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1. 白雪公主(英語原著)精彩摘抄

So she kept house for them. Every morning they went into the mountains looking for ore and gold, and in the evening when they came back home their meal had to be ready. During the day the girl was alone. the good dwarfs warned her, saying, "Be careful about your stepmother. She will soon know that you are here. Do not let anyone in." Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow-White's lungs and liver, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all. She stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? It answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her, and that Snow-White was still alive. Then she thought, and thought again, how she could kill Snow-White, for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her envy would give her no rest. At last she thought of something. Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her. In this disguise she went to the house of the seven dwarfs. Knocking on the door she called out, "Beautiful wares for sale, for sale!" Snow-White peered out the window and said, "Good day, dear woman, what do you have for sale?" "Good wares, beautiful wares," she answered. "Bodice laces in all colors." And she took out one that was braided from colorful silk. "Would you like this one?" "I can let that honest woman in," thought Snow-White, then unbolted the door and bought the pretty bodice lace. "Child," said the old woman, "how you look! Come, let me lace you up properly." the unsuspecting Snow-White stood before her and let her do up the new lace, but the old woman pulled so quickly and so hard that Snow-White could not breathe. "You used to be the most beautiful one," said the old woman, and hurried away. Not long afterward, in the evening time, the seven dwarfs came home. How terrified they were when they saw their dear Snow-White lying on the ground, not moving at all, as though she were dead. They lifted her up, and, seeing that she was too tightly laced, they cut the lace in two. Then she began to breathe a little, and little by little she came back to life. When the dwarfs heard what had happened they said, "The old peddler woman was no one else but the godless queen. Take care and let no one in when we are not with you." When the wicked woman returned home she went to her mirror and asked: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? the mirror answered once again: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With the seven dwarfs, Is still a thousand times fairer than you. When she heard that, all her blood ran to her heart because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. "This time," she said, "I shall think of something that will destroy you." then with the art of witchcraft, which she understood, she made a poisoned comb. Then she disguised herself, taking the form of a different old woman. Thus she went across the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door, and called out, "Good wares for sale, for sale!" Snow-White looked out and said, "Go on your way. I am not allowed to let anyone in." "You surely may take a look," said the old woman, pulling out the poisoned comb and holding it up. The child liked it so much that she let herself be deceived, and she opened the door. After they had aGREed on the purchase, the old woman said, "Now let me comb your hair properly." She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White's hair when the poison took effect, and the girl fell down unconscious. "You specimen of beauty," said the wicked woman, "now you are finished." And she walked away. Fortunately it was almost evening, and the seven dwarfs came home. When they saw Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead, they immediately suspected her stepmother. They examined her and found the poisoned comb. They had scarcely pulled it out when Snow-White came to herself again and told them what had happened. Once again they warned her to be on guard and not to open the door for anyone. Back at home the queen stepped before her mirror and said: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who in this land is fairest of all? the mirror answered: You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Snow-White, beyond the mountains With 。

2. 用英文寫幾句關于白雪公主故事的句子

After the queen died , the King married another woman, who was in effective terms a witch. She was so jiealous of the beauty of Princess Snow White that she asked someone to take her life.

But the man was unwilling to do that evil. At last ,he took Snow White to a forest and let her escape.

However, one day ,the witch found that Snow White was still alive.She dressed up as a old grandma and come to the cottage where Snow White lived.She gave her a poisonous apple.Poor Snow White knew nothing about it and ate the apple happily.

Unfortunately ,she fell down because of the apple.The seven dwarfs was sad but put her in a coffin.

It was when holding the funeral that the handsome Prince turned up.He was impressed by the beauty.He came down and kissed Snow White.Then, suepringly,Snow White woke up.

Finally ,they got married and stayed happily with each other.

