斗。

As long as don't kill our difficulties will make us stronger.只要不殺死我們的困難都會使我們更堅強。We have to get used to, standing in the crossroads of life, but there was no traffic lights.我們必須習慣,站在人生的交叉路口,卻沒有紅綠燈的事實。

2. 經典勵志的心靈雞湯英語名言有哪些


People are not born for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but not to beat.


We can't eliminate fear, can only control fear.


Is god dominate everything, if want to conquer the world, we must first conquer themselves.


Everything will kill something else, but in a different way.


Each person in the world want to suffer setbacks, instead, there are a lot of people in the broken place to grow the most strong.


You run from one place to another place, but you are still you. You can't escape from inside your body.


This world is a nice place, worth fighting for.


As long as don't kill our difficulties will make us stronger.


We have to get used to, standing in the crossroads of life, but there was no traffic lights.


3. 學習勵志名言 心靈雞湯 各種能震撼人心的話

♨1 愛是不為過去,不為將來,只為這一刻存在的。

♨2 把事情變復雜很簡單,把事情變簡單很復雜。

♨3 生命不要求我們做最好的,只要求我們做最大的努力

♨4 世間萬事萬物都是輪回的,只有一樣東西不會輪回,那就是痛苦。

♨5 偶爾也要現實和虛偽一點,因為不那樣做的話,很難混。

♨6 如果朋友讓你生氣,那就說明你仍然在意他的友情

♨7 收斂自己的脾氣,偶爾要刻意沉默,因為沖動會做下讓自己無法挽回的事情

♨8 愛父母,因為他們給了你生命,同時也是愛你愛的最無私的人。

♨9 沒有音樂,生合是一種遺憾,沒有愛心,生命是一種多佘

♨10 早晨不起,誤一天的事,幼時不學,誤一生的事

♨11 如果是棵小草,即使在最好的企業里,你也長不成大樹。果真如此,不如歷經風雨,把自己培養成名貴花卉。

♨12 好好的管教你自己,不要管別人。

♨13 怕爹是孝順,怕老婆是愛情。

♨14 快樂要有悲傷作陪,雨過應該就有天晴。如果雨后還是雨,如果憂傷之后還是憂傷.請讓我們從容面對這離別之后的離別。 微笑地去尋找一個不可能出現的你!

4. 心靈雞湯 心靈寄語

Rebuilding aStairway to Heaven重建通往天國的階梯30,我們成了哥們10.Failure?No.To Beth'.The Day We Became Brothers那一日?不.My Own Experience我的親身經歷31,and aLesson to Remember一個必須牢記的教訓35.We NeverTOId Him He Couldn'.Go into the Light走進陽光16.101 Gifts to Give All Year Long終身受甩的101件禮物12.Dear World寄語新世界13.The Golden Crane金色紙鶴14.The Thought Card思想卡21;s First-Grade Teacher寫給貝絲的一年級老師的信6.Rodeo Joe羅迪歐·喬7.All The Good Things寫滿優點的紙單8.Red Jell-O at Dawn黎明時的紅櫻桃果凍9.An Undiscovered Masterpiece等待發現的杰作26.The Healing Power of Love愛的奇效27.The Code of the Road路規28!Just Temporary Setbacks失敗.Consider This勵志錄24.Angel at Work天使在工作251.A Friend orl the Line在線摯友2.Information Piease信息臺17.A Secret Promise Kept秘密的承諾32.The Golden Buddha金佛33.Everyday Heroes平凡英雄34.A Little off the Top.Ask for the Moon and Get it想要月亮.The Seed Jar露奶奶的種子罐23,就去爭取18.Action Hero抗暴英雄19.The Magic Pebbles神奇的石子20,并大力贊賞.The Wisdom of One Word語言的智慧22.The Pitcher老爸投手29;t Do It我們從沒有告訴他有什麼做不到的 36.嘔心瀝血的工作成果能被他人認同,這樣我才有信心繼續下一項任務37.《羅伯定律》有新的詮釋38.身上各種疼痛都消失39.孩子懂得體貼.The Hugging Judge愛的擁抱3.The Circus馬戲票4!只是暫時的挫折11.The Greatest Teacher of My Life我生命中最了不起的老師5.Hi,Cornelius你好!柯南里斯15。

5. 求 一則 英語小故事(稍有點哲理)

A man was going to the house of some rich person. As hewent along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. Hesaid, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give memuch food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the applesand threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The riverhad become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; thenhe said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get overthe river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He beganto want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of thedust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have themat some other time. 【譯文】 一個人正朝著一個富人的房子走去,當他沿著路走時,在路的一邊他發現一箱好貧飲,他說:“我不計劃吃那些貧飲,因為富人會給我更多的食物,他會給我特別好吃的東西。”



不要把好東西扔掉,換個時候你會覺得它們大有效果處。 、Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.Hethink,"This is my breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,"Iknow you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closeshis eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth andcarries him away. The people in the field see the fox.Theycry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to thefox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cockaway.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth angsays,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from thefox and flies into the tree.狐貍和公雞 一天早上,一只狐貍看到了一侄耀雞。

他想:這是我的早餐。 他朝公雞走來,對他說:“我知道,你能唱得很好聽,你能唱給我聽麼?”公雞特別開心。






6. 勵志的心靈雞湯句子有哪些














