
解夢佬 0

1. 英語句子改錯,








After five years away in my hometown, I find that 51. __________

The neighborhood which I used to living in has changed 52.__________

a lot. The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shop 53 .__________

across the street from our middle school were gone. 54.__________

There exist now a park that has a small river running 55.__________

through. The factory at the corner of Friendship Street and 56._________

Zhongshan Road has been moved out of the city, and sports 57. _________

center has been built in their place. The market at the corner of 58._________

Friendship Street and Xinhua Road has been given way to 59. _________

a supermarket. Besides the bookstore next to our middle 60._________

school is still there.

2. 英語句子改錯和句行轉換



1,Mom isn't at home.Please look at(after) your brother.

2,He, is up there in the playhouse and(with) Bill.

3,There are(is) a dog and a cat under the bed.

4,Mike and Jane are(see) a cat under the bed.

5,Let's go and have a look (加上at) the new student.

6,Because Henry is very lazy, so(去掉so) we don't like him.

7,There are four box(boxes) of milk on the table.

8,Look,my kite is up there on(in) the sky.

9,The children(child) undren the tree is not his son.


10,Lily wants to be (a shop assistant).(就括號內部分提問)

(What does)Lily want (to be)?

11,Ben works in a TV station.(改為一般疑問句)

(Does) Ben (work) in a Tv station?

12,I like dogs (because they are friendly and intelligent).(就括號內部分提問)

(Why do) you (like) dogs?

13,work,Sally,to,for,a,magazine,wants (連詞成句)

Sally wants to work for a magazine.

14,He likes to work (in the evenings and at weekends).(就括號內部分提問)

(When does) he (like) to work?

3. 英語句子改錯


2,if和when之間加will,時態時將來時3,were built 改成have been built,in the past few years是現在完成時的時間狀語,類似的還有since,already 等等。4,have改為be,there從不與have連用,there be本身就表示“有……”5,made后加to,be made to表示是被強迫6,are sold改為sell,sell(賣起來),smell(聞起來),wash(洗起來),taste(嘗起來)等等這些表示“……起來”的詞語,不用于被動7,been改為gone,have gone表示“去了……”,have been表示“去過……”8,去掉for,這接回答兩星期就行了9,being改為to be,或者吧being washed改為washing,need doing=need to be done,表示被動的含義,特別注意need doing表示的是被動10,care加of,take care of是固定詞組。