3. 英文版白雪公主片段

SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔鏡 H-獵人P-白馬王子 D-小矮人 音樂起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn't love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king's palace: ----白雪出場 S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ? 音樂起,皇后、魔鏡出場 Q: I am a queen , I'm very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful ? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you ! Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white . 獵 人 出 場 H: Yes, my queen 音樂起,獵人追趕白雪,公主驚慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please ! 白雪順利脫逃后 S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. 音樂起,7個小矮人出場, D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food---- 2\Somebody drank my water---- 3\Someone is sleeping now---- 4\What a beautiful girl!---- 小矮人睡覺----音樂起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----對話 5\How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you! D:(齊說)Nice to meet you ,too---- 6\ welcome to our house!---- 7\Would you like to live here? S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white. 皇后、魔鏡出場 Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you! Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音樂起,皇后扮演老太太出場,對話 Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma! Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 白雪公主咬一口后倒地 Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha… 小矮人出場、圍著公主哭 Snow white wake up, wake up… 音樂起,小矮人引著王子出場 P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 王子喚醒公主,公主醒了 P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen ! S.w: Thank you for your help ! P: My pleasure !。

4. 白雪公主 英文版臺詞

白雪公主和七個小矮人中英對照劇本音樂起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, 很久以前,在一個美麗的王國 there lived a young king and queen, 有一位年輕的國王和王后 the people loved them so much; 人們都喜愛他們 the queen died while giving birth to a girl, 女王去世時,生下一個女孩 her name was Snow White, 她的名字是白雪公主 She was a beautiful princess. 她是一個美麗的公主 Year passed, 一年過去了 the king got married again, 國王再次結婚 The people didn't love the new queen, 人們不喜歡新的女王 because she was cruel. 因為她非常的殘酷 One day, In the king's palace: 一天,國王的宮殿: ----白雪出場 白雪公主: My name is S.w 我叫白雪公主 I am a beautiful princess 我是一個美麗的公主 I miss my mother so much 我非常想念我的媽媽 Where is my mother? Where is my mother? 我的媽媽在哪 我的媽媽去哪了 ----音樂起,皇后、魔鏡出場 皇 后:I am a queen 我是女王 I'm very beautiful 我很漂亮 Where is Mirror? 魔鏡你在哪? Mirror, Mirror on the wall,魔鏡魔鏡,墻上的魔鏡 who's the most beautiful? 誰是這個世界上最美的女人 魔 鏡: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 白雪公主是這個世界上最美的女人 女 王:Hunter, go kill S.w. “獵人,去把白雪公主殺掉!” ----獵人出場 獵 人:Yes, my queen 是,我的女王。

----音樂起,小動物出場,追趕獵人,公主驚慌出逃 白雪公主:Help me ,help me, please, please 請救救我 請救救我 小 動 物:what's the matter with you? 你怎麼了 白雪公主:The hunter…hunter… 獵人。獵人。

小 動 物:bite you bite you … 咬你咬你。 ----小動物追趕獵人下場 白雪公主:I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house 我又累又餓,哦,這有一個小屋子 I will eat a little and lie down. 我要吃點東西然后休息休息 ----音樂起,7個小矮人出場, 小 矮 人:1/Look, somebody ate my food----:“看,有人吃了我們的東西 2/somebody drank my water---- 喝了我們的水 3/someone is sleeping now---- 而且正在睡覺 4/What a beautiful girl!---- 多麼美麗的姑娘” ----小矮人睡覺----音樂起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----對話 5/How do you do? 你好 白雪公主:How do you do? My name is S.w …你好,我叫白雪公主 Nice to meet you! 見到你很高興 小 矮 人:(齊說)Nice to meet you ,too---- 我們見到你也很高興 6/ welcome to our house!---- 歡迎來到我們的屋子 7/Would you like to live here? 你想住在這里嗎 白雪公主:My pleasure, thank you very much! 我很愿意,非常感謝你們 小 矮 人:Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W 我們該出去工作了,再見白雪公主 ----皇后、魔鏡出場 皇 后: Mirror, mirror on the wall, 魔鏡,墻上的魔鏡 who's the most beautiful? 誰是這個世界上最美的女人 魔 鏡: S.w is much more beautiful than you! 白雪公主比你更漂亮 皇 后: What? S.w is not dead? 什麼?白雪公主還沒死?Hahaha, I got a good idea! 哈哈,我有個好主意! ----音樂起,皇后扮演老太太出場,對話 女 王:Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, 蘋果,蘋果,美麗的蘋果 白雪公主:Hello, Good morning grandma! 早上好,外婆! 女 王:pretty girl ,would you like a bite? 漂亮的姑娘,你想要咬一口嗎?(蘋果) 白雪公主:Oh, yes ,thank you grandma! 哦,好的,謝謝你外婆! ----白雪公主咬一口后倒地 女 王:The girl is dead! Hahaha… 哈哈,她死了,白雪公主死了。

----小矮人出場、圍著公主哭 S.w wake up, wake up… “白雪公主快醒來,快醒來” ----音樂起,動物引著王子出場 白馬王子:A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! 美麗的姑娘!她將成為我的女王! ----王子吻公主,公主醒了 白雪公主:Thank you for your help! 謝謝你們的幫助 白馬王子:My pleasure 我很高興 ----音樂起,小動物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起歡快的舞。

5. 白雪公主的故事英文版(一句中文對應一句英文)

Snow-whiteOnce there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the hunts and on the trees: all things were white with snow. The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white." Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white. But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child. One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman. A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room. Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked: "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass spoke and said: "The Queen is most beautiful of all." Year went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass said, "Snow-white is most beautiful of all." When the Queen heard this, she was very angry. She said, "Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am. There is no one who is more beautiful than I am." Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried. After one hour the Queen went out of her room. She called one of the servants, and said, "Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her." The servant took Snow-white to the forest, but he did not kill her, because she was so beautiful and so good. He said, "I shall not kill you; but do not go to the King's house, because the Queen is angry and she will see you. If the Queen sees you, she will make some other man kill you. Wait here in the forest; some friends will help you." Then he went away. Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried. Then she saw that night was coming. She said, "I will not cry. I will find some house where I can sleep tonight. I cannot wait here: the bears will eat me." She went far into the forest. Then she saw a little hut. She opened the door of the hut, and went in. In the hut she saw seven little beds. There was a table, and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. She ate one of the loaves. Then she said, "I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses. Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds. The hut was the home of seven Little Men. When it was night, the seven Little Men came to the hut. Each Little Man had a big beard, and a little blue coat. Each Little Man came into the hut, and took his little lamp. Then each Little Man sat down, and ate his little loaf, and drank his little glass of water. But one Little Man said, "Someone has eaten my little loaf." And another Little Man said, "Someone has drunk my little glass of water." Then the seven Little Men went to bed, but one Little Man said, "Someone is sleeping on my little bed." All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Men's bed. They said, "She is very beautiful." Snow-white awoke, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed. She was afraid. The Little men said, "Do not be afraid. We are your friends. Tell us how you came here." Snow-white said, "I will tell you." Then she told them her story. They said, "Do not be afraid. Live here with us. But see that the door shut when we are not in the house with you. Do not go out. If you go out, the bad Queen will find you. Then she will know that you are not dead, and will tell someone to kill you." So Snow-white lived in the hut with the seven Little Men. After some days Snow-white went into the garden. One of the Queen's servants was going through the forest, and he saw her. He went and told the Queen, "Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that Snow-white was not dead. The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?" Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. The Queen said, "I have some pretty apples. Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said, "Is it good?" The Queen said, "See, I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side. Then you will know that it is good." Snow-white ate the red side of the apple. When the 。

6. 白雪公主英語作文

白雪公主和七個小矮人 Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White, she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape. One day , the queen dressed up as an old farmther's wife, gave Snow White a poisonous apple. The Snow White ate the poisonous apple, fell into a deep sleep.The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin.By and by, a prince killed Snow White, she woke up. They got married and lived happily。

7. 白雪公主的故事【英文版】要簡短的

Do you know the story of Snow White? Well,she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom!

But a jealous queen wanted to put her in jail to hide her beauty.

So she ran to the forest home of seven little dwarfs

“You're welcome to hide here at our house!”

They all exclaimed.

But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave

Show White an enchanted apple.

She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep.

The little dwarfs cried because they couldn't awaken Snow White

So the dwarfs put her in a glass case and prayed for help.

One day,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss.

Snow White was so happy,and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.

8. 《白雪公主》的英語原版

LITTLE SNOW WHITE Grimm's Fairy Tales. Translated by L.L. Weedon. Illus. by Ada Dennis and E. Stuart Hardy and Others. London: Ernest Nister, [1898], pp. 9-20. Long, long ago, in the winter-time, when the snowflakes were falling like little white feathers from the sky, a beautiful Queen sat beside her window, which was framed in black ebony, and stitched. As she worked, she looked sometimes at the falling snow, and so it happened that she pricked her finger with her needle, so that three drops of blood fell upon the snow. How pretty the red blood looked upon the dazzling white! The Queen said to herself as she saw it, "Ah me! If only I had a dear little child as white as the snow, as rosy as the blood, and with hair as black as the ebony window-frame."Soon afterwards a little daughter came to her, who was white as snow, rosy as the blood, and whose hair was as black as ebony--so she was called "Little Snow-White."But alas! When the little one came, the good Queen dies.A year passed away, and the King took another wife. She was very beautiful, but so proud and haughty that she could not bear to be surpassed in beauty by anyone. She possessed a wonderful mirror which could answer her when she stood before it and said- "Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest of all?" The mirror answered- "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all," and the Queen was contented, because she knew the mirror could speak nothing but the truth. But as time passed on, Little Snow-White grew more and more beautiful, until when she was seven years old, she was as lovely as the bright day, and still more lovely than the Queen herself, so that when the lady one day asked her mirror- "Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest fair of all?" it answered- "O Lady Queen, though fair ye be, Snow-White is fairer far to see." The Queen was horrified, and from that moment envy and pride grew in her heart like rank weeds, until one day she called a huntsman and said "Take the child away into the woods and kill her, for I can no longer bear the sight of her. And when you return bring with you her heart, that I may know you have obeyed my will."The huntsman dared not disobey, so he led Snow-White out into the woods and placed an arrow in his bow to pierce her innocent heart, but the little maid begged him to spare her life, and the child's beauty touched his heart with pity, so that he bade her run away.Then as a young wild boar came rushing by, he killed it, took out its heart, and carried it home to the Queen.Poor little Snow-White was now all alone in the wild wood, and so frightened was she that she trembled at every leaf that rustled. So she began to run, and ran on and on until she came to a little house, where she went in to rest.In the little house everything she saw was tiny, but more dainty and clean than words can tell.Upon a white-covered table stood seven little plates and upon each plate lay a little spoon, besides which there were seven knives and forks and seven little goblets. Against the wall, and side by side, stood seven little beds covered with snow-white sheets.Snow-White was so hungry and thirsty that she took a little food from each of the seven plates, and drank a few drops of wine from each goblet, for she did not wish to take everything away from one. Then, because she was so tired, she crept into one bed after the other, seeking for rest, but one was too long, another too short, and so on, until she came to the seventh, which suited her exactly; so she said her prayers and soon fell fast asleep.When night fell the masters of the little house came home. They were seven dwarfs, who worked with a pick-axe and spade, searching for cooper and gold in the heart of the mountains.They lit their seven candles and then saw that someone had been to visit them. The first said, "Who has been sitting on my chair?"The second said, "Who has been eating from my plate?"The third, "Who has taken a piece of my bread?"The fourth, "Who has taken some of my vegetables?"The fifth, "Who has been using my fork?"The sixth, "Who has been cutting with my knife?"The seventh, "Who has been drinking out of my goblet?"The first looked round and saw that his bed was rumpled, so he said, "Who has been getting into my bed?"Then the others looked round and each one cried, "Someone has been on my bed too?"But the seventh saw little Snow-White lying asleep in his bed, and called the others to come and look at her; and they cried aloud with surprise, and fetched their seven little candles, so that they might see her the better, and they were so pleased with。

9. 《白雪公主》的英語原版

LITTLE SNOW WHITE Grimm's Fairy Tales. Translated by L.L. Weedon. Illus. by Ada Dennis and E. Stuart Hardy and Others. London: Ernest Nister, [1898], pp. 9-20. Long, long ago, in the winter-time, when the snowflakes were falling like little white feathers from the sky, a beautiful Queen sat beside her window, which was framed in black ebony, and stitched. As she worked, she looked sometimes at the falling snow, and so it happened that she pricked her finger with her needle, so that three drops of blood fell upon the snow. How pretty the red blood looked upon the dazzling white!62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333231616566 The Queen said to herself as she saw it, "Ah me! If only I had a dear little child as white as the snow, as rosy as the blood, and with hair as black as the ebony window-frame."Soon afterwards a little daughter came to her, who was white as snow, rosy as the blood, and whose hair was as black as ebony--so she was called "Little Snow-White."But alas! When the little one came, the good Queen dies.A year passed away, and the King took another wife. She was very beautiful, but so proud and haughty that she could not bear to be surpassed in beauty by anyone. She possessed a wonderful mirror which could answer her when she stood before it and said- "Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest of all?" The mirror answered- "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all," and the Queen was contented, because she knew the mirror could speak nothing but the truth. But as time passed on, Little Snow-White grew more and more beautiful, until when she was seven years old, she was as lovely as the bright day, and still more lovely than the Queen herself, so that when the lady one day asked her mirror- "Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest fair of all?" it answered- "O Lady Queen, though fair ye be, Snow-White is fairer far to see." The Queen was horrified, and from that moment envy and pride grew in her heart like rank weeds, until one day she called a huntsman and said "Take the child away into the woods and kill her, for I can no longer bear the sight of her. And when you return bring with you her heart, that I may know you have obeyed my will."The huntsman dared not disobey, so he led Snow-White out into the woods and placed an arrow in his bow to pierce her innocent heart, but the little maid begged him to spare her life, and the child's beauty touched his heart with pity, so that he bade her run away.Then as a young wild boar came rushing by, he killed it, took out its heart, and carried it home to the Queen.Poor little Snow-White was now all alone in the wild wood, and so frightened was she that she trembled at every leaf that rustled. So she began to run, and ran on and on until she came to a little house, where she went in to rest.In the little house everything she saw was tiny, but more dainty and clean than words can tell.Upon a white-covered table stood seven little plates and upon each plate lay a little spoon, besides which there were seven knives and forks and seven little goblets. Against the wall, and side by side, stood seven little beds covered with snow-white sheets.Snow-White was so hungry and thirsty that she took a little food from each of the seven plates, and drank a few drops of wine from each goblet, for she did not wish to take everything away from one. Then, because she was so tired, she crept into one bed after the other, seeking for rest, but one was too long, another too short, and so on, until she came to the seventh, which suited her exactly; so she said her prayers and soon fell fast asleep.When night fell the masters of the little house came home. They were seven dwarfs, who worked with a pick-axe and spade, searching for cooper and gold in the heart of the mountains.They lit their seven candles and then saw that someone had been to visit them. The first said, "Who has been sitting on my chair?"The second said, "Who has been eating from my plate?"The third, "Who has taken a piece of my bread?"The fourth, "Who has taken some of my vegetables?"The fifth, "Who has been using my fork?"The sixth, "Who has been cutting with my knife?"The seventh, "Who has been drinking out of my goblet?"The first looked round and saw that his bed was rumpled, so he said, "Who has been getting into my bed?"Then the others looked round and each one cried, "Someone has been on my bed too?"But the seventh saw little Snow-White lying asleep in his bed, and called the others to come and look at her; and they cried aloud with surprise, and fetched their seven little candles, so 。